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Tony • 16 years ago

Given the fact that it can be downloaded in a variety of different places - who fucking cares?

Sounds like fake anger aimed at hyping this crap record. Yes, it has some hooks - but it's the same ol' thing - again. He should be grateful people even care enough to play his "leaked" album. I hope his self-important ass goes down in a plane crash.

Ferdy • 16 years ago

He's absolutely right about the nurses, who continue to perpetuate their own image problem by being so insecure.

As to the current issue, I wonder if there was an embargo on the release of the album. Many media people respect embargo dates, though it is not their obligation to do so. If White believed this to be the case, he certainly could be upset that they did not honor the announced embargo, but really, he's not owed that courtesy.

kt • 16 years ago

lizz, for your next item on chicagoist how about you leak it to me and i post it elsewhere? would that be ok with you?

mike • 16 years ago

Has Electra seriously dubbed herself "The Queen of Snark"? Jack should have made fun of her for that. What is she, 14?

Lizz • 16 years ago

kt - fuck yes that's ok with me

steve • 16 years ago

The bigger question is who listens to Q-101. It's sometimes on at the gym when I work out in the morning and I have to say, it's truly AWFUL. I don't understand who the target audience is. Can anybody explain to me why it exists? I start to shake it annoys me so much.

tyler • 16 years ago

Q101's target audience is people who go to gyms in the morning.

dr. b • 16 years ago

his anger is completely justified. she works in the profession and knew full well that she was doing was wrong.

Kyle • 16 years ago

Yeah, I'd say the bigger story here is that Q101 actually played something people would like to hear. Stop the presses!

Dave! • 16 years ago

Please... sounds like he's being a prissy prima donna to me. God forbid his music be praised on a radio station in a major market by a self-professed rabid fan in advance of some arbitrary release date established by a pathetic industry of middle men designed to manufacture hype in an attempt to drive up record sales. F*** him.

anna • 16 years ago

They're available for download everywhere because she played it on her show. Prior to that there were no rips available anywhere with the exception of one song played by a radio station in France.

She knew what she was doing was wrong and against the wishes of the band, but she refuses to take responsibility for her actions. Instead she blames her boss, cries about Jack White, misquotes him, and deletes all of the responses to her post because one idiot used some curse words.

Jeff • 16 years ago

Isn't this the same Jack White who recently said Icky Thump would be released "as soon as corporately possible"?

anna • 16 years ago

It's their work and they have a right to be protective of it. The "arbitrary release date" is when we'll get to hear it as they want it to be heard, not as some crappy radio rip. It was the station's decision to go public with his phone call. If anyone is looking for publicity, it's Electra and her bosses.

Jo • 16 years ago

Didn't Q-101 get into some kind of flap recently over the release of Nine Inch Nails material before the appointed "official" date? The cynic in me thinks that this is just another way to get publicity for the artist, label and radio station.

Elmer Fudd • 16 years ago

Do you really believe this ws true. They faked the Nine Inch Nails leak and I'm sure they are in cahoots with Warner Bros with the White Stripes.

Oh we will play it, pretend you're mad at us and people will blog about the record thus giving you publicity and us as well.

This is the same DJ and radio station who for all three days of last year's Lollapalooza was actually saying The Smashing Pumpkins were re-uniting on Sunday and yet failed to apologize to it's listeners that they were lying.

And several hundred thousand listeners? Is that a fact or was that on the press release from the station?

Sam • 16 years ago

Electra is the most annoying DJ on Q101, I've been unfortunate enough to listen to her in the car while at work. Her and Jack White can both suck it.

On the nurse note, I don't think they are being insecure. While I don't fully agree with the center's critique of the song lyrics, the general portrayal of nurses in popular media is that of incompetent handmaidens. They are educated professionals and should be treated with more respect.

Julene • 16 years ago

I think it depends on how Electra "stumbled across" said cd. If it came across her desk from the label/publicist and they had an embargo date - then she shouldn't get anymore advance CDs from them since she doesn't respect the process, but if it mysteriously appeared ala NIN new album or there was no such date attached to the playing of the CD - then she's fine - not that I want to condone Q101s existence.

BradS • 16 years ago

Get over yourself J.W.

And fix the "shuffle" Q101; I hear the SAME 15 songs EVERY DAY!

Everything is rigged and controlled on high by suits. So who really cares?!

Helloooooooooooooo Nurse!

-Wacko Warner

Tony • 16 years ago

And while you're fixing the shuffle...get rid of the Morning Shits...I mean Fix...they are so obnoxious, then again I don't really listen to Q101 much now that I have an iPod...so continue your drive downward.

Liam • 16 years ago

I think Jack has a right to be upset...but he could have handled the situation more professionally.

It should be pointed out that your article states "Electra kicked out some details on her blog, including the fact that Icky Thump will never mean the same thing to her again." However, her blog doesn't say that at all...rather, she says:

I also still think Jack White is an incredibly talented musician, and I still think the new record is amazing. I just don't think I'll be able to listen to it without feeling like crap for a good long while.

You're just adding to the hysteria with your inaccurate summation of Electra's blog.

anna • 16 years ago

You could also argue that Electra added to the hysteria with her misquote of Jack White. She didn't change it until someone called her on it. It was also her choice to make this public.

funny • 16 years ago

interesting how,they won't air the phone call and no word from White Stripes camp on this at all. Probably because they played the album when they were suppose to and no one noticed so Q101 generated fake hype ala Cartoon Network's street team and those fake light thingys.

Lizz • 16 years ago

I also had the NIN thing in the back of my mind when I decided to post on this, but that's also why I included the bit about the nursing group - it's not entirely implausible that Jack genuinely responded this way.

I have to think that if this were a publicity stunt, there'd be more discussion of it in the music Web 2.0 community.

Feel free, as I know you do, to correct me if I'm wrong.

johnny midnight • 16 years ago


Ryan • 16 years ago

As much love as I have for Jack White's music, I think the guy is a supreme ass at the moment. Its not as if Electra was sitting in the back of Jack's recording sessions with a tape recorder. I mean Christ. If I were Electra, and Q101 at large, I'd tell Jack White to piss off and find another outlet in this city that will give him as much love as they have over the years.

David Cartwright • 16 years ago

Lets not forget a certain Mr Peel (R.I.P) who played most of Elephant before it was released, without much approval of Jacky White. The 'elephant' that is Jack White's power has proved to be an explosive one.

He has full right to be angry at the girl in question but would he have ever given such an earbashing to John Peel? No sir...

As for the album, i'm a fan, i'm a huge huge fan, but then again, if they released sounds of vomiting to the drum beat of Meg, i'd buy it...


David Cartwright • 16 years ago

Lets not forget a certain Mr Peel (R.I.P) who played most of Elephant before it was released, without much approval of Jacky White. The 'elephant' that is Jack White's power has proved to be an explosive one.

He has full right to be angry at the girl in question but would he have ever given such an earbashing to John Peel? No sir...

As for the album, i'm a fan, i'm a huge huge fan, but then again, if they released sounds of vomiting to the drum beat of Meg, i'd buy it...


tankboy • 16 years ago

To clarify, the NIN tracks were leaked by Reznor, it was his label that made a fuss when folks started posting / playing them ... until Reznor told the to back off.

As for Jack White ... the last disc was sent out to reviewers in LP form in order to stop it from leaking, and once a low quality rip hit the 'net, White went ape-shit. So I don't think this is a hoax being perpetrated by Q101 or his label.

And as I told someone earlier today, White comes from the belief (one that isn't that terrible) that albums should be events, sprung upon all fans at the same time, and listened to in the highest fidelity. Is that a notion that is probably already outdated? Yup. But you can't be upset at a a guy who still holds that example that close to his heart when he gets mad about a radio station paying a disc and basically releasing it to the whole world. But, in my opinion, he should be angry at the station, not the DJ.

JodyAnthony • 16 years ago

who cares, both jack white and electra can suck it.

Tony • 16 years ago

LOL @ the person that believes the album wasn't available before it was played on Q101.

Yes it was. it was on SoulSeek and the usual newsgroups prior to Q101 playing it.

"leaked" hahaha.... Yeah, ok.

anna • 16 years ago

If the tracks were that easy to find before yesterday at 2:00 p.m. CST, the impatient faithful would have found them right along with the troll who wishes death on someone he disagrees with. If they were ripped from an album instead of the radio, they wouldn't be griping about the quality. If the station is going to boast about being the first to play the album and no one is going to accept responsibility or apologize, they deserve what's coming to them.

A2 • 16 years ago

Of course White has a right to be angry. Stolen music is still stolen music. Don't get me wrong; I have quite a bit of it myself. But to calll it anything but stolen is just glossing over the situation. The artists, in most cases, produce it with the intent of selling it. The fact that it's become so easy to steal is irrelevant.

Remember when someone leaked Karen O's album?

It's not all intentionally leaked from the record companies, either.

ryan • 16 years ago

The guy is a god damn genuis. Of course he has his quirks. Every time the stripes are remotely near me I drive for the show. This band rocks. They are Jimmy Page's favorite band apparantly. Something to be said about that. Anywho, I downloaded the album. I also pre-ordered it and already bougt tix for two shows. So whatever, they got my money and they deserve it!

TAH • 16 years ago

People should stop listening to corporate radio anyway. WOXY is a much better option.

JodyAnthony • 16 years ago

I'm glad you are all cool enough to express your distaste in a corporation. It's very unique and original. One day I hope to be as hip and in-your-face as you all are.

mike • 16 years ago

Jody, you don't have to be hip to hate what corporate culture has done to radio.

A2 • 16 years ago

Yeah, why is it hip to hate the four record companies and two entertainment conglomerates that dominate music? I'm not hip and I hate them all.

JodyAnthony • 16 years ago

But nobody cares that you hate the radio, thats the thing. You don't have to listen to it. Why hate on something that really has no bearing on your life? Why not put your anger towards something meaningful instead of "oh boo hoo, the radio plays the same songs a lot!"

Guess what, thats how radio has been from the beginning. Get over it.

Harri • 16 years ago

Jack White seems to have some crazy, mad idea that music is some kind of art form or something, I think. He seems to hold the mad, ancient idea that an artist should be able to choose how their work is displayed and presented, instead of having an incomplete, poor-quality copy of it stolen off him and given to thousands of spoiled, impatient internet thieves.

mike • 16 years ago

Jody, anger isn't a zero sum emotion. I can direct my hate at several things at once without breaking a sweat. If everyone followed your lead and decided not to criticize things they didn't like, the wworld wouldn't be nearly as interesting as it is. Some people like to encourage and participate in dialogue about issues; other people like to snipe from the sidelines. You fall into the latter category. That's fine. But the grown ups are having a conversation here.

JodyAnthony • 16 years ago

ok, I'll be like everyone else then:

I hate popular music! I hate the radio! I hate buying cds! I'm still going to buy cds and listen to the radio though. I like to talk about how something is bad and everyone should avoid it, yet I am still not going to change my ways. I'm just going to bitch bitch bitch about trivial bullshit day after day and do nothing to actually change what it is I'm bitching about. I think my bitching will actually change what is played on the radio. Instead of going out and creating my own music and doing things my own way, I'm just going to bitch about things other people enjoy, because obviously if I don't like something, noone else is allowed to like it either.

mike • 16 years ago

Why are you so angry, Jody?

Michelle • 16 years ago

Jack White actually is interested and cares about music and is not just involved in a succesfull money making venture, as for the case of the majority of well paid musicians.

Q101 and all other large radio stations are hacks filled with annoying bobbleheads such as "electra". At least I think that's the case still. everytime I flip it on I want to vomit so I don't listen to very much radio these days.

Music is a body of work for some people, not just a way to get paid. Why is capitalism abhorrent in this field and acceptable in medicine? what a schizophrenic society...

JodyAnthony • 16 years ago

@mike: it's a hobby

joe m500 • 16 years ago


A major media conglomerate doesn't let some afternoon DJ play whatever bootleg cd that he or she wants to.

You have all just fallen prey to a plot to hype the forthcoming CD.

Tyler • 16 years ago

Jody speaks truth. Also, art is something your parents are interested in, we here enjoy rock music. Let's give it 20 years before we start talking about art.

Laura • 16 years ago

"He has full right to be angry at the girl in question but would he have ever given such an earbashing to John Peel? No sir..."

And, had they leaked the new Disturbed album or something, no one would give a shit right now either. There's a difference, no one respects Q101 or Electra whatsoever. . .Would you want your album to be leaked by them. Do you want your first play of it out there to be represented by THEM?

That would be a BIG deal to me. . .and she knew better than to play it. . .There's a release date FOR A REASON. Big ups to JW for calling her up on it, she deserved her verbal backlash, and knew it was coming. . .what she wants people to feel bad for her now? SHE FUCKED UP.

Ferdy • 16 years ago

Does it really matter that much who plays the album the first time? It's not like getting a book review in the New York Times.

I just want to point out again that although embargoes are customary, they are not binding agreements. More and more reporters are choosing not to abide by them. Whether that's right or not can be debated, but Electra was within her rights to do it. She suffered the consequences and Q101 may suffer for it, though.

A2 • 16 years ago

Jody I'm glad you are comfortable having crap shoved down your throat from the four record companies that sell 85 percent of the music in the world.

If that's your attitude, fine, but then never complain about Wal Mart, Hollywood films or substandard TV programming, either.

Enjoy listening to your Fall Out Boy CD on your way home to watch Fear Factor followed by a Jerry Bruckheimer movie.

JodyAnthony • 16 years ago

Sounds good to me, A2! Enjoy your complaining about things but never actually getting off your ass and doing anything.

for the record, I dont care about walmart, hollywood, or television. I actually love tv. I watch futurama and good eats every night. I also love conan obrien. but oh no, he's on NBC and corporations are bad, amirite!?

heres an idea: instead of complaining about things, actually get up and do something about it. Baselessly complaining is never going to change anything. The american way used to be that you actually FIGHT for things you don't like, but not today. Today its just bitch and whine and wait for something to change without actually putting in the god damn effort to actually make a difference. Just like the punk movement, it used to be about helping your brothers for the greater good. Now its about "oh he's a poser" or "i dont like you cause you're a sheep!" or "lets drink beer and knock things over because we are ANARCHISTS and we hate THE MAN!!" or whatever other bitchfest du jour. Who needs to actually do anything when you can just complain about things, right?

(and before you try to be clever and call me out on complaining about people complaining without actually doing anything, don't bother. I'm not the one pointlessly bitching about the radio or the "big bad corporations" here)