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Support our Cops • 9 years ago

Once again on a serious issue that needs addressing our Politicians are nowhere to be found, I guess there isn't a buck in it.

Jim Jones © • 9 years ago

My view on our politicians hasn't changed much over the years but you seriously have to question what they actually do for us when on such a serious and scandalous issue affecting the core of our emergency services and consequently public safety, they can't even be bothered to do the usual and email a response to the Mercury?

If they don't have a position on something as important as this is, what do they do for their substantial taxpayer funded salaries??

There can be only one answer to explain the across the board political silence on this story.....everything these people have been exposing is 100% TRUE.

David • 9 years ago

What an inspirational story! The fact that James' story has had a positive effect on so many people is a true indication of his courage and strength to help others. What alarms me is that his story has helped a SERVING cop. I wonder how many other cops are serving the state of NSW with the same mental illness?

XCOP • 9 years ago

This bloke deserves recognition, justice and a distinguished medal of valour. Never end the fight James, it pays to be a winner!

Peter • 9 years ago

I wonder if the NSW police would be interested in this confronting issue. By all accounts, if there are serving members of the force suffering in silence and feel suicide is the only way out, there is a serious problem within the system!

Home-girl • 9 years ago

I have to ask why would you stay in a job that takes you to the brink of death? A policeman's job is very difficult we all know what they have to deal with.

Jim Jones © • 9 years ago

Duty is a heavy burden.....combine that with an "if not me then who?" reality then perhaps its more understandable.

Helen • 9 years ago

There needs to be a lot more support for all our emergency service workers. The top brass could start off by providing a completely confidential and independent tel helpline run by former emergency workers. They know the difficulties staff face and can be trained in counselling and giving appropriate advice. All the emergency services have a duty of care towards their staff and they should be made accountable when an officer is found to be suffering from severe stress. No-one should ever be afraid to admit that the job is getting to them without fear of it affecting their job or reputation.

Well done for standing up James. Your courage in speaking out will probably help more people than you will ever know.

Jim Jones © • 9 years ago

We don't look after these fine people even less than our generation of Vet's, and that is our community's disgrace.

fedup • 9 years ago

Keep fighting "old mate"

tinblueline • 9 years ago

Unfortunately it starts at the top, there is no support for the first response troops and the police that go to fatal accidents, murders and suicides, they are told to get on with the job and man up. I see it first hand and there is no support from political circles either side or the top brass and it has been going on for many a year, no wonder they are leaving in droves and taking their own lives. It needs to stop NOW...but support is not forthcoming....keep fighting James..

Joey • 9 years ago

You should be very proud james :-) without these articles and people speaking out we all assume we are alone when sadly the reality is this beast has many faces and does not discriminate.
There are many officers who are still on active duty who are suffering in silence for fear or losing their jobs and everything theyve spent years building . Its not just the income its their dignity their respect their families the sense of worth and their sense of self thats wrapped up in their uniform .... the academy teachers the blues family .... reality teaches the second you can no longer wear that uniform you can no longer lay claim to that family as this illness brings a shame a form of weakness to which you become the long lost brother and if your name is mentioned again its in hushed tones n said with sadness .