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kibitzer3 • 9 years ago

An excellent commentary by Dr Paul. I just wish that he had mentioned the Cloward-Piven Strategy, by socialists, to so overwhelm the welfare system that the system collapses in its entirety, and thus gives the Left their big chance to establish a socialist state here. And a key piece of that strategy was to break down the family unit by paying females to have babies, and get the man out of the house in order to qualify for that good dosh. Result: A generation or two of feral youths, with no proper supervision and little chance for a future. No wonder there is so much violence in inner-city situations, and wherever there is a substantial welfare class.

There is plenty of blame to go around, from both the Left AND the Right. But, as they say, Crisis creates Opportunity. And with the major Crisis we are faced with, we have the choice, to go neither to the Left nor to the Right. But Up.

A New World, just waiting for us, to reach for it. And deserve it. By understanding, in a major way, that we are 'spiritual beings having a human experience'. And acknowledging our true identity. From which acknowledgment, cometh our help. To be free at last, from tyrants, of all sorts. And standing in our own power. As the Children of a loving God. Who certainly doesn't want this current sort of world for us. But it's our choice.

junktex • 9 years ago

The strategy that has bankrupted us is the bankster/neocon endless war strategy.The welfare system you alluded to is peanuts compared to what the banksters have stolen.

kibitzer3 • 9 years ago

I agree, that - as I said - "(t)here is plenty of blame to go around". But I hope that you're not being just ideological in your observation. And recognize the intelligence in the observation: A pox on both their houses. Neither the Scylla of socialism/communism nor the Charybdis of fascism is the way to go. Those are choices of brands of totalitarianism. The only 'ism' that we should adhere to is spiritualism. As I say: Up. Neither Right nor Left.

We've had enough of the likes of the Soviet Union's slaughter of millions - believing that the end justifies the means - and the same with Red China, and the highhandedness of Nazi Germany. NO MORE ISMS. Including Marxism. The way of Force is not the way to go, into The New.

Dan • 9 years ago

The big bankers are members of the BILDERBERGS. Agenda destroy the U.S., economically and spiritually. When the U.S. falls its over. Welcome NEW WORLD ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan • 9 years ago

You have a grip on what's going on, most people have no idea what the NEW WORLD ORDER is let alone what they want to accomplish. I would hope all the VETERANS will come together and stop this madness before it is to late. God Bless you all and keep the faith. The day of reckoning is coming. I am proud to say I took my oath in 68, and will never renounce it.

timwebb1000 . • 9 years ago

How is it that this man seems to speak so much common sense, and yet he has nurtured an individual in his own family who at present is presenting a bill in Congress to cut off all aid to Palestine?
And is RP a mason? Does he give the cornu satanas hand signal to his devotees? Is he "controlled opposition?

Dan • 9 years ago

Its to bad the majority are not educated. We have the Pied Piper from Kenya leading people around by the nose, heading for a cliff with no bottom. Lets pray someone from the Tea Party is next in the White House. The end, I worry is near. We have to resurrect the CONSTITUTION and bring this GREAT COUNTRY back before its truly to late. Being a vet the state of the U.S. is very important to me. I don't have much money, but will gladly give what I have to bring my country back to its greatness.

FREE-BUSINESSES.com • 9 years ago

I don't agree with everything Paul says, but this is dead on, about time we hear the truth out of a politician. PERIOD

OratorImplored • 9 years ago

When people had the chance to avoid the police state, they rooted for it. Often times, they participated gleefully in it. Americans earned their police state, at every opportunity! Let them have what they have so willingly sought. I will continue to sympathize for the path they chose, but far be it from me to steal a persons growth. Good luck.

F.Thomas McGuire • 9 years ago

Can you tell me, word for word, the oath of office that the president, senators and representatives swear before accepting office? If someone takes this oath of office and then works to undermine the constitution, are they violating their oath of office and is there a procedure or punishment for such a violation? Does the oath of office mean anything?

futurelife • 9 years ago

The communist party/ progressive movement has wanted to take over this country for years... Once they found a black man who had a female like Oprah to lead him forward, they got their way. The problem was, they didn't even now that they have lost, to mulsims. Too late for them and for freedom now. Muslims of evil has come about and yes, the NewWorld Order is coming about. No more middle class, a country like Cuba is and North Korea is and etc. People just love to turn on God and His Wisdom of not to do this or that but man loves to do what man loves to do... wrong. Satan's way of course, more fun I guess in their eyes but the end results are the same, hell.

justanagent • 9 years ago

I believe we have passed the tipping point and our national government has already begun to collapse. I liken it to an old house that is so infested with mold and vermin that it has become rotten and structurally unstable. If it catches on fire the best thing to do is just let it burn. If it was built on a good foundation you can rebuild it. I believe our Constitution is still an excellent foundation but our government has grown into a bloated and corrupt bureaucracy that it was never designed or intended to support. While I do not believe we should do anything to accelerate the inevitable collapse neither do I believe we should anything to delay or prevent it. The sooner it happens the sooner we can begin to rebuild with some safeguards in place to ensure that the new government we create will never be allowed to morph into the beast this one has become. Yes, it will be a real "Darwin Event" and there will be a period of chaos, even anarchy, but we can get through it and emerge as a better nation. After all, it was the states that created the federal government, not the other way around. With that in mind I believe that Texas (and the other states) should begin making preparations to disengage from the federal government so that we will be able to function autonomously as an organized governmental entity when that event occurs. This is not a call for secession but a plea for preparedness so that we can begin the process of rebuilding quickly while maintaining essential services and some degree of social order. Some will read this, say it cannot happen and label me a dooms day fanatic. I would say that they are caught up in cognitive dissonance and ignoring the evidence.

Keith • 9 years ago

Totally agree with you and would also add that I think another tipping point has now been reached - enough people have woken up to ensure that the old order can never be rescued or recreated.

Arrest the criminals • 9 years ago


That is a good idea but it is like bailing water in a sinking boat.
You can get all the people in the boat to bail the incoming water but if you don't fix the huge hole you are just postponing the inevitable.

Start arresting the criminals and then fix what they broke.

You and I know exactly what the criminals will do once faced with effective opposition. They will gather and fight, and we must be prepared.

Find good judges and police who will follow through with incarceration and conviction.

Believe me, once THAT ball starts rolling there will be no stopping it.

The people of this nation are sick of the criminals and will fall right in fighting them.

Christopher Allen • 9 years ago

But, this nation is not sick of all of the "criminals"; the "mind set" is to go after the petty, not the "white collar", or politicians; that is what OUR Government has done; made laws, and stood by them to go after the "small", when ignoring the "main" and biggest criminals; again, the banks, the politicians, and the corporate "big wigs" that, daily steal from us all!

Guest • 9 years ago
Christopher Allen • 9 years ago

"Blue eyes 48", you have a very intuitive mind! Thank You! If only it could be!