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Rob • 9 years ago

I like Ray, but have to ask, 27 years in the Criminal Investigation Agency, and your hands are clean? What did you do, mailman?

So what! • 9 years ago

Look. The Government enjoys murdering people all over the world and they have no intention of answering to anyone for their crimes, but, the good news is that they will all eventually stand alone in front of our creator and they will answer for their sins. No one will be there to protect them from their judgement.

lisabeth • 9 years ago

just look at it
they go aginst intel analysts
i mean think about it
iw will make the very last intel analyst kind of wake up ....
sorry for the guy but for
civil intel administartion a good news
many pissed of people many uppset militaries
trust me in holliwood they wake up and and and

alex jones did a great job
well a noone analyst i can tell

the winning movement
I wed my head on it
all the others thing is artificiall and desperate imposed and onlu hold alive from a depserate bunch of people who know inside they did wrong and at the veyr top of what i see wis comming will run over to the other side to have their asses save or play vital info in the hand of libertanian movement and will become a destructive force form inside asgitn those who make them big and write them some puppy lines
it wont help that obama changed some military heads and intel officers adolf did the same
we know how it ended


AndyA121 • 9 years ago

Massive Non-Citizen Voting Uncovered in Maryland


Richard • 9 years ago

Look careful, this could be you, one of those "home grown" ones

sometingwong • 9 years ago

Anyone who dares to show dissent or questions the orders of our czar will be punished. You can also bet being "roughed up" is only the beginning. After the incident has passed, he just might disappear forever.......
NWO will not allow any resistance to the ultimate goal of world control......
(DO NOT give up your weapons).

Sick of the scum • 9 years ago

Betrayus, that about sums it up, NWO scum, protected by the corrupt system. Lawsuits need to be filed against every person obeying these orders, liens filed against their personal property including judges, lawyers and politicians, restraining orders and any means possible to slow the role. Let's start with news media and work our way up to the politicians, then maybe this crap will stop, but I doubt it.

goldengun007 • 9 years ago

Few Americans know this guy yet he speaks fluent german and is highly intelligent and well educated and a moral person of the highest order. I have seen him speak before a LaRouche meeting which was internationally broadcasted. Yet there are no repeat no mainstream media outlets which interview him or give him any play whatsoever! Instead they have foolish goons on like William Kristol who have been quoted as saying "what good are nuclear weapons if you don't use them?" What idiot says something like that?! I grew up in the cold war and believe me we americans were scared of the end indeed. My generation knew what could happen. This generation hasn't a clue. They are complacent and this is very dangerous.

Sick of the scum • 9 years ago

Look what is going on in Syria, nukes being used, not against ISIS, but the Syrian people, this is illegal, this is War Crimes, demand prosecution of all US politicians and UN scum involved.

Hypnotized Minds • 9 years ago

Constitutional rights don't exist in communist controlled Jew York.

sometingwong • 9 years ago

the funniest things are always true! Love the "jew York" :-)!

Robert Chambers • 9 years ago

Petraeus and Nagl are both cowards

Carlos Danger • 9 years ago

beating up an older man ... because you don't like his politics
reeks of a satanic mind inside the government
time for more agents to come clean and expose Obama

pope gary the first • 9 years ago

...and Freedom Tower stands tall and proud in that city?What a sad pathetic joke that is!They could have bought trillions more of dod equipment for their boys in blue to play with!Slavery is freedom dontcha know!

haifisch8587 • 9 years ago

NYC: the home of cop thuggery

Marshall Banana • 9 years ago

Who is shocked by this? The pyramid doesn't even care about people who are CURRENTLY loyal to them, why would they care about people who were FORMERLY loyal to them? The way they see it, you should feel privileged to empty their chamber pots. That really is how they feel about it. You cops and soldiers serving the system are getting ready to find out how much they love you, LOL!

obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

Exactly. Some good guys have been thrown under the bus for waking up to the reality and speaking out......think JFK and before him General Patton.

pope gary the first • 9 years ago

That blood moon sacrifice gaza strip massacre was nothing less than what i expect out of that tribe.Theyre hebariffic!

bushmeansbush • 9 years ago

because stories of kenny loggins look alikes getting treated like a non white man is everything wrong with the world today.

phineuswhigger • 9 years ago

Ever notice how the dark side uses guys with names like Patraeus whose name sounds a lot like "betray us?" Ever notice how the first abortion pill was called RU-486 which sounds a lot like "are you for 86 (86'd means to be kicked out of?) OTOH, I might just need to adjewst my tinfoil hat a bit but really, did you ever notice how Condoliza Rice sounds a lot like Condyloma Rice? (condyloma = penile wart) What's up with that? Finally, ever notice how when you dig deep enough through the veiled layers of misdirect soaked in the blood of innocents, that you end up face-to-face with a rat-faced jew?

pope gary the first • 9 years ago

Keep protesting this war mongering police state wall of guilt and shame.
Theyre protecting criminals so more criminals can get away with more criminality down the line.The fed is breaking americans backs upon its fellow americans and they laugh all the way to their offshore banks and multnational corps .Go fight in the Ukraine with those nazis instead of beating up old mr mcgovern you anti freedom loving pukes.

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

Yup, first is chaos, then anarchy, then tyranny, tell me where we're at. As the apathy climbs so will the anarchy. I'd be careful and watch out for airborne viruses I'm expecting them.

Tom Paine Fan • 9 years ago

Anarchy is order. What we are seeing from obusha fascists is their psychotic chaos. Fascists are not normal people. They are crazy, they are bullies, and they love to watch suffering, torture, and killing. little cheney is a prime example, and so is michael chertoff, who is hung up on underware, and who cowered Americans into going into the radiation body scanners and grops. They couldn't get US into the gas ovens, so they brought killing technology to the airports, and our skies with chemtrails. We must press hard to get rid of these nuts. We must remember that all these crazy bullies are cowards and have no hearts.They are hollow inside. If we put them in prison for life, and played tapes on their tv about how great they are, they wouldn't even know the difference because they have no connection with reality. But as long as people act like psychos are politicians, we continue to allow the chaos.

roguenuf • 9 years ago

There is mass dissension within the ranks. . . If you just scratch the surface. Ha!

ThenewStorky • 9 years ago

Hey this guy was in Loose Change. I like Ray McGovern !!

Jimbo • 9 years ago

As US Government dies their will be much infighting from within.

Guest • 9 years ago

Hillary must die

We need to start killing them thug cops in the NYPD, and other agencies.

a sinner • 9 years ago

I've always felt that Ray McGovern has a Christ-like aura about him. He emanates a very peaceful, kind and gentle presence when he speaks and has a lovely wry soft smile. God seems to give people the face that represents their spirit and Ray's is that of a gentle prophet of peace. He is one of my heroes in this decadent nation whose soul-deadened citizens are largely callous to the suffering of people around the world whom their nation targets for destruction and death. A prayer for Ray: Lord Jesus, protect him and give him good health and strength and victory. Be with him daily as he follows your teachings to "expose evil" and to "love others" by standing up to the satanic powers who control this nation. Amen.

MR DOZE • 9 years ago

NAZI Germany all over again .

Tom Turek • 9 years ago

.. careful with them Nazis doozy.. Hitler was a Brit plant..financed by London Bankers through Warburg Bank US, tank engines were mainly by Ford US, calculators by IBM, fuel to extend the war by Standard Oil, US, propaganda movies made by Fox Movitone News, he had two Brit intel minders through the war, Baron William de Ropp and Putzi Hanfsteing. Hitler spent several months in Porton Down with Brit Intel in the eartly 30s, but this location/point is debated. Hint..when his Generals surrounded 300K Brits at Dunkirk, and were ready to finish the job, Hitler stopped them, saying, 'we are not in the killing business'.

Tom • 9 years ago

Excellent info. Amazing, isn't it, that England can have an empire that the sun never sets on, while maintaining a standing army for aonly about half the time (centuries....)?!!?!??

snoopdog • 9 years ago

NYPD has an office in Israel -- doesn't that seem absurd?

Jake Sully • 9 years ago
Joshua Jones • 9 years ago

McGovern is a Muslim convert. He joined ISIS/DAESH. Canada just confirmed that. I am joking. That is what they said about the patsy/plant Michael Joseph Hall who "terrorized!!" Canada. Watch out canada, the right wing extremists in your shadow government are going to spiral you into a massive erosion of civil rights and liberties.

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

Amazing !

nick1111 • 9 years ago

Fascist in the WH

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

There's been a "Fascist in the White House" ever since LBJ Nick ~

! • 9 years ago

since lincoln. look at statue of him setting down. each pillar of the chair is the facis http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-V...

fascism being the merger of corporation (person **person** in the legal language = corporation) & state.

so most western countries are fascist.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Corporately fraudulent Masonic fascist ~
(Boss Tweed's $1 to $8 Trillion money) ~
Maybe the Masons are fascist all along ~
(Anyway, it led to the Tunguska event) ~

Tom • 9 years ago

LBJ was a traitor as well.

PVT. HUDSON • 9 years ago

Lol, our tax dollars at work. What a fvckin joke.

j • 9 years ago

People like Ray MacGovern are tracked by the NSA to each microsecond of their life. The State doesn't usually intend to use this intelligence in such a crude and belligerent manner, but periodically a well placed piece of ultra evil zionist filth like Petraeus will insist that NSA full surveillance information is used to actively suppress his critics.

Petraeus is a child butchering 'bruiser' with no brains and an infinite ego, but the elites are grateful for the many crimes against Humanity he has fronted on their behalf, so they make an exception, and allow him the 'pleasure' of having his critics intimidated and beaten up. This kind of sickening viciousness is what gives Petraeus his true 'sexual' kicks. Imagine what this depravity got up to in the various lands where he and his butcher squads operated. How many children, women and men were tortured to death in his presence.

Petraeus is the true face of the US war machine, and ANYONE who supports any aspect of the US war machine, INCLUDING giving ANY support to the monsters who volunteer to serve in its ranks, deserves to burn forever in the deepest depth of Hell.

lisabeth • 9 years ago

interesting story but you know what active analysts will think even so oblister chnange like adolf his military heads and intel people
he migth controll the head level

. but he wont be able to controll tge middle level ........and under this and it is pure logic and i count of few of them know what is going on it is a good sign even so sad for the men and will impulse
that around 100 analysts will get
off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are nervious
to take a old men in is nerviousity and sign of debility


thetruthhurts • 9 years ago

You guys should go to Yahoo comments and then you will see why America is the new Babylon.

From Québec • 9 years ago

And Alex keeps saying that cops and militaries are the ones who are the most awake? That most american cops are good, only a few are bad.
Well, I would like to see ONE good cop who will not obey the system.
I haven't seen one yet, have you?
If so, please post it here.

Guest • 9 years ago

I am 36. have dealt with law enforcement most my life. I have only seen one decent cop, who could not wait to retire. I have heard a lot of "just following orders". This is a war and it will get worse.

Billo • 9 years ago

Ray is a true patriot. This is truly disgusting reading. I hope we can get the thug cops that assaulted and battered him fired and their pensions taken. You can be sure these creeps are already under zionist protection and payroll. The zionists run our court system, by now so can't count on justice prevailing here.

You are Great Patriot: with of Good Conscience: Mr. Ray McGovern!!
Keep up the Good Fight!

Also, Great Job to all of the Alternative Truth News Outlets for keeping the pressure on Congress and the other parts of the Government to obtain the Release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. And special thanks to Pete S. We are all in this Prison Planet together.

Guest • 9 years ago