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disqus_FSfEXu6E9D • 9 years ago

The man who won the Presidency by aggressively going after Bush's idea of going to war now goes to war.

The scary thing is he will mismanage it.

rfrapal • 9 years ago

The one CONSTANT in all of this is Obama's ineptness and his UNIQUE ability to bungle and mismanage.

Clive_G • 9 years ago

And to lie about it before, during, and after.

The Redhawk • 9 years ago

and then DO nothing but Blame somebody else for his UTTER Faiures

Gabby Chen • 9 years ago

Obama isn't capable of swatting a fly by alone destroying the ISIS...Look at Obama's polling on foreign policy...He's about as low as he can go.

His threats are meaningless...he is meaningless and his presidency is that of a massive failure.

I wanted President Obama to be successful. I even voted for him the first time he ran. However, he is so incredibly weak, and empty. He has screwed up all the huge gains in Iraq. He caused the biggest immigration crisis in our history.

Obama has destroyed our economy. Everybody I know is underemployed. I have no hope of making more money in the near future. My expenses keep rising. My health insurance is up to $400/month. Before the govt touched it, it was around $200/month. My car insurance, which is still private enterprise, is thankfully only $25/month (from Insurance Panda). Please, President Obama! Don’t try to socialize car insurance too!

He turned victory in Iraq into the mess we see now. He is doing the same thing in Afghanistan.

I rooted for him. I am saddened by the non-stop lies and spin. I am saddened by the disaster that his Presidency has been. I wanted him to be the best President in our history, for so many reasons. He has likely been our worst.

Shock and Awe to Obama...is having tea & crumpets with the very muslin brothers Obama is trying so hard to protect.

Me Her • 9 years ago

"Obama has destroyed our economy"

He told us he would do this in 2008 and you still voted for him.

The Redhawk • 9 years ago


aubs quarcoo • 9 years ago

we had a GDP of -8.9 when he took office? How did he destroy our economy? Can you please educate me on how he did that?

mojitomom • 9 years ago

Ask the 92 million Americans who can't get a job or the 45 million Americans on Food Stamps.

The Redhawk • 9 years ago

oh it is JUST somebody Else's Fault just ask ODUMBO! GOLFING takes all of his PRIORITIES...

JSC005 • 9 years ago

There will always be Americans on Food stamps. We will always have poor people. If Romney was President, there would be less people on Food stamps and more people that are just hungry without food stamps.

Conservative • 9 years ago

Unfortunately half of the Americans who are not working and half of those on Food Stamps or other government support really don't want to work. They are satisfied with the handouts and will continue to vote for their way of life. They have no ambition or desire to better themselves, their families or their lives.

aubs quarcoo • 9 years ago

Are you one of them?

mojitomom • 9 years ago

No, just an American appalled at the $17 trillion debt we heaped on our kids with a failed recovery to show for it. Federal spending averaged 22.8 percent of GDP during the president’s
first five years — well above its 20.5 percent average over the previous
40 years — and debt held by the public more than doubled from $5.8
trillion to $12 trillion between 2008 and 2013.

If, over the next three years, the economy equals Mr. Obama’s best
showing of 2.8 percent in 2012, his eight-year real growth average will
still be just slightly better than 1.8 percent.

Nationally, our GDP, general economy, balance of trade and other
economic indicators are exhibiting abysmal records. Our workforce is
changing and our education system is no longer the envy of the world.
Our health system reels under change and chaos. Our venerated veterans’
health services are in a shambles and the IRS is fraught with scandal. Our borders and our
immigration policies are languishing, with the borders becoming
dangerous. The flow of illegal aliens is challenging our national
resources and ability to absorb so many children. It’s not an especially
bright future for those who seek better education, safety and

Conservative • 9 years ago

Executive Orders, wars against men & women, blacks & whites, blacks & Hispanics.

How about all the bailouts for all his billionaire donators? The auto bailouts, the companies manufacturing solar panels which just crashed and then destroyed all those panels they spent millions manufacturing, the cars that were supposed to run without gas, destroying our health care system which destroyed employer heath insurance resulting in exorbitant extra cost, premiums and deductibles for services people did not need or want.

The world and the U.S. is more in danger than it has ever been before. Dissatisfied Americans who are looking for some values to embrace are joining ISIS.

I could go on but you are so entrenched in Obamaism that nothing anyone said would cause you to open your mind to truth.

aubs quarcoo • 9 years ago

and Bush fixed our economy right?

War_Machine2 • 9 years ago

The economy was severely damaged during the Bush years thanks to the housing bubble created by socialist policies that basically gave people with poor/no credit the "right" to buy a home. When the housing bubble was finally recognized the Bush administration was prevented from taking official action due to Senate Bill 190 of the 109 Congress never being allowed a full Senate vote, even though it was passed out of committee on a 13-9 vote along party lines (13 Republicans voted "Yes" and 9 Democrats voted "No"), because doing so would have prevented Congress' home ownership goals being realized, the very goals that created the crisis. History is not a leftist’s friend it seems.

Obama didn't start the slow death of our economy but his
economic policies (huge/ineffective stimulus, green energy, war on coal, opposition to the Keystone Pipeline, extremely low GDP, unemployment numbers, etc.) have pretty much been the stake in the heart of our prosperity.

The Redhawk • 9 years ago

His Polls are LOWER Today than they were Yesterday... The Only BUMP' he got is DOWNWARD and he is DONE!

laurie66bay • 9 years ago

Another possibility. Obama gets distracted by some shiny objects and checks out and goes on a golfing holiday while our boys are dying and everyone has to wait for decisions he wont allow anyone else to make, while he dithers, plays golf and refuses to make a decision. Actually, not a possibility, more like an eventuality.

Conservative • 9 years ago

What more can the people expect from a narcissist who cares about nothing but himself and will lie, cheat, steal and kill to deceive the vulnerable.

useyourhead2 • 9 years ago

Oh Gabby, to admit you voted for this awful President……..

Anytime a politician won't "come clean" with his records, be they school, birth, income, or another, and especially if the politician is a Democrat, you need to do one of two things on election day: 1. Vote for the Opponent, or 2. Stay home and not vote at all.

While you seem to have finally seen the light, hopefully you will join what is shaping up to be a Moral Majority motivated to deliver to the Democrats "The Mother of All Midterm Thumpings." Just remember that a vote for ANY Democrat, is a vote for the Golfer-in-Chief; we need a Veto Proof Congress to reign in Obama's terror and destruction on our Country and we hope we can count on you to make sure that Harry Reid becomes the new "Minority Leader" and control of the Senate is wrested from his evil hands.

It makes me sick to my stomach that this Country could elect such a vacuous empty suit to command our military and so hates our Country and our Constitution. Watching him last night had me knowing that a "Cardboard Cut Out" has more integrity, honesty, and would be better suited for President. We can only hope his reign will end with a resignation or impeachment so that we don't have to endure two more years with this Joker.

Vince Foster • 9 years ago

Insurance troll is obvious troll...

Conservative • 9 years ago

I'm sorry for what Obama has done to you but I admire you for recognizing what it was to support him. He fooled a lot people but you were one who wised up. Congratulations for recognizing his fraud.

inyouri • 9 years ago

He is capable of swatting a fly. Somebody call PETA.


Conservative • 9 years ago

Great, a war against flys.l He is a pathetic species of a human being.

bluesky • 9 years ago

Lying is all he is qualified for.

Umina • 9 years ago

And under oath.

SAM ADAMS • 9 years ago

#4 on the list has already come true on 9/11! Turkey said it's officially out!

Conservative • 9 years ago

Surely you don't believe the truth could ever come from that corrupt, narcissistic mind or heart. He cares nothing about the U.S., it's value or it's citizens.

It grieves me that so many care about nothing but getting some trinket from the Democrats who are doing nothing but using them to retain their own power and bank accounts. They just don't care about the Country and cannot realize how they are being used and abused.

dinkerduo • 9 years ago

And that they WILL go right along with the rest of us to the FEMA camps--IF it gets that far!

The Redhawk • 9 years ago

and his Memoirs.. other than 2000 Pages of Blank papers regarding his Accomplishment

Guest • 9 years ago

And blame some underling for the failure....

dinkerduo • 9 years ago

I bet ole Chucky Hagel about died when Obozo blamed the pullout from Iraq WITHOUT a residual force ON HIM!
Chucky looked up and WHAT--WHO-ME? OH--OK!

David Harrison • 9 years ago

What are you talking about, everything is going as planned.

Guest • 9 years ago

Sadly, this may be true.

kerry148 • 9 years ago

yeah, sure for Obama and his unscrupulous media.

Guest • 9 years ago

Is my take. Their constituents are largely stupid, but I'm afraid that what exists at the top is much deeper than Obama, and not at all stupid

The_MaD_HaCkER • 9 years ago

Who's plan?

VickyBevis • 9 years ago

Well, when you don't really have any experience or skills, what else can be expected? Frankly, I've been waiting for this since his first term.

Guest • 9 years ago
VickyBevis • 9 years ago

So do I, but mine's ACQUIRED-LOL

koedo • 9 years ago

Obama is the Tony Romo of Presidents. He looks good initially but you can be certain he'll fail at the end.

Guest • 9 years ago
Knowsbettah • 9 years ago

It was wrecked before that by his genetics. Communist mom and babydaddy doomed him from conception. If ONLY his mom had believed in a bortion as much as he does.

Lamarr01 • 9 years ago

Obama's handlers got Obama elected because he is persuasive, controllable, and totally inept. The best way to get something to fail is to put someone incompetent in charge.

The Muslim power brokers wanting a unified Sunni middle east. Obama's actions have facilitated this objective by the following:

1) Removal of US troops from Iraq without leaving a residual force.
2) Announcing the schedule of withdrawal from Afghanistan.
3) Supporting the "Arab Spring" with social media propaganda.
4) Supporting the Egyptian military with new weapons.
5) Providing air cover for the rebels in Libya.
6) Facilitated the "moderate" rebels in Syria with arms and training.
7) Signed a $10 billion arms deal with Qatar.
8) Made no attempt to stopped the flow of funds from allies in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait in the rebels in Iraq.
9) Wants congress to give funds to Syrian "moderates" that will eventually flow to ISIS.
10) Refused any support to Israel and appointed Samantha Powers to ambassador to the UN who is insistent on opposing Israel and supporting Palestine.
11)Populated the executive branch with Muslim sympathizers:
Jeh Johnson -- Director of Homeland Security
John Brennan -- Director of the CIA
Eric Holder -- Attorney General
Valerie Jarrett -- Obama's chief puppeteer.

In a few years Obama will be recognized as a traitor but this won't happen until the Leftist apologists have a another demigod to worship and shower their love and devotion upon.

lichau • 9 years ago

IN a few years,every town will have a BHO Blvd; a BHO elementary school, a BHO civic center.

We may well have a new national holiday-- BHO day.

dinkerduo • 9 years ago

Populated the exe. branch with friends--friends of friends--spouses of whoever (Samantha Powers is ole Cass Sunsteins wife--Killary's right hand woman Huma is ole Weenie's wife--Jay Carney's wife is a news person at ABC (?) and on and on! All of these woman DON'T use their married name so it's harder to spot them! John Brennan-CIA head--converted to Islam--why--to get to be head of the CIA, perhaps?
Val Jar runs the show--guided everyone around her and pushed to get him elected as she was born in Iran--I know her parents were stationed there but still--who are her parents anyway--but she is running the show for George Soros and that basically says it all! He only became a citizen of the U. S. so he could ruin it! Obozo--being a Muslim--always was--always will be--is naturally for the Caliphate!
He promised THEM America for eventually being king of the world!

THEFREDFONG • 9 years ago

I hope this ends up as good as the Obamacare plan...what could possibly go wrong?

Jay Scoggins • 9 years ago

Not unique. Recall Johnson and Carter

VickyBevis • 9 years ago

Yes! But some of us knew what mendacious jerks they were.

Can you ever imagine a President saying: "I've lusted in my heart?" Fine! So has almost every man alive, but for heaven's sake, YOU DON'T SAY IT WHILE COMMANDING THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

The Iranians had him figured out the same as Putin, et. al. does B.O.