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Darius • 9 years ago

Sowell is a national treasure.

cageysea • 9 years ago

Absolutely. Were he interested (and I doubt he is), he should find himself a spot in the next Conservative Presidential administration. This man could do a lot of good given the opportunity. Alas, I fear he has too much common sense to enter into the political arena.

Christopher Dyer • 9 years ago

Perhaps we would be lucky enough to have as at least an advisor to President Cruz or Gowdy.

Guest • 9 years ago
Don • 9 years ago

real tired.

Unhappy American • 9 years ago

The barbarian Muslim are far worse then Blacks.

objectivefactsmatter • 9 years ago

It's about cultural assimilation.

You reject America and eventually America will reject you.

Unhappy American • 9 years ago

Quite true.

Joe Joe • 9 years ago

He's a good academic. Which is to say, a rare one.

objectivefactsmatter • 9 years ago


ojfl • 9 years ago

Yes he is, yes he is.

Unhappy American • 9 years ago

Indeed. As is Walter Williams, "when Mrs. Williams will permit it of course."

Youtube has some excellent clips of Sowell, Milt Friedman and Fox Piven debating. Sowell and Buckley. What a wonderful mind the man has.

objectivefactsmatter • 9 years ago

There is a whole PBS series with Friedman and I believe Sowell sits in on all of the discussion circles.

Let me get that citation for you.




Darius • 9 years ago

I think I have seen just about every one of those videos. LibertyPen is the best channel for that.

Boxlock • 9 years ago

What a beautiful mind, what a beautiful man. I respect him very very much, his intelligence and his honesty.

empiresentry • 9 years ago

No one is going to put a business there, take all their savings, sell their home, borrow money...to throw it away there. In a few years, the residents will be complaining of no access to business and how racist it is no one wants to be there. The town should pack it in.
City of Dallas is trying to get a grocer to open up in South Dallas. No takers.
Finally, the city offered to build the building (several million), will give free rent and PAY a grocer to open up there $70,000 a year.
Yet, when an Ikea or Walmart tries to open up in DC, provide stuff and hire people, the city taxes them to death and demands to set the wages.

4Commencefiring4 • 9 years ago

You may not recall this, but a black Congresswoman actually opposed Wal Mart's plan to open a store in D.C. because it could have led to more shoplifting by black youth, and she didn't want to present them with that tempation. I was stunned. Wish I could find her name. This was a couple years ago now.

KomradCal • 9 years ago

Google is a great thing. :-)


Guest • 9 years ago
empiresentry • 9 years ago

Larry, they still do.
All the grocers and stores hire off duty cops that carry.

Don • 9 years ago

Memphis had that some years back. lots of robbers shot and mostly black. I am not sure why it was stopped, but I have an idea.

The people shot or arrested were black, the good ones that would do anything for anybody - never been in trouble kind.

Mauser • 9 years ago

The Tyrants have a solution to this. Next they blame all of us and call us racist because these people don't have access to the same type of stores, and the stores that still are in this area charge an increased price because of the added risk of doing business in a dangerous area. I read about this in Thomas Sowell's excellent book "Basic Economics". This has been happening for a long time. Then they propose to inflict some type of harm upon us so that everyone is equally miserable.

cageysea • 9 years ago

Sowell, proving once again, why he is nearly always the smartest person in whatever room he happens to be in. How is it that men like Sowell are largely marginalized while men like Al Sharpton enjoy the limelight at the White House? If anyone wants to understand, well, nearly anything about the realities of race relations, intellectual honesty, the hypocrisy of Ivory Tower academics, read Sowell. If ever there was a man cut from the same bolt of cloth as that luminary autodidact and former slave, Fredrick Douglas, it is Sowell.

bongobear • 9 years ago

Sowell is marginalized because he doesn't regurgitate the racist BS that liberals need to keep in the public eye. Sowell doesn't help their cause so he's ignored when he should be listened to.

davathon • 9 years ago

Sowell is obviously right. Liberals really don't care whether something is true or not. Their whole agenda is fake.

Climate Change, The War on Women, etc. It's all made up. Their Gruber minions will repeat whatever their told to repeat. It's creepy really. Ferguson is just the current form of the liberal deception. Saul Alinksy's "Rules for Radicals", which is the blueprint for the modern Democratic Party, was dedicated to Satan. That's not a coincidence.

chuckinva • 9 years ago

Dr. Sowell is one of the clearest thinkers in the world today. It is too bad that the people who listen to him are mostly well-educated white people. African-Americans would say that he is an Uncle Tom.

Read some of Dr. Sowell's books on race and history and you will certain have a clearer picture of their current plight. I recommend "Black Rednecks and Wite Liberals."

cipher6 • 9 years ago

Obama and Holder have poisoned the well for years to come. The good news is that their actions should make it more difficult for Democrats to be elected for a long time. The bad news, they have set race relations back 40 years. Where there was progress, the ground has been plowed and sown with salt.

Sowell has forgotten more wisdom than Obama will ever possess. His book, 'Black Rednecks, White Liberals' is worth reading.

Delta Wild Man • 9 years ago

Anywhere Lawlessness is Rewarded with a Blind Eye, the citizens will feel the Rebuttal of Business and Good Paying Jobs.
Insurance will not allow Small Businesses to Open.
Does anyone believe that a Wal-Mart, Wal-Greens or Starbucks will open any type of branch in Ferguson?
No, By allowing the Looters and Rioters to " Burn The B*tch Down ", the people of Ferguson committed Economic Suicide.

Wmn04Ken07 • 9 years ago

It won't be just Ferguson. The poverty pimps and that includes Obama and Holder, are licking their chops at the thought that their actions will be seen as historic as MLK's in bringing about change for blacks. It will indeed be historic because the rhetoric of a president and an AG has been used to divide, not unite, the country. Their language has served to indict police forces, without proof of wrong doing. Their words and actions have accused ALL of treating one race differently. Never mind the laws of the land.
I would like for Hannity to invite all learned black conservatives to sit on one of his panels and lay out how it came to be that they lifted themselves out of the cycle that so many others find themselves in today. If they share their life stories about how they rose above the race issues to become successful in their lives, then others can as well. I would guess that their names are never mentioned as examples of achievement in black communities.

bongobear • 9 years ago

I wonder what MLK would think of race relations in America today.

Wmn04Ken07 • 9 years ago

He would not recognize those people who have destroyed all of the sacrifices he made.

Billboy89 • 9 years ago

Sowell is the man, like his mentor Milton Friedman. All of his work is awesome, easy to read, and spot on.
One of my favorite you tube videos is of Dr. Sowell testifying to the Senate during the Bork hearings. He is explaining why blacks are hurt by activist courts that push affirmative action. He explains it brilliantly, so that even a complete moron could understand the argument. Then the camera pans over to then Senator Biden, who, after listening to this beautiful pearl of wisdom, can take away only that Dr. Sowell said that there aren't enough qualified blacks to fill the affirmative action quotas at MIT, missing the entire point which was that the government had failed blacks in the first place by not allowing them access to the type of education which would qualify them for entry to MIT and that affirmative action had only set them up to fail.
There are some other great vids of Dr. Sowell dismantling liberal arguments and policies leaving lib panelists tied in knots the way Dr. Friedman used to do so well. Truly a genius, wish we had more like him....

Navyvetew1 • 9 years ago

Agreed 100%

Fritz Pfister • 9 years ago

Obama and Holder have set race relations back 50 years. Charlatans both.

cookiebob • 9 years ago

A country doesn't get over something like this very quickly.

As a kid I read those books put out for kids in the 60s and 70s about the heroes of the Civil Rights movement... I thought those kids my age who desegregated schools were so brave and heroic. I made friends with any and all black kids I could find. I believed.

As I've grown I have struggled to understand the weirdness of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and been disappointed time after time.

At some point I realized that what ever good there once was in the Civil Rights movement is now a big scam that hurts, not helps, the intergration of blacks into the larger society.

After, Obama's election, totally because of race and the aftermath, after the total sham of Trayvon Martin, and now this. This is the worst. This strips away all illusion.

Police profile for a reason. A good reason. They should profile. Taxi drivers should be leary. Very leary.

There are still very good decent people in the black community who deserve to live their lives, might even deserve some kind of leg up. But they can't get it through the lies.
Every word out of the mouths of Black leaders on the left. Every word out of every Demcorat is a lie.

I support the police in whatever they have to do to keep peace, in whatever city or town they have to do it.

I think there will be abuse. I just think it is not worth it to try to stop it at the risk of our entire civil society.

Not just blacks have civil rights. The rest of us deserve to live in a society not run by criminals.

I hope those good people, black people, caught in the middle will find a way out, I suggest joining with the Republicans and leaving the criminals behind... Many white Republicans had to give up on a large part of the white community too. Some people simply cannot learn, black or white.

If blacks continue to be a lump of non-thinking people, the good will have chosen to be lumped in with the criminals, and can expect to be treated as criminals, because their is no way to tell the difference, and every policeman takes his life in his hands just walking down the street in those communities, they are going to make mistakes.

But more often they are going to shoot dead real criminals like Michael Brown. And their is no fault in saving your own life, and protecting the community from thugs like Michael Brown.

KomradCal • 9 years ago

Compare this deeply intelligent, thoughtful man with Congressman Green, who appeared on Megyn Kelley's show last night. Sowell gets it. Green is clueless.

Mr. Sowell is one of very few people I look to as a personal hero. I wish he were a younger man and interested in running for national office.

becket1277 • 9 years ago

Yes - it will affect blacks yet unborn. Who will stay unborn while they continue to be routinely aborted.

FreemenRtrue • 9 years ago

Ferguson is an exemplar of the societal impetus toward self segregation. My foster brother was jumped and beaten by a gang of blacks when he was a teenager. Such things are imbedded in emotional memory and express themselves quite naturally. it is not a matter of hatred or racism, simply prudence.

cageysea • 9 years ago

True that. What is so often cavalierly referred to as 'profiling' is nothing more than good ol' fashioned common sense.

paevo • 9 years ago

They won't even have the convenience store to rob anymore...

cageysea • 9 years ago

All they'll be left with are inconvenience stores!

wboehmer • 9 years ago

All Sowell is doing is stating the obvious, but it needs to be said because, apparently, there are a lot of stupid people out there who can't see the obvious on their own..

4Commencefiring4 • 9 years ago

Black unemployment is in the tank far enough, and now--in Ferguson, anyway--there are even fewer places to work than was true last month because several have been burned out. Smart, Ferguson residents. Real smart--destroy the places where you might have sought a job. Well, ain't no jobs at Auto Zone today. No jobs at the mart, or at diners, or at the cell phone store...you all stopped any potential employment there.

But don't worry--Obama will make sure your numerous benefits--made possible by those of us who work--continue.

Bildo1 • 9 years ago

But of course, the good Dr. is simply one that wandered off the plantation and simply can't be believed. sarc, sarc, sarc, people.

Guest • 9 years ago

And now you know why food deserts exist in inner cities (most inner cities have been looted and burned to the ground with much help from communist agitators).
Tragic and sad that the national guard were withheld when a state of anarchy had been declared by the demonrat governor (the police told to stand down by the racist DOJ civil rights service - whose job is now to stir up race riots if there are not enough of them anymore to keep themselves relevant).
Now that Obama and his government goons burned down the town (with the help of academics and media), he wants a quarter of a billion dollars of graft money to rebuild ray nagin and jesse jackson's jr's corruption nest eggs

Joe Joe • 9 years ago

It's almost as if the left wants to encourage the continued demoralization of the Black community.

Guest • 9 years ago

This would be amusing if it were not so seriously sad.
These policies have deleterious effects that last for decades and longer.
Encouraging the demoralization of the African American community is how they keep them on the democratic plantation.
African Americans are the most loyal component of the demonrat party (as long as you can keep em down).
I would love to see the African American community reject dependency and embrace personal responsibility, but I shall not hold my breath (nor shall I blame whites though i was taught to in so many places)

cageysea • 9 years ago


FreemenRtrue • 9 years ago

If you cannot control pilferage and theft thus to make a profit, you put your stores elsewhere.

Erin Schwartz • 9 years ago

Just increase abortion rate in black communities. Problem solved.