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havor • 9 years ago

I think the US government is untrustworthy period, and i am not even counting the Bush WMD UN farce.

Its just has a history of self righteous, and polarizing opinions, and mostly looking out for its own interest, often at the expense of others, and sometimes by any means.

Now i am not saying N-Korea was not behind the attack, because there regime is on a hole other level of un-trustworthiness, but whit the evidence i seen, i am not convinced that hey did it.

I fully understand that they dont wane show there cards, but if they have proof that they did it, show it to a trustworthy independent 3th party, the German government would be suds a party, but independent security experts, with with no ties or interest to the US government would be also acceptable.

Till then i will not take them on there word for it, and will follow the old saying, "fool me one's, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me''.

p.s. Its not that i am America hater or so, and think most Americans are nice people, i just really dont trust its government, and sadly to say for America. i am not the only one that thinks that they are not always to be trusted.

Polaris • 9 years ago

TLDR: You don't trust the U.S. government. We get it.

havor • 9 years ago

That's the main problem with a considerable part of Americans, even do they are all mostly nice people, your not willing to listen when others point out your faults, as you are on the righteous side, and defender of the free world.

Sorry but nearly all people from other country's dont see it that way.

justafish • 9 years ago

Seems to me Polaris did listen to what you had to say. He just summarized your main point in a more concise fashion.

He did get it... you didn't. The bulk of your post was defaming American government as a general premise without adding anything else particularly useful to the discussion of this case. We get it. OK? That's the point.

havor • 9 years ago

TLDR = Too Long; Didn't Read.

But hey just says he did not read it.

Guest • 9 years ago

OK. I did not see that message. Sometimes context gets lost in these forums.

Polaris • 9 years ago

No. I did read it. The TLDR tag is for others who choose not to read the article and your response and instead want a summary.

Hope this steers you in the right direction.

Guest • 9 years ago

Good luck with that. Steering requires the ability to think about alternatives - conspiracy nutters start with a conclusion and then cherry pick from there.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

and ANY criticism of your lying "hope & change" phony is sooo painful, eh? Especially considering most of you "children" (and of course the autoblack vote -but don't say "you people!"-) voted this joker in TWICE w/out a rational thought in your heads, color alone (with some cheap lib/socialist rhetoric) did the trick! Now we, and our Allies, pay, and pay, and pay, while our enemies laugh at us...thanks for the wisdom.

havor • 9 years ago

To be fair, there alternative the second time was even much worse.

What i dont get is how these people even get nominated.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

Nah, Romney was far from perfect, but a FAR more rational choice than Obama after his disastrous first term & debate! Romney was/is a successful businessman, solid family man, w/no shady background & friends (ex. racist Rev Right, "race hustler" Sharpton, et al). I also believe his motives & ideals were/are FAR more in line with middle American traditions than Obama's socialist influences/agenda. I don't believe a President Romney would have sunk to divisive political/racial tactics (successful business people usually bring people together, not move them apart). I think Romney would have united Congress as much as such a body can be united. No politician is perfect (nor ever will be) much of the time we chose the "least stinky" of the two. I think you may have listened to too much liberal media emanating from this country (most US media is very liberally biased)..or maybe you know something I don't?

havor • 9 years ago

The problem is that in current U.S. economic policy, politics, and
culture, Americans have been told that they have a choice. Either you believe in government regulation, or you believe in free markets, As government intervention is the enemy of innovation and competition.

It’s a choice that is as simple as it is false. Unfortunately, the American public has swallowed and beliefs that dogma, as if it ware the gospel of God almighty him self.

Much of Europe, has developed a far more nuanced view of
how markets and government relate to each other.

European governments have played a strong role in trying to ensuring competition, and that has increased choice and driven down prices for consumers, and keep competition fair.

Here is how European governments view regulation. The most important message is that it’s a big mistake to take an ideological approach to regulation. One-size-fits-all is a mistake.

It’s important to understand the dynamics of each market to determine the appropriate level of regulation to increase efficiency, fairness and innovation. In some cases, that might mean a lot of regulations. In other cases, it might be none.

But in the US regulation is seen as a four letter word.

And even tho we Europeans are all seen here as near comy socialists, what i have bin reading about Eisenhower policy's, is that his views on government ware mostly more left wing then that of the Dutch labor party, one if the current governing party's in Holland, that is actually governing the country with the Dutch version of the Republican party.

Yes you read that correct they are working together to govern the country, and are not fighting one and other like roosters on steroids, but that works only if you willing to listen, and can actually see the point of view of the opposition, and are willing to come half way.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

Yes, a BIG US problem is people usually react in extremes in this country, ignoring the middle ground, ex. Obama's "my way or the high way" approach to politics...we see the ugly results.

You said "Either you believe in government regulation, or you believe in free markets," I disagree. "Free markets" must always have a regulatory control b/c human greed must be controlled for everyone's sake including the environment, i.e. it is wise to have both! (ex. stock market crash of 1929 that led to the Great Depression)

I view Capitalism as generally successful (China is even experimenting with it) but also recognize the necessity of using a regulatory box to prevent excessive greed and the societal damage that comes with it. This requires someone with smarts, experience, and savvy far beyond our present joke of a POTUS.

sensi • 9 years ago

Oh please, another inane neo-con puppet for all what is worst, the US would be at war with Iran as I speak, etc, someone giving 10% to a sect wearing magical pants can't be described as rational.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

Oh please, not another Obama sycophant! naughty naughty liberal, attacking others religious beliefs! tsk tsk! One can make claims about many religions and their more bizarre aspects..as I'm sure you well know. But, the fact is Iran is ACTIVELY developing nuclear weapons under "King Obama," great great development, eh? As I said, Romney was far from perfect, but superior to the serial lying socialist & racially /politically divisive POTUS we have now.

havor • 9 years ago

> But, the fact is Iran is ACTIVELY developing nuclear weapons
> under "King Obama"

Not a fan of Iran, but lets be honest, what gives Iran less of a right to have nuclear weapons then the US, Russia or Israel.

Not that i like Iran to have nuclear weapons, but they have from there point of view just as much right to have them as Israel has to have them.

As it was the US and UK that destroyed Iran's former democratic government, because they wanted to nationalize the British owned/stolen oil fields, that they got under UK colonial rule.

They have all the rights not to trust the west.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

"what gives Iran less of a right to have nuclear weapons then the US, Russia or Israel?" EASY! b/c Iran is run by a fanatical religious & dictatorial regime who have openly declared their wishes to eliminate Israel from the map. They believe God talks to them only, and that some kind of killer "mahdi" is going to materialize and help them conquer the world. In addition, they believe that the beliefs of other people (the non-muslim World) are false, thus they are non-believers (infidels). Read what their Koran says about the treatment of nonbelievers, OK? It's not nice and "peaceful" stuff. So NO WAY, they do not have a "right" to develop nukes! A technology they were incapable of creating (so they steal), a technology that was developed to end a horrible world war (which it did), and a tech that requires wisdom & reasoning abilities they clearly lack.

Furthermore, a nuke Iran will cause other countries like Egypt, etc., to wish nukes as well. Considering the essentially violent nature of Islam, which history shows time & time again, it would not take a "rocket scientist" to realize that such countries possessing nukes would be a disaster waiting to happen...a disaster that could lead to mass annihilations and radioactive pollution of large parts of the middle east for centuries.

The West is slowly moving away from finite and dirty oil, it's a slow process but it has begun. We already have large and successful ocean windfarms, there have been some breakthroughs in solar cell design/formulation, and even fusion power. All these technologies are being aggressively persued, in part thanks to the hostility and cultural incompatability of middle eastern and Western values, in larger part b/c of the environment (which we all share on this little planet). Once we (in the West) are totally successful money will stop flowing into certain middle eastern countries, and they will be forced to develop other resources on their own, and hopefully forget about weapons.

CatoYounger • 9 years ago

Right, and instead we got Obama - who got twice as many soldiers killed in Afghanistan as Bush - and in half the time. Obama, who got the US involved in Libya and Syria, and a dozen shadow wars in Africa. A president who personally selects people to be killed via drone. And so on...

havor • 9 years ago

I really dont like Obama, but dont just start telling BS, because there are no American solders in Libya or Syria, maybe some spooks, but the US have very little involvement in those messes, except for the air strikes against the IS.

And dose shadow wars in Africa you talking about, those are all drone bases, that are used to kill terrorist, and do some collateral damage to the locals, and there next to non ground forces involved.

jb226 • 9 years ago

"I also believe [Romney's] motives & ideals were/are FAR more in line with middle American traditions than Obama's socialist influences/agenda."

Strange. I thought he lost the election? And the popular vote for that matter. Or are you claiming to know better than the voters themselves what motives and ideals are in line with their own thinking?

I really don't care if you like Obama or Romney, but cut the BS. Romney was rejected by voters every bit as rational or irrational as the ones who supported him. I'm so beyond tired of this "you disagree with me therefore you must be stupid!" attitude, the churlish name-calling and the ridiculous false confidence of typical political discourse.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

NO, Romney lost b/c he was maligned by the LIBERAL MEDIA (par the course) he was not "black enough," thus Obama got an automatic vote from almost every Black in the US (do you deny this?). Also, I believe most recent polls show that if a vote were held today Romney would easily win b/c people (Many Black Voters included) have now seen what a phony incompetent this POTUS is, he is NO leader, not even close!

And what is the result of his winning the election? Of course King Obama has done such a good job..lol! This country is a mess, his divisive political/racial rhetoric has paralyzed Congress (some "Leader"), he continues consorting with known race hustlers, "Tawana Brawley's" friend (Al Sharpton) when there are many more honest Black leaders available. Nationally, our Allies are VERY nervous and distrustful (w/good reason!), ISIS thrives in our wake, Obama releases FIVE combat experienced terrorist LEADERS into the world for one likely treasonous Army private who deserted his combat post (causing the deaths of some comrades who had to search for his miserable hide). In addition, our borders are far too open and begging for a new disaster (Mexico), the King's health plan is such a disaster he has played "who is he?" with one of his own chief architects (Mr. Gruber...Gruber who?), yeah, the people showed great wisdom in electing this serial lying phony.

You say voters were "rational" in voting for this guy over Romney, I say careful consideration of evidence from both their backgrounds says NO WAY were most voters rational! Rather, they were so bedazzled by the first Black President that they overlooked his CHARACTER! No Rational person (unless hardcore lib or a black auto voter, i.e. he's black, he's got my vote..period) would vote for him. And considering the miserable state of this country for the past six years, I say the facts support my argument.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Your wrong! Obama is the biggest threat this country has ever had in the white house. He is destroying our medical system, Running up our debt to never before seen or dared levels, taking away our freedom of religion, disassembling our military and opening our borders to everyone. He is a man child and has never worked a real day in his life. If you want to comment on American politics try looking into the facts.

sensi • 9 years ago

Take your pills.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Ok done. I still believe Obama is an American hating Muslim. I forgot that on this site there are a lot of MSNBC intellectuals . Have a Nice Day!!!

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

you hit the nail on the head! Isn't it funny how the so called "intellectuals" are usually the ones that get us in deep trouble...maybe they're not so..."intellectual" after all.

slave138 • 9 years ago

See 2001-2008. Yeah those Republican "intellectuals" did a bang up job.

Conservative policies: Fucking up America since Reagan...

lacleodious • 9 years ago

slave, we enjoyed owning you and yours

slave138 • 9 years ago

The only thing you ever "owned" was a raging case of gonorrhea.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Yeah thanks to Reagan young little mush heads havnt had to worry about Russians nuking us and the Berlin wall is no more. Thanks to Obama that fear is know close to returning. Shut your liberal American pie hole you uneducated piece of garbage.

slave138 • 9 years ago

Worst terrorist attack on US soil? Check
Crashed the economy with relaxed regulations? Check
Pissed away trillions (off the books) on an unnecessary war? Check

I grew up in the Cold War and, yes, there was that threat of nuclear war but it paled compared to actual fucking attacks on our own soil. All Reagan did was show that "modern" Republicans are fine jacking up our deficits to record levels as long as the money goes to their friends in the arms manufacturing and war profiteering industry.

The beauty of being an educated liberal American is that I can open my pie hole as much as I like - especially when it's to point out the lies and bullshit pouring out of the typical low-information, even-lower-thought conservative parrots.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Wow your use of such mature language shows you have the mentality of a five year old. Yes Muslim followers of the pedophile Mohammed attacked us. Not bush's fault. You can spurt of like a twerp because men like me are willing to put our lives on the line to protect that right. Obama has run up more deficit by himself than this country has since the beginning. Look it up. Obama said if I liked my doctor and health plan I could keep it, then laughed about it when he said oops I lied, Obama spent 1 trillion dollars on green energy and shovel ready infrastructure. All his buddy opened tons of green energy businesses and when they got the money the business closed. And once again laughed that there weren't any shovel ready jobs, but didn't put the money back. Where did it go? Obama has put race relations back 50 years... FACT. Obama has murdered American citizens overseas with drones with no charges being brought against them while giving Muslims their Miranda Rights on the battlefield FACT. Both bush presidents were just as bad as Clinton and Obama fact. And if you did grow up during the cold war you need to GROW UP you sound like a brainwashed college freshman or someone that never worked for anything in your life FACT. Reagan freed millions of people from communism FACT. The world respected Reagent and looked to him for leadership and protection FACT. Obama blew of the French people after one of the most horrific Muslim attacks in there history to watch football. After 9/11 the French President was the first world leader to come to the white house, Obama paid him back like the Muslim he is FACT. SO SHUT UP DRINK SOME WARM MILK FROM YOUR BOTTLE AND GO TO BED AND LET THE ADULTS TALK. You sound cranky and need you nappy time.

slave138 • 9 years ago

Touched a nerve criticizing Saint Reagan, huh? Funny how modern Republicans hold him up as an icon considering how many of the things they whine about now were also done by him. He raised taxes, used an executive order to extend a path to citizenship to illegal immigrants, was not afraid of deficit spending, etc...

OK, let me get this straight. When Russia invades Ukraine and we don't threaten to go to war over it, that's Obama allowing the Cold War to get started again. But when we are attacked by terrorists, following numerous warnings, that wasn't Bush's fault? If we were attacked by terrorists tomorrow, are you honestly trying to tell me Republicans wouldn't blame it on Obama's lax this or that? Hell - they even tried blaming him for Sony being hacked.

I spurt because "men like you" are so blind you don't even realize that you're not fighting for our freedom. You are fighting so big companies like Halliburton can post a larger profit from year to year. Here's a hint: Iraq was never a threat to our freedom. Afghanistan was never a threat to our freedom. The US Congress and a Republican President did more to take away our freedom than either of those countries ever did.

With that said, you are 100% correct in your criticism of Obama continuing those policies. A lot of us were warning those on the Right that they weren't going to be quite so thrilled with this "security" they were getting once a Democrat was in office. I'm not any happier about it - I think it was Authoritarian BS no matter who is doing it.

A large portion of Obama's deficit came from putting the decade-long Iraq war onto the books. The money for the war was being kept off the books through Bush's term. Here's a clue: cutting taxes while you're starting wars tends to run up the bills. Just because you hide them under the mattress doesn't mean we no longer have to pay them.

Let's look what we get when Republicans run up the deficit: We get thousands of dead Americans and a handful of rich people getting even richer. When Democrats run up the deficit? We get better healthcare for the poor and a stimulated economy. If you're going to put us in debt, we might as well be getting something for it.

Keep your doctor & health plan: The lie that keeps on giving. I'm not talking about what Obama said, but the way it's been spun by his adversaries. It's called a grandfather clause. Apparently you don't understand how they work so let me explain: A rule changes but people who already had something under the old rule can keep it as long as it isn't changed. You could have kept your doctor and plan as long as your insurance company didn't change it. It didn't have to comply with the new rules as long as it wasn't modified. Want to guess who took away your policy? Your insurance company. It was easy for them because they knew the Republicans would immediately blame it on the President and their idiot base (aka you) would swallow it up and puke it back up for years to anyone who will listen.

It all goes back to double-standards. Previous administrations have invested government money in lots of business ventures which ended up failing. To promote new services which are high risk but could be valuable in the long term, the government often has to provide the seed money that the investors are unwilling to provide. The difference is, this President is blamed for every failure, everywhere in the world to even the smallest degree. We lost far more money to over-billing from Halliburton than we did by investing in green tech, but it's OK if you're a Republican - they've been bought and paid for for years.

Setting race relations back? Nah - they're right where they have been for years. The only difference now is that the racists are a lot more loud about it.

I'm pissed about the drone killings of American citizens without due process, but I'm equally pissed about the war crimes committed under the last administration.

As for the French, it's funny how the same people who wanted to rename French Fries to Freedom Fries are now crying because Obama didn't rush over to France to offer his direct support in hunting down the Muslims. If they should be held to such high regard for being the first to visit, shouldn't that have extended to their refusal to join us in the Iraq War?

It's not like the French President came flying into the US, on less than a day or two notice to offer his symbolic support after 9/11. Nor would we want him to. We had enough security issues to worry about without having to worry about visiting foreign dignitaries.

Also, Iran was one of the first countries to offer their support after 9/11 and provided us a good deal of information regarding the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Not that it matters, but let's try to keep things in perspective.

It's funny how the conservatives like to pretend they are adults. Part of being an adult is thinking for yourself not regurgitating stale talking points. Just remember that being old is just as bad as being young. The young lack the experience to make many decisions. The old forget their experiences (or view them through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia).

The problem with conservatives is that they were inexperienced when they were young, never learned from their mistakes (or were too scared to change) once they gained some experience, and cannot remember their failures when they are older. Their current trend of glorifying ignorance as positive trait speaks volumes.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Thank you for a real exchange of ideas and not one liners. With Reagan you also have to understand a lot of the things you find bad about him were compromises with the democrats. The path to citizenship was a trade off and was supposed to lead to enhanced boarder security so Reagan did his part but when the time came for that increased boarder security H.W Bush capitulated to the democrats and we got the amnesty part of that deal just not the increase in border security. Reagan did actually lower taxes from the highs during the abysmal carter administration. The deficits we ran up during the Reagan administration were a military strategy that was followed by almost all our allies at the time and it did free a hundreds million people from communism and reunited a split Germany. After Reagan the only other time since that our government did anything good for the people was when Clinton and Newt Gingrich worked together with the contract for America which lowered taxes, balanced the budget and reformed welfare in a way that actually got more people back to work while protecting those that needed it. Both Bush presidency's were horrible. They both sucked as chief executives but did a decent job as commanders of the military as they gave them a mission and let the generals execute the operations. Obamas debt is mainly from the failed stimulus and quantitative easing (Printing money) to prop up the stock market and decimating the value of the dollar. Obama has shown his stupidity over and over blatantly lied to the American people and shows a true disdain for American values. His love of Islam has made him look almost insane. The Fort Hood Massacre was not workplace violence it was an act of jihad by a Muslim extremist. Yet he stands by the workplace violence lie. and now he will not admit the attacks in Paris were Islamic attacks. His new amnesty policy is dangerous as recently leaked documents have shown that boarder patrol is not in any circumstance stop these illegal aliens invading our country. I have no true party affiliation as I don't think there's much difference between establishment politicians in either party. I think and I hope you agree its time to shove both parties out and elect Americans that will work and compromise for the betterment of We the American People.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

No, lygamnt is correct...clearly you are merely another "King Obama" shill (common on this site) why not just admit it. Every item he cited is a FACT! From the destruction of our medical system, disassembly of our military (thus creating the power vaccum Isis filled w/horrific effect) to our dangerous open border policy (Mexico). It's you're kind (bum kissers of serial liar Obama) who deny reality..even when it's obvious to the world..and our Allies.

havor • 9 years ago

I really hate Obama, as i think he is a lying bastard that betrayed the people that voted for him, by promising change, but actually be more like Bush Jr in action, and governs with fear as his guide, instead of being a leader, and really lead.

> He is destroying our medical system
There is really noting to be destroy, its was all ready broken.

Yeah that right you almost pay 3 times of what a UK citizen pays, for less care.

He just tried to model it like the UK system, one best an cheapest systems in the world, but then all the political buddy's of the insurance companies started scream all kinds FUD, and most republicans just believe it because they hate Obama, and are not really willing to listen reason.

> Running up our debt to never before seen or dared levels
Yeah the Bush Jr ego trip Iraq war he inherited did not all ready brake the piggy bank?

> taking away our freedom of religion
Ehhh, i love to hate the guy as much as the next guy, but how is he doing that?

> disassembling our military
The money needs to come from somewhere, and the US is still spending more then the next 10 country's combined.

Under Bush Jr it was the Next 20 country's, but what is actually not that much more then now under Obama, as China spends a lot more, but still dwarfs in comparison to the US, and Nr 11 to 20 spend about as much as China spends now.

I think lowering the budget by 50%, and use that money on the economy would not be a bad plan.

> He is a man child and has never worked a real day in his life.
Really, thats your argument?

What has Bush Jr ever done other then being a jog (did i say right?), and wasting his family's money on failed business.

Not saying Obama is a grate guy, but i believe he worked harder then Bush Jr to get in to office.

And did not used his daddy's connections to get there.

The man may be a fool that betrayed his promises and voters, but dont just start making ridicules lies up about the man.

But he certainly did not get ware he is now by doing noting, and i hate you make me defend a man i truly despise, but dont just make up, or repeat stuff because others said so, the man has plenty of faults, so you dont have to invent extra faults to make him look bad.

That makes you look just as silly.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

Good Job! However, you'll never convince the bum kissing sycophants to stop worshiping Obama! A man who never once said "I'm wrong, and I accept full responsibility." (It's always someone else's fault w/this guy). A man who rather than unites Congress, as past TRUE leaders have, uses divisive racial and political rhetoric to divide them, and then seizes power not authorized by the Constitution and making law with his "pen and phone." ("my son Trayvon"..right). Yet, where was he for the funerals of the two recently executed NY police officers ...playing golf? Of all the honest Black leaders, who does he choose to regularly meet with?...Al Sharpton ("Tawana Brawley" race hustler extraordinaire). Then HE uses this self-created situation to do what he wanted all along...play "roman emperor" by abusing the "executive order" process thus marginalizing Congress (the People's Reps)..Nero would have smiled...our enemies certainly do.

King Obama rear end kissers will ignore facts, or distort them, and keep believing their divisive, incompetent SERIAL LIAR of a president to the bitter end. Most of them voted for this joker based on mere color and phony rhetoric, you cannot reason with "children" like that (others don't want to admit they were fooled TWICE)...so don't waste your time arguing with these immature juvenile "adults" who have no business anywhere near a voting booth. Just thank God this pathetic POTUS can't run a third time, b/c many of the brainless in the US would happily vote for this lying fraud yet again and then blame everyone else for why things are going wrong.

Bryan Miller • 9 years ago

Wow thank you for concisely combating conservative bs in a logical and fact based way. I have been doing that for a bit and you hit the nail on the head when talking about the health care system.

I agree Obama ran on change and was suppose to be this big progressive, but i think the main thing that stopped that was the same thing that screwed over Obamacare. It didn't get a chance to reform insurance, and any meaningful change was gutted and balked at by any republican just b/c it was a democrat that came up with it.

Never in my life have i been so disgusted by partisanship in our government. The real thing that confuses me is how the tea party is still around after they literally took our government hostage?

Again thank you for sound reasoning and appeals to logic, I would enjoy disagreeing with you to actually hear some sound points rather than the slimy bs

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

pfft....here we go, it's NEVER "King Obama's" fault....ever! According to you bum kissers, it's always someone else's fault. Well guess what, it is HIS fault! b/c he's a lying, conniving and divisive America hater. The Facts prove it! Look at his evasive Senate record, look at the mess this country is in! Rather than meet with honest legit Black Leaders who does he regularly meet with instead? "Tawana Brawley's" pal, race baiter extraordinaire Al Sharpton. Who are his other "friends," caucasian hating Rev Right! Don't give us "he never had a chance to reform" bs, he's had PLENTY of chances, the guy just has NO LEADERSHIP experience, he hires like minded sycophants, and when the "shit hits the fan" he LIES his ass off; that's the truth as is evidenced everyday his rotten to the core Administration exists. And thanks to you libtards, we and our Allies will continue paying for the twice stupid vote of you "children" for the next two years...you were all bedazzled b/c he was Black and had a sweet pandering rap, and you looked NO FURTHER, thanks for the wisdom.

Bryan Miller • 9 years ago

meh the fact that you call him king obama alone tells me that you don't listen to reason and are very set in your views of the world. You probably still think the keystone pipeline being built would be a huge win for republicans and America in general and that the war in Iraq was such a great idea right?

Hey i heard Obama wasn't even born in America and that he is really a communist in a thinly veiled disguise. I too can use CAPS and make conservtard jokes cause they make my arguements so much stronger right? You are playing into exactly what i just talked about, and i literally just complimented a guy who was crapping on Obama... Keep playing into the 'merica' republican stereotype and keep calling me a snobbish liberal if that makes ya feel better, or better yet blame the liberal media right?

also wtf does meeting with the "honest legit Black Leaders" have to do with anything? Regardless of who, or what color they are he should meet with the wise... You play up the race card a lot buddy...

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

I call him "King" b/c he refuses to take responsibility to work with Congress and bring sides together (something almost ALL other POTUS's did), then using his "pen and phone" to circumvent Congress and MAKE law, something clearly Unconstitutional! He's fooling no one but fools. I don't care what you dream my "World View" is.

you "also wtf does meeting with the "honest legit Black Leaders" have to do with anything? Regardless of who, or what color they are he should meet with the wise" Are you implying Wisdom and Honesty are two separate attributes? I would argue the opposite, i.e. that honesty is a part of wisdom! If you disagree, be my guest.

Now, the "race card" .... buddy. Obama's the one that hangs with "Al (tawana brawley) Sharpton, and Rev. Wright...two well known divisive racist haters, who also make money from their hate; so funk off libtard... yeah, libtard fits you perfectly. And of course releasing combat hardened & murderous Jihadi's from Gitmo, yeah, another great move I'm sure a self-anointed genius like you would approve of. KING Obama deserves to be "crapped on" as as well as all the wise "adult children" like you who voted for the serial lying divisive joker twice bc Hollywood know nothings said he was "cool."

Bryan Miller • 9 years ago

not enough caps for me to take this one seriously King Baylor. and yes "crapped on" indeed. Keep playing into the stereotype Bob (tawananananananananana braylor) and i will try to do the same haha

M W • 9 years ago

It wasn't Republicans who gutted Obamacare, it was lobbyists. Nothing gets passed in Washington with the seal of approval of all the relevant lobbyist groups.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Can't wait till you find out that Obama care made health insurance so expensive it is even pissing of the liberal garbage professors at Harvard angry. And they supported it. And if the tea party is so bad why have the wiped out the dems in the last two elections.

Bryan Miller • 9 years ago

Read the original comment to which i was responding to to explain health care. Liberal garbage professors at harvard haha nice.

Why the tea party is doing so well? b/c they are seen as something "different" that isn't the GOP trying to hold on to the post WWII America, or liberals with their high hopes but poor support. But who knows what is going on in the minds of us Americans, probably just brainwashed by the darn liberal media

lygamnt • 9 years ago

I stand by my comments on Harvard professors as their hatred for America makes me sick. True reform to our health care system would have let people shop outside their state for health insurance to cause more competition. It would have also been smart to take Washington out of healthcare all together as anything the government gets ahold of prices go through the roof. Take education. I grew up in a time before the federalization of our education system and it was less expensive and we were actually taught in a way that wasn't politically motivated. My comment to you was actually aimed at havor. The UK system just isn't as great as people here think nor is the Canadian system. If they were better then so many people wouldn't come here for treatment instead of their home countries. I am not a republican but I am conservative on many issues. Bush jr. Was a horrible chief executive but he was a good Commander in chief as he let the military fight our wars and didn't just fire generals that took the fight to the Muslim bastards that want to kill us. Going back to read your posts I realize we have more in common than not. The tea party is a good thing as they listen to the people and believe in the constitution more than dems or rino republicans. My main point is we need Washington out of our lives more and let the people and free market decide prices. As for keystone I want it built as fuel prices need to stay low and more oil will do that as it is right now. Me and you have differences but I don't think we are all that different. God bless you and yours and may God bless our country and fellow Americans.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

Obama has never held a real job that's a fact. He is an American hating Muslim that has opened our boarders to illegal regulated business to the point of destroying the middle class let queers destroy the sanctity of marriage and lied to the American people about health caredeporting illegal and spent close to a billion dollars on shovel ready jobs he later laughed about while admiring he had no idea what a shovel ready job was so screw that lying Muslim piece of garbage.

RedPills • 9 years ago

The nomination process. That's the key. That's where the US democracy is actually an oligarchy/plutocracy.

lygamnt • 9 years ago

I can say I am one American that didn't vote for our current liar and chief either time. The current administration has pretty much made the world hate the American government. And children and blacks did vote him in and now all Americans are paying the price. Obama has lied to the American people and been caught so many times, and his answer is to stay his course and screw the American people, The proof is in the pudding and all they served was Jello.

jb226 • 9 years ago

Blacks make up about 10% of the population, or about 32 million people. Obama got just under 66 million votes. Let's pretend every single black person is an adult, every single black person voted and every single black person voted for Obama.

So, you're standing here calling 34 million Americans "children." And claiming to be the mature, reasonable one in the room.

You and everyone like you on both sides of the political spectrum are precisely what is wrong with this country. Period.

Bob Baylor • 9 years ago

try 13.2% for Blacks. And yes, anyone who votes for someone else strictly based on their skin color, and simple pandering rhetoric is a CHILD! Deny it if you wish, it's your right. There was plenty of info available on Obama before his 1st term, particularly his miserable (and telling) senate voting record. When a US Senator consistently votes "present" only during Congressional votes, this is a giveaway that they do not wish their true intent known by the public, i.e. they don't make a stand, thus create more room to pander come voting time. There was also plenty of info available on Romney, including his significant business success, press, charitable work, family, etc. So, those that voted for King Obama either didn't even bother to check his background b/c they were so bedazzled by the 1st Black POTUS, or they did and still thought he'd make a good "leader" compared" to Romney.

Given amount and type of info available, especially during the second election, I and many others agree with lygamnt, those that voted for Obama after ALREADY seeing his dismal 1st term performance (and 2nd term debate) were "children," believing in phony rhetoric DESPITE the facts (i.e. his 1st term performance, and "odd" senate voting record). A successful democracy depends on a reasonably EDUCATED electorate, one that can see BEYOND mere skin color, and look at a candidate's RECORD, and make rational inferences.

No candidate is perfect, sometimes one must choose the candidate that "stinks the less." Clearly, especially considering the evidence the second time around, it should have been very obvious to any OBJECTIVE THINKING person that Romeny was the rational choice (not perfect, but rational)...but apparently it wasn't, and the state of the country today is solid proof that a terrible mistake in reason (or simple laziness) was made by those who re-elected this serial lying phony.