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Yardman • 10 years ago

We stood by and let things fall apart; that's what happened when we allow thing to fall apart. For example, if you have your nice house and you stop cleaning it. Soon or later you will afraid of your own house. Few things come natural,
the rest you have to work hard for.

What you were enjoying back then, was the hard work
of some very humble people they ensured manners were the order of the day. In later days, we allowed so-called djs and gun-boys to take over and we did not do anything about it. As a result, we are suffering today for our lack of action.

Bukki Marshall • 10 years ago

Too true man,"jancrow bake bammie fe we"

randy • 10 years ago

I cry with you Ed. I am further north than you are and as Christmas approaches the yearning for yaad increases.
The carols playing on the radio brings back memories of my old Jamaica. New clothes, vibes, parties, sorrel with rum, clappers Christmas morning, fee fee, gungo peas and the list goes on.
The effect of the extremely cold and dreary days makes one long for some golden sunshine. The watered down Christmas celebrations here stands out in sharp contrast to our JAMAICAN celebrations which last all December.
I too long for the drive through the Jamaican countryside without fear of someone preying on you.
Visiting friends and sitting on the verandah chatting into the night without looking over ones shoulder.
JAMAICA !!!!!!!

jamessakku • 10 years ago

I still go home every year to my beloved Jamaica. I will be there for grand market night this year, too. The savages will not drive me out of the place where my ancestors bones are buried; plus, I still have a modest house in one of the so-called better neighborhoods of Kingston (St. Andrew really).

Those of us who are of a positive heart, must stand our grounds against those who have nothing to offer but mayhem and disaster. As as aside, too, I keep a little something near me just in case any of these hooligans and progress haters try anything!

Tai-Won-Ohn • 10 years ago

Ed, my heart bleeds along with yours. Aim to have the best Christmas possible where you are, nonetheless.

CArlton Reynolds • 10 years ago

The land of wood and water still remains, but the wood and water are mostly found in the heads of our people! I share your pain....

Ise • 10 years ago

Hear, hear...

tyson360 • 10 years ago

What about Florida,Mr. McKoy? Jamaica is not worse than other places in the world. You, obviously have not been exposed to what is happening around you. just watch the nightly newscast and the constant "breaking news". When I visit the US I feel scared to visit crowded places for fear of who might go beserk and start shooting.

I go anywhere in Ochie or St. Ann's Bay anytime of night without a problem. Right now I have 5 bunches of 13 bananas, ackees, etc on my property. We Jamaicans always seem to blow things out of proportion. Yes, there are problems but nowhere as bad as you make it seem.

Blind-with-eyes-wide-Open • 10 years ago

Simple question; over the last 43 years under which party administration has the most negative, destructive and underdevelopment took place. The JLP or the PNP ??????. Our demise lies within the to that question answer !!!!!!!!.

levensway69 • 10 years ago

We are the fools who keep them in position to destroy our beloved country!!

Roanja • 10 years ago

Yeah, 'simple question'. Emphasis on simple. So what if the blind can't see that leaving the masses behind is negative, destructive underdevelopment? It doesn't mean the country was moving forward when the JLP were recording economic growth while poverty was rising. So what if the blind sees the most drastic reduction ever in poverty during the Patterson era as negative, destructive underdevelopment? The only reality there is that some are blind.

Sean S • 10 years ago

We need to get all these career politicians (Both JLP and PNP) out of office, and put people who holds the country's interest as their priority. Well, that will never happen, so we are doomed to continue in this direction.

Bukki Marshall • 10 years ago

Mek miss Portia Simpson nuh realize seh God a watch him.

rd • 10 years ago

This should be the letter of the day brings back memory

Guest • 10 years ago

I sure as hell would not walk in some parts of Miami day, or night.
So come home, visit friends and family and be careful just as you would do in Miami.

pinnacle • 10 years ago

I would never want to be called a "returned resident." Not in the country where I was born and grew up. Other Jamaicans are called "deportees." We invent ways to differentiate and categorize and box in ourselves. It reminds me of school yard arguments when the girls would say; "mi an yuh ah nuh companion." It seems the only thing that unites us these days is when our athletes win a race. Somehow, Jamaican communities overseas are more united. It is easier to experience the old time Jamaican vibe
among Jamaicans overseas.

Mack • 10 years ago

You got a nice free advertisement for your shop in Florida here. You maybe living in Florida but you still Bro. Anancy Pickney. Yes Sah a so wi stay.