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Franklin • 10 years ago

How can people mock Jenny McCarthy, isn't she one of Playboy's greatest scientists?

BigDuke1 • 10 years ago

...who kept abreast of various cutting edge developments to ensure the sustainability of their assets remained in tact...?

rackl3r • 10 years ago

Heh... "abreast"

compcon • 10 years ago

She is an expert on non carbon based life forms - symmetrical ones.

broke • 10 years ago

One of Playboy's greatest skintists.

naedrdmk • 10 years ago

there is a reason vaccinations began. Epidemics that kills thousands of people, especially children. Instead of no vaccine, fight to purify the vaccine to eliminate toxins or change when vaccines are given. My grandson is autistic. I believe, as do his parents, he was that way before he received the vaccinations. My brother died from measles at age 6 in 1966. Given the choice of an autistic son or one who died from measles, I would pick the autistic son.

Beth Belize • 10 years ago

I have fraternal twins, both of them are on the autism spectrum. I know they were that way before their vaccinations. Correlation doesn't equal causation, otherwise you may as well blame the Internet for causing autism since the commercial use of it was in 1995 -- right around the time the numbers started going epidemic. We got help early because we knew what we were looking for.

FACTS • 10 years ago

Big Pharma must hide the damage they have done, please realize this...
therefore, the propaganda is out there and the suppression of evidence
is obvious.. they have reduced the work of 1000's of scientists and
scores of studies to just ONE scientists and ONE study- this is obvious
propaganda.. they have hidden the stories of THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of
people who have witnessed their perfectly normal children regress into
autism, ADD, Tourette's, etc. immediately after vaccines, they have
hidden the fact that billions of dollars have been quietly paid out to
vaccine-injured people, they have hidden the fact that Dr. Salk admitted
to congress that his vaccine CAUSED a polio epidemic, they have hidden
the fact that multiiple studies show that the measles and whooping cough
outbreaks recently have primarily been among fully vaccinated people..
wake up and do your own research! google: 22 studies link autism
vaccines, following vaccinations, non-vaccinated children heatlhier,
vaccine compensation payouts autistic kids, CDC refuses to study
vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated,
RACCOLTA di piu' di 1.000 studi sui DANNI dei VACCINI - 1
Negli USA dal 1988 le vaccinazioni si sono triplicate ed i casi di Autismo sono aumentati del 270 % !!

Rev • 10 years ago

CDC refuses to study the issue? http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines... -- over a dozen studies in medical journals by the CDC proving that vaccines have no causal link with autism. http://jpeds.com/webfiles/i... - 2013 report by the IOM confirming no causal link. This after their definitive study in 2004, that some people just refuse to believe.

SLRZ • 10 years ago

Wow i assume you did your research <<< Sarcasm ... THE OUTBREAKS ARE STARTED BY UNVAXED PPL "FACTS" seems you have NONE >>>..." Many of the measles outbreaks here in the U.S. originate after an unvaccinated individual has traveled abroad and contracted the disease there. Then, when they return to this country, they can spread measles among pockets of other unvaccinated people. " ...

Guest • 10 years ago
JE • 10 years ago

Besides, not everyone is able to vaccinate their children even though they wish they could. I have a friend whos 18 month old had a liver transplant and is on immune suppressants to prevent rejection. An amazing kid who deserves to be protected by the rest of society, not foolishly put at risk by an ignorant few.

PJ Dew • 10 years ago

Your unvaxxed disease vector is a danger to those who are too young to be vaxxed, have compromised immune systems, cannot be vaxxed for LEGITIMATE medical reasons, the elderly, etc. I hope when one of your disease vectors infects a cancer patient, that they sue you until you are digging a hole to live in.

Freya • 10 years ago

We are all vaccinated. I only support the ability to choose what is best for your child. Thank GOD my son had the ability to clear the mercury, aluminum, phenol, MSG, etc Not all children are as fortuneate.

SDawn • 10 years ago

Because certain vaccines are not administered until children are of a certain age. For example, my baby girl is not given the MMR vaccine until she's 12 months old. This means that unvaccinated children, who may get one of these easily preventable childhood diseases, can endanger those who are too young to even receive the vaccine yet. It's extremely selfish to compromise the health of those too young or immune compromised over a bogus study by one greedy doctor looking for notoriety and kickbacks! People need to use their brains, rather than relying on the meager one Jenny McCarthy totes around.

Guest • 10 years ago
SDawn • 10 years ago

Freya...I think you need to lie down before you hurt yourself with all this "thinking". I have no theory, I have a simple FACT...anybody unvaccinated who catches one of these diseases is a huge risk to the young and those with immunity issues who are not even able to get the vaccination. Period. Anti-vaxers are the epitome of selfish. I need only look at my own grandmother, who suffered with polio as a little girl, spending a year of her life in the hospital, and still, to this day, lives in severe pain thanks to the twisting of the muscles in her leg, to know that vaccinating children makes sense. She would have given anything to have the option of a vaccine available at that time. All you fools, with your conspiracy theories and tainted medical studies, continue to play Russian roulette with the lives of others thanks to your lack of diligence and blatant disregard for what 99.9999% of the medical community agrees upon: vaccinations save lives.

ShellHawk • 10 years ago

*face palm*
Tea-party, are we?

mrbuddhafreak • 10 years ago

Likely from the loony left.

The right wing loons against vaccination are almost entirely among the hyper-religious, the Big Pharma folks, from the left.

Guest • 10 years ago

Oh please...

ST • 10 years ago

Are you kidding??? You are telling the general public to use Google to "do their research." That is why the anti-vax group has gained the steam they have! You people don't follow science, medicine or immunologic experts who do the actual scientific research...you go to google and learn about the latest greatest conspiracy that someone who is into pseudoscience or has no science background at all has a belief about, most likely because their article is easier to read and understand because when you don't have a background in science it makes sense. Maybe we should all get on Google to learn how to fly an airliner and tell our pilot just what to do the next time we board the plane. That is how much sense it makes to do your research on Google when it comes to vaccines. If you want to learn about the immune system and how vaccines work get your PhD in immunology...then give your two cents! Otherwise, stop trying to give the general public medical advice when you have no idea what the hell you are talking about!

sauce for the goose • 10 years ago
Guest • 10 years ago
mrbuddhafreak • 10 years ago

Are you surprised?

Check his history. He floats from media outlet to media outlet shilling his stupidity.

Guest • 10 years ago
JE • 10 years ago

Your logic is terrible. I won't call it stupid because it is clear you have no medical training and are ignorant. I encourage you to try and access some medical textbooks and journals. In terms of your question, why un-vaxed kids are a threat to my vaccinated kids, here's the answer: Because not all the diseases have been completely eliminated, and persist because some people aren't sensible and don't vax their kids. Because no vaccine is 100% effective, so we rely on high vax rates for "heard immunity". Because if enough vaccinated children are infected, by way of un-vaxed kids (which are 23 more times likely to catch whooping cough and 35 times more likely to catch measles) some of them will catch the disease and die, and many will suffer permanent disability, and this is directly the fault of the anti-vax movement. I am a scientist at an Ivy League school and I have dedicated my life to solving serious medical problems of society (brain and breast cancer). Why are you creating more problems unnecessarily while I'm working so hard to save lives?!

PJ Dew • 10 years ago

Freya, we're talking about kids that are too young to be vaxxed, the elderly, people with cancer, people on immunosuppressants, people with legitimate medical reasons that they cannot be vaxxed. Stop being so selfish. It's not just about your unvaxxed kid being a danger to vaxxed kids. It's about the people at risk.

Freya • 10 years ago

My son IS FULLY VACCINATED!! Quit assuming stuff, you're not good at it.

SDawn • 10 years ago

No...but they can harm children who are TOO YOUNG to have the vaccine yet. Honestly, you sound so foolish.

Guest • 10 years ago
JE • 10 years ago

Stop trolling online forums and get another hobby!

Guest • 10 years ago

Look into antibiotics. They revolutionized medicine but are nearing the end of their efficacy.

Pinocchio • 10 years ago

The issue here is whether or not people should be vaccinated. The use of antibiotics is not relevant.

Charlie-cat • 10 years ago

On the contrary, antibiotics are very relevant. They are becoming less and less effective which makes vaccinations more critical now than ever. We are ill-equipped to be fighting unnecessary epidemics of preventable diseases.

Rob Foley • 10 years ago

Vacinations are for viruses, for which antibiotics do nothing

Shelly Miles • 10 years ago

Not all immunizations are against viruses. The pneumococcal, the meningococcal and the HIB vaccines are all to protect against bacterial disease. Also, once a viral infection overcomes the immune system, it leaves the door open for opportunistic bacterial infections (i.e. cellulitis contracted during chickenpox infection). Therefore, I agree that antibiotics are relevant in a discussion regarding vaccines.

From: a nurse who vaccinates

martin in toronto • 10 years ago

Thanks for these details and explanation.

Charlie-cat • 10 years ago

A population weakened by preventable diseases, whether caused by viruses or bacteria, is prone to many other infectious diseases against which antibiotics do work -- at least, for now. So vaccinations are necessary now more than ever as the effectiveness of our antibiotics decreases.

s fr • 10 years ago

Science is constantly learning where it went wrong.
All of the results are relevant

Guest • 10 years ago
s fr • 10 years ago


This article shows that doctors and scientists have just learned that narcolepsy is an immune response.
The conclusion has changed after poisoning 1000s of children for a result.
Science is not perfect. Neither are people.
Care should always be taken and choice should be a patients first right.

Morgan • 10 years ago

Your straw man arguments reek of ignorance.

All4U • 10 years ago

Unless that patient is too young to speak for himself. Your child should
not be a pawn in your political stand against vaccinations. Why should
you and your choice put a population at risk to prove your point -
which incidentally is turning out to back science.
S fr - you're
right - all the results are relevant. Antibiotics aren't failing
because they were wrong, they fail because of overuse and misuse -
another lesson to learn.

Brad Bill • 10 years ago

No it shouldn't. Because sometimes patients are fools.

Wolfgang Von Unterstein • 10 years ago

Especially people when there is profit to be made and enablers in power to make sure the rules can be bent or not observed at all.

Guest • 10 years ago
s fr • 10 years ago

1% that science had no idea would be affected.

We can only wait to see wait happens the next time there is a mass epidemic/ vaccination with powerful adjuvants and little to no human testing. The numbers can easily grow with a more prevalent unknown autoimmune response.
Flu vaccines are redeveloped every year.
Just wait until they bring out the new bird flu vaccine.

TJRadcliffe • 10 years ago

"1% that science had no idea would be affected."

And you did? If so, how? Was it by systematic observation, controlled experiment or Bayesian inference? If it was, you were doing science. If it was not, you were not doing anything that produces knowledge.

Three hundred years of scientific history have taught us that "it just seems to make sense to me" does not produce knowledge. It produces ignorance, prejudice and misery.

There is only one way of knowing: the discipline of publicly testing ideas by systematic observation, controlled experiment and Bayesian inference. Everything else is wishful thinking at best, arrogant ignorance at worst.

mrbuddhafreak • 10 years ago

Somehow his math skills have equated 1 in 55,000 to be the same as 1%.

Guest • 10 years ago