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Sue • 9 years ago


Concerned • 9 years ago

The young models did a great job on this episode. Congrats!

Sandra Komisar • 9 years ago

WTF! Teddy Ruxpin and Carebears combined!

Gal Friday • 9 years ago

WHAT does this have to do with being the captain of a ship in 1802???

JRM4 • 9 years ago

So sad; it was definitely time to go home. Even the little model did not like it. Personally, I thought the bottom 2 looks should have been hers and Sean's.

me • 9 years ago

this was the stupidest outfits i have seen, i have 2 granddaughters and one one the way and wouldn't put them in this at all, maybe as p.j's but not out in public..ughh

Sarah • 9 years ago

It's about time she finally is out. One of many AWFUL designs.

Sunshine_05 • 9 years ago

Im happy Sandhya was out, She had this know it all attitude which was so annoying, and then she expected everyone to respect her! Its crazy, Im an Indian girl too, i know where she comes from, but her attitude and designs were just crappy. Im surprised she even made this far in the competition

Skooter1121 • 9 years ago

Your candid remarks are refreshing. Considering your viewpoint of a common culture, have you found the comments about her rudeness inappropriate? I made a post here about her arrogance during her critiques that has stirred up some controversy. Your thoughts on this would prove enlightening.

T.K. • 9 years ago

I really wanna say something positive about this look but there were just NONE.... It's the shape and the design that send her home.

Ed • 9 years ago

The model is rockin' it at least.

aca • 9 years ago

At last, the "Craft-Maker" has been sent home - this outfit was the worst in a long line of crafty projects using horrible colors and gimmicks. What on earth was she thinking? bad design, bad color, and no correlation to the doll.

Skooter1121 • 9 years ago

Can I have Tim Gunn speak at my funeral? He has a way of sending someone off that is blissfully spiritual.

Ed • 9 years ago

Tim generally eulogizes sublimely except during his critique. Some comedians need to know better when to be "on." Unfortunately Tim is not always "on" when he examines garments with the judges.

Anabel Mendoza • 9 years ago

I love Sandhya but this was the worst. As the judges said, it looks like babies clothes. She had to go. However, I will want to say that Sandhya was one of the greatest designers of this season. She has a strong point of view and it's very talented. She has her own voice and she is such an inspirational woman. Her designs were obviously the most controversial one, any other designer has so many comments than her in all the challenges. No one will forget her, and she probably will be in the next season of all stars. I know that she will have a bright future in front of her and I hope she will keep her spirit. Way to go Sandyha!

Nao Chronicles • 9 years ago

I must say when I saw this, I kept on thinking shrimp costume. Something very shrimp like about it for me.

aca • 9 years ago

I really laughed at your comment - you are so correct! The Shrimp Costume :)

Ed • 9 years ago

Caroline wants to be a Bubba Gump shrimpin' boat captain?

Gilleyqwyn • 9 years ago

Finally, she's gone! Now we can get out of arts and crafts time. For the record, the models were adorable this week. They all totally sold the designs they wore.

bellaluna220 • 9 years ago

This young woman is a class act all the way. Though this was not my favorite design and at this stage perhaps it is right she was eliminated, she handled herself with dignity and grace. You go girl.

aca • 9 years ago

Not sure how you can say this. She didn't take one ounce of coaching from Tim or the judges the entire season...and that's REALLY what got her sent home...

bellaluna220 • 9 years ago

I think a bad design sent her home. And yes if she listened to Tim , she might still be in the competition. However, she treated everyone with respect, did what she felt called to do and accepted the consequences with grace.

Richard • 9 years ago

Respect? With her comments about being compared to other designers? With her grabbing all the extra money and not sharing? With her butting ahead of Korina at Mood? She claimed she respected the other designers. But, her on-screen presence did not demonstrate that. Maybe it was lost in the editing, but I doubt it.

Curandera99 . • 9 years ago

The comment about not wanting to be referenced to other designers? Or in other words, "we've seen it before" comment that the judge's often make in their critiques? Wanting to be original like many of her competitors have said they want to do? What she said is not only right but what many of her competitors and definitely the judges think. She "asked" people for their money. She didn't bully, didn't strong arm, they could have said no. It was built into the rules. Instead of condemning her for playing by the rules, why are you not criticizing others for not asking. Even the other competitor said, "You go girl!" And she didn't butt ahead of Korina. The employee was cutting Korina's fabric and she asked her to cut her fabric next and told her how much so should could look some more. Again, she asked. Korina could have said the same thing, "I have more I need her to cut" without the ugly face. When she did say that, Sandhya said, "okay" and left. OMG, the horror! Maybe it was in the editing but I saw Korina dislike her from the before the first judging and then hate her when she did well.

Aria Melody • 9 years ago

I am stunned and appalled by all the animosity and hostility that everyone is directing towards Sandhya as a person, NOT as a designer. I understand anyone who doesn't like what she does professionally, but this got so personal... I really am absolutely dumbfounded by how ugly some of these comments are. The editors of this show must be so pleased.

As for her design - I didn't like this one, it really wasn't age appropriate, and I hated the peplum. I had issues with several of her designs, but hardly ever hated them as much as most people apparently did, and quite liked some of them as well. For the most part, I found her designs interesting and refreshing, albeit too "out there" at times. And I will stand by my opinion that her Fashion Week collection is one of the strongest of the whole bunch - personally, it is actually my favourite. It shows that she is in fact a very promising, interesting, capable designer.
I do think, however, that it was fair for her to be eliminated for this outfit, although I wouldn't have objected at all if Emily had been eliminated instead of her. It was clear that one of those two had to go, and it was a mere matter of personal taste who it would be.

I am apparently one of the very few people who liked what little we got to see of Sandhya's personality, and who empathizes with her. As I said somewhere else, I am relieved for her. The treatment she received from the other designers under circumstances that are already very challenging in a very intense enviroment couldn't have been a lot of fun for her. I hope she makes her way.

Mari • 9 years ago

While I didn't necessarily like her aesthetic, I thought her design point of view was strong. As for her personality, why should it be that a contestant absolutely must back down from Tim or Heidi or Nina or zac? Sometimes Nina is downright mean to the bone. Do we want everyone to change their designs just because Tim says so? I think Sandhya just didn't buy into the cliques that form during the show and when you don't fit into a group for whatever reason, you will be a target. She made her own path and I respect her for doing that.

Patch Taylor • 9 years ago

Exactly. And isn't being true to your aesthetic one of their gospels? She discusses feedback like a peer - I don't agree and this is why, but Thanks. I called it behaving like an adult.

LexieG • 9 years ago

I agree. I was also stunned by the treatment of Sandya, especially the catty comments by Amanda and Korina. Maybe if they had spent more time on their work and less time cutting Sandya down, they would have won more.

Sandya's designs were different. They were bright, uplifting and at times whimsical. They reflected her positive nature. I liked Sandya. I think she was a very refreshing personality on the show. She also concerned with women's rights and women being strong and standing up for themselves. She talked about these issues often and it was nice to see someone caring about something other than fashion.

Good luck, Sandya. I know you will succeed.

Ed • 9 years ago

I'm trying to find the personal Sandhya animosity and hostility comments. I haven't finished my search; but it would help if you could point out a few with some key words or something for my CTRL+F find.

Aria Melody • 9 years ago

She has been called rude, (nauseatingly) arrogant, passive aggressive, delusional, annoying... Off the top of my head. There was also someone who got "a good laugh" out of her misery when she was crying at night.

cowboyup • 9 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to so eloquently state my nearly exact thoughts. I have yet to see a more respectful and humble designer on this show. Took me back to the Michael Costello haters.

Momhat • 9 years ago

I think there is a subgroup of people that claim to be offended when somebody strives to behave well and be decent. It just makes them uncomfortable so they lash out.

fashn4ward • 9 years ago

You are not alone.

1stMags • 9 years ago

Although this would be a cute outfit for a girl 3 months to 3 years, it demonstrated little American Girl comprehension. Sandhya knew the story and could have designed a nautical themed outfit which would have wowed us all. Once again, she failed to listen to sound advice.
I was sorry to see that she demonstrated that she heard but couldn't listen to the needs of her customer. There are other ways to make a design your own but totally ignoring the client is not one of them. The final product seemed to be "defensive" although not defensible.

Sandhya would be a fine designer for girls under 4 years old because her whimsy would work well for them. I too think that girls are culturally forced to grow up too fast but making them look like toddlers is not the solution. Especially when the shoulder ties do not bring the top high enough - an odd contradiction.

I know there are many of us who feel that we could not go to her as a client and come out with a product which related to our needs, our character or any of our requests. While we'd expect an interpretation, I don't think that Sandhya learned enough in this contest process (and a good test teaches) that she inspires confidence yet. But I wonder if this experience will be an epiphany for her eventually as there is no question that she has talent.

Vega • 9 years ago

Hmm... The circus flamingo got Sandhya aufed. I'm surprised they cut her, it seemed she could do no wrong for awhile there. I think they saw that she was willing to push boundaries and use color and got overly excited, besides she made for good tv. When that potential never materialized, they finally let her go. (I also feel like last week they put her in the top just to let the audience hear the judges discuss her look, makes for a more interesting judges critique. They have been doing so all season, another example of this was Amanda's jumpsuit because I have no idea how that look ended up in the top either.) I have to say I have been very critical of Sandhya but since I prefer the more nontraditional designers on PR, I was secretly hoping her designs would come around. Sadly, they didn't. Some said she had lots of ideas but as another poster stated it was a shotgun blast of ideas. I thought that was a perfect description. I felt her looks were often random, like she lacked a bigger vision. She simply embellished as she went along. She also lacked taste and refinement, probably because she is too insular. How she interacted with other designers, her inability to take critiques from Tim Gunn, and her condescension to the judges on the runway is an example of this. Until she opens up to criticism, she won't be able to grow as a designer. However, the fact that she continued to defend the baby's circus themed Halloween costume in spite of the judges remarks makes me think she may not be able to.

Curandera99 . • 9 years ago

That's all fine and good except for the fact that it was precisely her "inability to take critique from Tim Gunn" that was helping her win in every other challenge. Tim has hurt designers as well as helped designers even in this episode - see "fringe." His word is not gospel. He even told Sandhya something along the lines that he had not served her well and continue to do what she was doing. As far as her interaction with other designers, from what I saw, they were mean to her. She never said anything against them. She sometimes critiqued their work in camera just like every other designer did. She said once that she didn't want her work to reference other designers. Amanda acted as if that was an insult. I don't think it was. I think that is what many designers want including Amanda. Her designs were indeed quirky and different. And the judges liked it. Korina was downright snotty to her especially with the designer from Miami. And Sandhya left with a lot of dignity and grace, thankful for leaving on one of her designs and not a compromise design and without the arrogance and whining like the girl with the purple hair and the guy with the ponytail.

Sunshine_05 • 9 years ago

I agree, she does not take criticism, despite of the judges saying the dress was inappropriate for the age group, she was like i know what im doing. Only if she was more humble, and accepted Tim's advice, she would still be in.

aca • 9 years ago

I completely agree with you! It was not her designs alone that sent her home, but her inability to take any feedback from Tim or the judges.

Vega • 9 years ago

Honestly, a lot of what she sent down the runway was a joke, or borderline joke, that in previous seasons the judges would have hated. Heidi felt the 20 years in the future dress was comical. All the judges said her outfit last week bordered on being a joke when discussing it without the designers there, (IMO, it didn't even border on it). Tim Gunn isn't always right. However, it's not like Sandhya is so great in her designs that she doesn't need to listen to anybody - she needs to learn to accept constructive criticism. You seemed to not understand what I meant. I didn't say Sandhya was mean but rather lacked some normal interactions with her fellow contestants. She is too in her own head.

Jackie • 9 years ago

Every season there is one designer the judges allow to hang around in order to add a little controversy to the show. This seasons entry was Sandhya. Thank heaven I don't have to look at the same basic design with different dangles any longer.

Skooter1121 • 9 years ago

I don't believe that they kept her around so long for the controversy. The judges, (especially Nina), saw a diamond in the rough, and wanted to give her the opportunity to eventually sparkle. Unfortunately, besides having trouble handling all the pressure, all we had at the end was a lump of coal.

Ron • 9 years ago

Other than the snaps on the back, I actually thought this was beautifully created. I love the color and the techniques here, and it definitely takes a confident kid to rock such a cool outfit.

I love that you present us with unique outfits each week, and even when most people might not "get" your aesthetic, your creations are never safe or boring. I look forward to seeing where your journey goes now that you're free from all the haters still in PR! xx

disqus_LQmjCZP25F • 9 years ago

Her outfit was well made and a completely well thought out design (minus the baby snap back closure) with the exception of the fact that it was more for a toddler than a tween. And there is the rub! It was this disconnect with the challenge that made her seem unbankable for lack of a better way of expressing this. But, she clearly has excellent sewing and design skills and if she can make some adjustments to say, the American esthetic, she will go far as a designer in the U.S. Otherwise, her innate talent will never be fully realized and she will remain in her own world constantly defending her work instead of celebrating it.

Drudge • 9 years ago

Sandhya is delusional.

Ed • 9 years ago

Goes same for die hard fans.

Rooster • 9 years ago

We got a big laugh out of Sandhya's crying and saying "A little compassion would help!" That saying has become a catch phrase around my house for anyone who's trying to squeeze pity out of someone else. Every designer on project runway has bad days, everyone cries and feels frustrated, everyone feels alone and picked-on--what makes her so different? She 's a passive aggressive personality who insinuated the other designers were against her because she's--oh my God!--different! Talent should be the only consideration on this show, and anyone tries to wheedle their way to the finals with histrionics and insinuations should be hot-glued to a piece of felt and have sequins stapled to their mouth.

disqus_LQmjCZP25F • 9 years ago

She just needed a good night's sleep and maybe to get over the PMS depression.

LexieG • 9 years ago

We clearly were not watching the same show. There definitely was animosity against Sandya from the beginning. She had a much more difficult time than just being a designer on the show. However, she says she cries at night, but when morning comes, she is ready to start a new day. She is tough, she will make it with her positive attitude. Her detractors will not make it. Their attitude is so bad, they are bound to fail. It's just a matter of time.

Aria Melody • 9 years ago

"Every designer on project runway has bad days, everyone cries and feels
frustrated, everyone feels alone and picked-on--what makes her so

She didn't say she was different for feeling this way. She just voiced her feelings of being frustrated, feeling alone and picked-on. You said every designer on PR has days like this, so why is it such an offense when it's Sandhya's turn?
By the way, she didn't break down in the work room or on the runway, she didn't make a big scene. She cried alone in her bed at night, and confided in her one room mate. If Emily said nothing about this, then the other designers didn't even know until they saw this on TV. So much for trying to squeeze pity out of anyone.

Rooster • 9 years ago

I agree, that was too harsh.