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Conservativevalues2 • 9 years ago

Teanuts unite!!! Teanuts unite!!! Teanuts unite!!! Teanuts unite!!! Teanuts unite!!! Teanuts unite!!!

Constitution!!! Constitution!!! Constitution!!! Constitution!!!

No government!! No government!!! No government!! No government!!!

Militias and guns!!! Militias and guns!!! Militias and guns!!!

roma8989 • 9 years ago
The Tea Party Is Still The Future Of The GOP....

this is music to the Dems' ears..... please proceed with your tea party, guys.... lol..

Guest • 9 years ago
Alfred Juenemann • 9 years ago

Some of us remember the Republican President Reagan's admin funding and providing military arms to fundamentalist Islamics (remember Afghanistan and Iran?) And funding and supporting the Contras . His admin also sold millions of tons of wheat to the "evil empire" of the Soviets and supported Saddam Hussein.
Are you accusing the Democrats of being this generation's equivalent of the conservative Republicans of 30 years ago?

elder • 9 years ago

Let's not forget giving the Iranian backed terrorists the Islamic jihad a pass after they killed 241 marines by blowing up their barracks.

angelfire • 9 years ago

I have not forgotten but the Republicans NEVER speak of it. They remember everything Clinton did but don't remember the trading of arms to Iran for hostages by this Reagan traitor and Olie North. They are no better than Cheney. The Republicans have always idolized these thug types.

Guest • 9 years ago
Guest • 9 years ago
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Rev.DeltaAlphaNovember • 9 years ago

Walking on the constitution is righteous? Taking away the freedom of expression by thuggery from the IRS is righteous? Spying on Americans via the NSA is righteous? Sending weapons south of the Mexican boarder to the cartel of whom used to kill many Mexican people and our own is righteous. Supporting the killing of the most innocent in the womb is righteous? Taking away religious freedoms to Christians but then supporting the Muslim faith and labeling islamaphobes to those who do not agree is righteous? Trapping people in the plantation of government subsidies in order to keep them voting Democrat is righteous? Opening up the book of Marx and implementing it when it has always proven to be an evil failure is righteous? Flooding our boarders with all kinds and using children for political points is righteous? what planet are you from?

Sounds like you studied in a Taliban camp or Al Qaeda or worst ISIS camp.

God giving freedom opposing collective statism is righteous. Promoting self governance and individualism is righteous and both parties have fault in promoting the massive socialism try on our great country. Bowing to God not to a political party or leaders and repenting is righteous.

Guest • 9 years ago
Rev.DeltaAlphaNovember • 9 years ago

Thank you. We need to unite on things we do agree on. Thing we don't let us agree to disagree and I respect your right to view it in a different light.

teller123 • 9 years ago

I have not forgotten. I speak out about the crimes of the GOP every damn day. The point is we do have another option and that option is to get rid of both the GOP and the Democrats. These two parties are corrupt period. Things are not getting better here and they never will again as long as these two gangs have a stranglehold on this nation. How about you just go to a Tea Party meeting, rally whatever and see what they have to say. The media lies, the government lies so how about you taking the time to go see for yourself? We are not wanting to segregate people-what a load BS. You tell me where you personally have seen this? Tell me what you saw, heard or what actions the Tea Party has taken that proves that statement? How can average Americans be this stupid when the country is crumbling around them? And I have even heard Dems and Reps blaming the Tea Party which controls NOTHING.

Rev.DeltaAlphaNovember • 9 years ago

If you hold the belief in We The People govern ourselves and do not hold to the traditional party loyalty no matter who is in. You change the party from the grassroots and expose those who talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

I personally left the Democratic Party in my younger years because they left me to sell out to the left. I then in years of watching the establishment Republicans become no more different I left the Republican party. I first believe everyone with restraint can self govern themselves within the bounds of good laws. I believe the government is too intrusive. Out of bounds to what the original founding fathers intended. I believe we follow the constitution by the letter we rebuild the America to the greatness it was.

lyndambias • 9 years ago

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themselves a Chrysler from having made $5060 thiss month and-in excess of, 10/k
last-month . it's realy the easiest-work I have ever done . I started this 4
months ago and pretty much straight away was bringin in at least $78 per-hour .
why not look here C­a­s­h­f­i­g­.­C­O­M­

blankcheck890 • 9 years ago

The other 1/2 of that story was that before the marine barracks were bombed there was the Sabra massacre where christian militias in Lebonon slaughtered an entire town full of woman and Children. Arial Sharon and America basically just stood by and let that happen even though the people had asked for help. You never hear that side of the story in America just like you never hear about our CIA deposing and causing the death of Iran's democratically elected leader Mosadeq. They don't hate us because we are free they hate us because we killed their president and gave them the Shaw of Iran.

Jerald Hall • 9 years ago

"They don't hate us because we're free!"

Tell that to the neocons or the globalist Dems and you get called all kinds of ugly things mostly having to do with having a below average IQ. No... they are the people who don't get it. In the grand sweep of history forcing alien morality or social practices on distinct peoples is always doomed to failure. Essentially that's what we were trying to do in Iran, (Westernize Iran so they would do what we say through force and coercion.) Respect the sovereignty of other nations and lead through example and fair minded free trade of ideas, and goods. That kind of foreign policy would change the world far more than any drone strike ever could.

Elray28 • 9 years ago

This isn't half the story, it isn't iven 1/100 of the story. This is not a 'side of the story' at all. Killing American Marines who had no part in the Sabra massacre, directly or indirectly, is inexcusable. If 'christian militias' in your own country commit atrocities, go after the 'christian militias'. I'm sure the 'christian militias' were retaliating for their own atrocity, which I'm sure was a retaliation for another atrocity....and so on, and so on. Those idiots have been killing each other for centuries.
America didn't 'let it happen' and neither did Israel. America didn't create the 'christian militias', nor did Isreal. What an asinine thing to say.
If any nation is to blame for Sabra, it's clearly Lebanon. Their turf, their lunatics, their responsibility.

Bob Smetters • 9 years ago

Reagan toured the country telling crowds the wealthy paid a smaller portion of their income in taxes than bus drivers.He would ask them if they thought that was fair and the crowd would roar back nooooo. He raised redistributive FICA taxes. He closed many deductions and raised taxes on the wealthy... He dropped millions of lower income people off the tax rolls to, in his words" make it more fair"... Today conservatives would call him a socialist/Marxist lib...

Guest • 9 years ago
viper333 • 9 years ago

You read it every day mark--Trickle down economics is a failure but the GOP is protecting it for their rich backers--they are killing the middle class like in 1920's and you foolishly defend it. This sluggish economy is due to trickle down and all your BS can't change that fact--Even the pope has come out asking for the world leaders to end "trickle down"--wake up Mark--V

elder • 9 years ago

I'll except your post as true without further investigation. I also know that the debunked Reaganomics theory known as trickle down championed by Reagans economic director David Stockman went along ways to hurting the middle-class families.

teller123 • 9 years ago

Typical American. Read someone else's words and never bother to validate the claims. Not saying what this person wrote is valid or invalid. The point is we have millions of people in this country that NEVER bother to verify anything for themselves and that is why this country is in such a mess. I read all the posts bashing the Tea party and I would bet every penny I have that not a single person has ever once attended a meeting, a rally or anything else this group is trying to do. They just listen to what someone else told them and that's good enough for them. Lazy, apathetic sheeple.

Guest • 9 years ago
viper333 • 9 years ago

And Reagan did it by increasing spending over Carter by a whopping 150% and didn't fund the spending creaating a huge deficit. V

ru56by . • 9 years ago

Reagan also baked Ayatollah Khomeini a birthday cake,. Who could forget?

loran • 9 years ago

So tell me about Senator Kennedy trying to cut a deal with the soviets behind the Presidents back. Tell me about the deal to secure the southern border after Reagan agreed to amnesty and was backstabbed by the democrats, especially Kennedy, and refused to fund it. By the way, what was wrong with funding the Contras? Has not Obama been funding the Muslim Brotherhood?

Joe Smash • 9 years ago

haha you teabaggers and your transparent LIES. too friggin' funny you moron!

loran • 9 years ago

Truth hurts does it not? And what's with the name calling? Do you enjoy doing something which we refrain from doing in most cases?

Joe Smash • 9 years ago

hey lor do you think maybe if you get lucky a kock brother will teabag you?

loran • 9 years ago

Very Funny! Really though, I don't mind what you have to say. I'm a conservative and a Christian and very proud to be both. I served my country with distinction and I do know how to pull the trigger. Have a nice life.

slim pickens • 9 years ago

Lies ? like you can keep your doctor or shovel ready job, those kind of lies libtard ?

teller123 • 9 years ago

How many teabaggers do you actually know? Please share with us how you have met these people and have personally witnessed the 'lies' they have told and what you have seen that proves they are all racists? Or you haven't really met any of them, have never been to a meeting and have not a single clue what you are talking about but rather just repeating what someone else had to say about them. I will assume it's the latter.

viper333 • 9 years ago

No--Obama is not funding the Brotherhood--Stop watching fox news.--V

loran • 9 years ago

I sure wouldn't bet on it if I was you.

HelpFeedRushsMonkey • 9 years ago

Not that I'm aware of. I'm sure he's tickled pink that the military is now in charge in Egypt.

loran • 9 years ago

Have you not seen the leaked info about how many times they have visited the White House and the the money funded to different Muslim organizations which were them forwarded to the Muslim Brotherhood?

viper333 • 9 years ago

hahahahahaahah--you got to be kidding--innuendo and hyperbole--the Tools of Fox News. It's people like you willing to believe this kind of crap without question. They have no proof--so stop passing on rumours without checking it. Listen to their reporters carefully you'll hear "I believe" or "I think". They aren't reporting news--they are reporting their Opinions. Your helping protect "trickle Down" economics on behalf of the Oligarchy. Look at the tax rates on the wealthy from 1950's till GW Bush--they cut them by more them 50%.
Check the graph and get back to me. V

loran • 9 years ago

Nice try, but no sale. Where is your evidence? You're just spouting innuendo. And not very well either. It's been proven many times that your Keynesian economics does not and never has worked. And as for tax rates on the rich, that's a farce. The rich do not work and pay income tax. They live off investments and that tax rate is so much smaller. That's why one never hears them objecting to raising the income tax rate.

Guest • 9 years ago
viper333 • 9 years ago

Go to the Congressional Budget Office website and look at the huge debt Reagan pile up--The numbers are the numbers. "Congressional Budget Office, the Treasury Department, the Joint
Committee on Taxation and the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers
– all disagreed with that theory, saying that tax cuts may spur
economic growth but they lead to revenues that are lower than they would
have been if the cuts hadn’t been enacted. Sorry Mark--you have been mislead. V

Scott Schuele • 9 years ago

No Obama hasn't been funding the Muslim Brotherhood. No, Kennedy didn't go behind Reagan's back. No, he didn't back stab him either. Where in the hell do you get your information ?

reggie98ud • 9 years ago

We were betrayed by people we thought were allies who we helped to fight against and defeat communism. It just goes to prove that you cant trust the muslims in the middle east to do the right thing anymore than you can trust a Demoncrat to do the right thing. So the question then becomes, why aren't we standing with Israel against these back-stabbing camel jockies? Demoncrats aren't the Republicans of 30 ears ago because that would assume that Owebama had the country's best interests at heart. Owebama either wants to destroy this country or is the most incompetent fool to ever occupy the oval office. I'm leaning towards him being a closet muslim who is trying to bring down the USA from within.

Moderate Party • 9 years ago

Oh, I see. So when Regan did it, it was the muslim's fault, but when Obama does it, it's Obama's fault. Interesting. Twisted and biased, but interesting.

reggie98ud • 9 years ago

In Afghanistan, they were our allies. I'll admit that Reagan made a mistake there. The difference is that Owebama supports muslim groups that we KNOW are our enemies because they are on the terrorist watch list. Groups like the muslim brotherhood (approx. $3.5 billion and military hardware from Owebama sent to the brotherhood in Egypt) and isil (documented use of US military hardware in Iraq prior to them capturing Iraqi assets). Not twisted, not biased, just facts.

Alfred Juenemann • 9 years ago

It was a mistake to support the Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan but they were an ally ? You seem to have forgotten the illegal sale of weapons to Iran. Were they also our ally ? Were the drug lords of the Contras who got wealthy selling cocaine to Americans our ally ?
Were we feeding our ally Russia with all that wheat ?
I'm pretty sure we knew who and what the Iranians, Contras and Russians were, also. And we did some big, really big, business deals with them in the Reagan admin.
Just facts.

reggie98ud • 9 years ago

Iran-Contra still hasn't been completely proven as far as Reagan is concerned. As far as islamic fundamentalists, we thought that they were our ally and tried to help them. Thinking that they were a true ally was the mistake, not trying to fight communism. And finally, selling the wheat to Russia did provide them with food but also caused a significant financial hit for them which, in part, eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet economy and the resulting fall of the USSR.

viper333 • 9 years ago

Well tell that to Olie North maybe he can get compensation for his trial and conviction--although after 2 years of community service his conviction was overturned by a higher court stating that he had immunity, so despite lying to Congress and breaking the law--he didn't have to serve time. V

Guest • 9 years ago
reggie98ud • 9 years ago

Exactly, notice how they have suddenly gone silent?