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Joe Bob • 10 years ago

`v` is confusing, might want to name it `t`

曹超 • 9 years ago

good,you help me.thanks

WeallwinLife • 8 years ago

Yeah... the single letter t is really so much more helpful than the single letter v.. so much win. Let's use single letter variables across all sorts of complex programs everywhere, such savings and clarity.

Simone • 8 years ago

How can I pass anything or anythingMore in a function?

fiatjaf • 8 years ago

It can't be an array.

Dean • 9 years ago

var b []byte
what should b.(type) be?
I tried "case []uint8" and "case []byte" and neither worked.

Dean • 9 years ago

Sorry, Dean again.
It's var b [8]byte,
turns out it's type is [8]uint8

Drew Wells • 9 years ago

This would print the type of the unhandled types
fmt.Printf("unkown type: %T\n", v)