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Guest • 9 years ago

It is well known that the Zionist Banksters fund both sides of anything with which they're involved. And the Dems and Repub's are just two sides of the same coin. One side introduces something, and the other side casts it in concrete. So much legislation has been written and set aside for years just waiting for the right crisis. And both sides pass it. Every damn time.

mtzpdlkldpztm722 • 9 years ago

Rove's Rinos or Carville's Crips ... That's the table they're
settin' for us.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

It's well known that an illegitimate grandson of a Rockefeller was standing on the Grassy Knoll in 1963 with a rifle aimed at the Democrat President's neck, and there was a future GOP president and father of a future GOP president standing right next to the retired US Senator ex Army Ranger marksman with the rifle aimed at the President's neck that sad stupid day ~
You wouldn't know who those men were would you George? ~ You Don? ~
Oh never mind ~ Maybe the records will be released in 15,000 yrs time? ~

Guest • 9 years ago
Guest • 9 years ago

Exactly. I will vote third party whenever I can, and will never vote D again. Although I haven't voted D for a long time. I hope there is a 3rd party choice, even if that person is completely unknown. I hate to vote R for an incumbent too. We need term limits, but I'll be dead and buried before that happens.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

Changing parties in Washington, D.C. doesn't even begin to address the root causes of the problem if they're controlled by the same oligarchs and plutocrats and have the same globalist agenda. We need to begin with the corrupt financial system, ripping out the Federal Reserve, root, branch and tree. Then get rid of "fractional reserve lending". Return the money making power to the Treasury. Get rid of BOTH "political parties", just like George Washington said. (Look it up if you don't believe me). So they swap senate majority leader, senate minority leader, house majority leader, house minority leader. Big deal! It DOESN'T MATTER which of the "two parties" is in control of the government if it's still the same 4 or 5 guys and gals calling the shots and everybody voting along party lines. Valerie Jarrett, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, John Beaner and Nancy Pelosi are still going to be running things, and CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC and FOX are still going to debate how wonderful / awful they are and NOTHING WILL CHANGE! Taking off your smelly socks last night and putting on fresh clean ones this morning doesn't change anything about your feet. Your bunion, your hammer toe, your fungus toenail and your athlete's foot are all still there.

Guest • 9 years ago

I hope you realize that anyone, anyone at all that would actually state their intention to do the things you suggest would be "offed" rather quickly. They might jump from a 15th story window, shoot themselves in the back of the head twice, suffer a sudden heart attack on a dark street late at night, or their car might accidentally explode in the middle of Main Street at high noon. Just sayin...

Rumplestiltskin • 9 years ago

Just sayin? You should be screaming it from the roof tops. Our government has gone rogue with the hijackers steering this out of control band wagon down a narrow and desperately antiquated road.

Guest • 9 years ago

"Just like the Democrats before them, the new crop will answer to the same Wall Street masters"

Correct. The problem with the Right is they work for and answer to the same people as the Left. Committee of 300 are their masters.


DiegodePaloma • 9 years ago

Vote Alert! I am voting straight Republican Tuesday Why? Well I couldn't answer the following two questions with a yes response. First, will a Republican Senate make things worse. Answer, NO. Second, will a Democratic Senate put pressure on Obama not to run the Country by Presidential fiat. Answer, NO. If the Republicans do not win control of the Senate Obama will be a virtual dictator. So please get off your high horse and do what I am going to do, wear a hazmat suit, a gas mask, or just hold your nose and pull the leaver for the almost useless GOP. One final question, who hates the traditional American nation most, the Dems or the GOP? Be honest, you know the answer. So please, spend a few minutes and pull the damn leaver for The Grand Old Party, and pray to God that they will finally grow a spine.

If a side-effect of Viagra and cocaine is to grow a spine, your guys are a shoe in to win this one Herr "DiegodePaloma" dude ~ Trouble is, once Viagra and cocaine wears off, their spine 'MAY' grow a little flaccid again ;-)
That 'IS' what happened every 2 years since the Young Republicans ~

Coy Coleman • 9 years ago

I know we all know the FIX is in. If the (R)'s do nothing once they have a majority then others will begin to wake up and see the rigged 2 party system.

Doctor Smegging Who again • 9 years ago

That's what they said back in 2006 there young person ~
(No seriously, that's exactly what they said back in 2006) ~
Pretty sure Louie the 13th said something similar in 1533 ~

Guest • 9 years ago
Coy Coleman • 9 years ago

Up my way, if any were on the ballot I would. I support Indy's whenever possible - as long as they are Conservative.

Revolutionary • 9 years ago

so, they could of given approximately half of the families in the US a million dollars each, instead the money is spent on individuals that are seeking to get elected to positions that pay $174,000/year for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate. and the donations are a tax write-off to boot!

how convoluted is the idea that one donating money to a political campaign is patriotic yet it removes a (tax) burden that funds said political figure if/when elected?

Debbie • 9 years ago

I think this is a stupid article. I agree wee need change. This will not occur without some change in the senate. At least if repub's control house and senate it will put more pressure on obummers desire for total control. Are only hope is to change the balance of power or all out civil war. I prefer balance of power changing first.

Rumplestiltskin • 9 years ago

Short and simple. It is better to stop the developing police state than to corral Wall Street. Hopefully a Republican Senate can help us regain control of our government.

The problems with Wall Street are too many and at this time impossible to fix. The tendrils of its criminality go too deep and are too wide spread around the world, for a quick Republican fix.

All done voting • 9 years ago

Take back your own mental rule .vote to make your own decisions...and kiss all that tax money they leach out of you goodbye.All they do with it is turn around and blow it out their anal cavities to the four winds..Whhhhheeeeee!Try to stay downwind!

former voting shmuck • 9 years ago


dutyinthepool • 9 years ago

everybody awake yet.....you missed the recess bell again you're not listening ....republican party people are dead air heads......they still believe they can win seats,have it their way (rule from a soft left/right Bush side) have their cake and eat it too as long as they remain ahead of the poverty curve, and have a condo reserved inside the mountain government retreat when the next natural disaster hits or before as the 4 melt down fukushima nuclear reactors intensify the increasing release of deadly radioactive elements which have been spewing forth for the last 3 years since the accident .capitalist republican investors are holding GE stock...the company that built the reactors...that were doomed to fail for a host of reasons that were never even remotely considered ....now rendering a situation that we are technically unable to contain because the technology doesn't exist....yet.....perfect and priceless.....your politicians and their politicians are professional corporate liars with no intention of keeping Americans or Japs safe and healthy .your president covered up the after affects of the Corexit poisons that were delivered to the BP oil spill ocean areas where 100 mile long slicks still exist and where thousands of home owners took sick , died or moved away from the areas sustaining huge personal and financial losses, not to mention ill health.....the your ni**er Islamic president's watch.....priceless! this is a money war with no solution to the parties involved...their are one in the same with a global NWO agenda....wake up and realize this country will explode in revolt , panic and blow back the likes of which hasn't been seen since the civil war. a dying economy,a tax payer fleecing by the illegal agency called the IRS( 32 states never formally ratified nor accepted the proposed agency 88 years ago)no majority no IRS.....this was a political sham a closed door deal and no one questioned the validity or their fearless leader at the time nor through out our history since then! pathetic and shocking!

Rumplestiltskin • 9 years ago

Ok, so you've pointed out all our foibles. What are some of your solutions? The only one I see is "Civil War". Is that what you are aiming at?

Private Gomer Pyle • 9 years ago

Good morning Sergeant Carter ~ Sleep well? ~