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JamesFBarry • 9 years ago

"I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability."
Oscar Wilde

Savannah • 9 years ago

This might be funny if the article references for "Reliance of the Traveler" didn't have completely false information. Also, most Muslims don't even know what the "Reliance of the Traveler is, lol. That book is just a translation by a western English-speaking Muslim of some various Arabic texts of things their prophet said or did. There is no such "definitive" book about Sharia Law. LOL.

For those who don't want to remain ignorant, just visit a local mosque during a sermon and listen to what they tell their people. It's not rocket science, you know. In fact, it's not much different than being at a Sunday church service!

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

These people hosting the event are leaders of the subversive goal to make Islam supreme in America and the world. Christians should pray for good people trapped in Islam to leave it even at the risk of death for apostasy. Muslims who know about the hate and violence in the Quran should leave Islam (and hopefully come to the light of Christ)...or they are complicit with the killers. We need to elect a President (who is not Muslim) and Congress to address Islamic immigration (stop it), and execute Islamic terrorists and deport all associated with any terror plot.

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

I had planned to attend the rally but could not due to family matters. I hope the protest rally was a success. Good article here David Whitley on the evils of Islam. Islam's Quran says that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross and that Jesus never said He is the Son of God. As a Christian who believes in the Gospels written by two eye witnesses to Jesus statements and two contemporaries, I say the Quran verses are lies against the Gospels (Quran written 700 years after the Gospels). Jesus also said that Satan is the father of all lies. If the allah god truly revealed the Quran to Muhammad, the the allah god is a liar and is Satan. Salmon Rushdie wrote Satanic verses whereby Muhammad admitted two verses were from Satan and fooled him. Robert spencer in his books also mentions these verses concerning two gods beside the allah god. I think Muhammad was fooled by Satan on the entire revelation thing...or Muhammad made it up since he had no eye witnesses; so that makes Muhammad one big LIAR to add to murderer, robber and pedophile titles he earned.

Guest • 9 years ago

whats wrong is that rally making it hard for you to find black Johns?

Phleb • 9 years ago

No Coincidence: Stand with the Prophet Rally To Be Held in Texas


KAM • 9 years ago

KFS the problem is that the GISD's only worry was making money. Instead of taking responsibliity for what tax payer, School Property is used for. So yes, they may not have their name on the conference, but Complacency and greed, has put their name on it.

The real issue is not the conference itself, but the fact that an accused, but not indited, terrorist is allowed to rent space in a public owned and paid for building, in order to recruit others to his side.

This has nothing to do with church or state, but where the moral compass of the GISD stands. Please research his previous speeches and ideas, they are easy to find. We must at some point stand and take responsiblity for our decissions. The GISD rented the space because of money with or without thinking it through, now they must answer to the public who's taxes paid for the building, instead of cowering on the sidelines saying they did not sponser the conference.

So no matter where you stand on the issue, GISD is being held responsible for their actions, as they should be.

KFS • 9 years ago

As a citizen and parent in the GISD, I want to make a couple of things very clear to this group of commenters - the Garland ISD is NOT hosting this event. They are NOT sponsoring it in any way. The Culwell Center is a money maker for the district by being a facility that can be rented out. It is rented out MOST weekends of the year, as well as some events during the week that are NOT school related. There is a misconception that the district is in some way putting this on and that there is an issue with "Church and State" and what not - simply not the case. Also, as a means of showing no discrimination, the GISD DOES rent this facility, as well as many of it's school buildings, out to churches of all faiths, both for conferences and for Sunday services. Should they do something to stop this now that the speaker has been named? Yes. Has the district rented this same facility out to this same group in the past, without incident? Yes. I don't know if they really had the time to LEGALLY void the contract just because the speaker named was potentially linked to an act of terrorism. The school district simply cannot afford a civil rights lawsuit of that magnitude.
I don't agree with this conference, but I don't see how they could really stop it once it got to the point it is at today. Even at the last school board meeting when points were being brought up by the public - there was nothing they could do short of calling an emergency meeting to discuss, which there was not time to do. Stage a peaceful protest of the event, that's fine. But don't assume that the school district is in on this and don't resort to violence. Nothing is worse than becoming what you are against.

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

If the devil wanted to rent it should they rent it to him? This conference has the goal to limit free speech about the evil false prophet, Muhammad, who was a robber, a murderer, a pedophile and most likely a LIAR. The Quran is supposedly the allah god's revelation to him. The Quran in Suran 9-5 and 9-29 and 2-193 calls for killing, fighting or subjugating 99% of Americans who are unbelievers...and there are many more hate filled verses. I do not want any school district or government agency supporting EVIL for money, or for any other reason. That's the bottom line.

DOCWRIGHT • 9 years ago

Its not to late to stop it people of Garland. Sounds like what the left would call a gross violation of separation of church and state.... if it was a christian group holding a meeting at the school building entitled Standing up for Jesus.

DOCWRIGHT • 9 years ago

There is no such thing as Islomophobia. A phobia is an unreasonable fear. Since Islamic terrorist have been chopping peoples heads off, shooting people, blowing people up... and threading to do more of it in America and all over the world it is not unreasonable to fear islamic terror. Islomophobia is rally just common sense. This word, Islomophobia is meaningless and just a ploy of the left and islam.

liberaltraitors • 9 years ago

This is what happens when fat, lazy, fat-food horking parents care more about "American Idle" and logos on their clothing than their kid's education. Those insufferable fat soccer moms who sit there all fat and gross worrying about some other woman's purse, and the loser dad banging away at some other woman and watching sports all weekend, while letting the iPhone raise their pervert kid ... you know those pieces of crap, at least 65% of parents these days.

It is their fault for letting a piece of crap get into their ISD administration. They should have been paying attention instead of eating boxed meals, those pigs.

Thank God we kicked those clowns in the Dalass area out of Texas long ago. Oklahoma, or some other sissy place can have everything east of Euless.

Hell-Cat • 9 years ago

If I had a child at this school, they would be staying home.

Every American • 9 years ago

Kill the moozies while they are all in one place. Burn that place to the ground.

Dog on a hog • 9 years ago


Obligation to Command the Right and Forbid the Wrong
- Muslims are obligated to discipline others. If censuring with harsh
words, breaking things, or intimidation does not work, Muslims are
obligated “to directly hit or kick the person, or use similar measures
that do not involve weapons.” (Section q5.8)

Wife beating – “[A husband] may hit her, but not
in a way that injures her, meaning he may not break bones, wound her, or
cause blood to flow.” (Section m10.12)

Honor killing – “The following are not subject to
retaliation: a father or mother for killing their offspring, or
offspring’s offspring. (Section o1.2(4))

Killing an apostate – “There is no indemnity for
killing an apostate. Or any expiation, since it is killing someone who
deserves to die.” (Section o8.4)

Obligation to engage in Jihad – “Jihad is a
communal obligation upon Muslims each year.” (Section o9.1) The
objective of jihad is: “The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and
Zoroastrians until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll
tax.” (Section o9.8)

Montecc • 9 years ago

Where are all the athiests at fighting for the separation of church and state?

Lorenzo Gasbarrini • 9 years ago

1 atheist here. I just FBed Cruz. I'm just getting started.

Voco_Veritas • 9 years ago

So when are muslimes going to be tolerant of non-muslimes? When all non-muslimes are dead? Over the 1400 year history of islime, may pig excrement be upon it, muslimes have NEVER tolerated the presence of non-muslimes. Here is the proof that they have murdered over 260 MILLION people in their quest for global domination.


For muslimes who see this, we know you will not accept the truth but for those who fight you, we will no longer accept your lies, your intolerance, or your continued murder of anyone who does not accept your satanic cult.

Clark Kent • 9 years ago

I went to the Curtis Culwell Center website and clicked on the "Contact us" button and nothing happens. I wonder now if they disabled it because of this.

driech • 9 years ago

Try this phone number 972 487-3256. Voice mail has been disabled but you might get someone brave enough to answer.

I did get an email address cnmoore@garlandisd.com

Lorenzo Gasbarrini • 9 years ago

I did too. Names/photos/titles/phone numbers of officers, administrators, employees came up. Give em a call.

nobuttkissr • 9 years ago

I cannot believe that Americans put up with garbage like this. I always believed
that there were real American men in America. I thought that Americans kicked ass. This is precisely what these terrorist Muslim jokers need. Kick all of their asses out of town,and off the continent. Here is a news flash for you... protests won't get it done. Phone calls,letters,and politicians won't either. It's time to act.

These certainly are strange times we live in,when men are no longer men,because it is politically incorrect to act like one. It's time for men to be men again.

There is only one God and Jesus is his son. We do not kill people in Gods' name,but Muslims kill us in the name of Allah. These fanatics won't stop until we are dead or convert to Islam. That makes them the enemy... PERIOD

DOBinTX • 9 years ago

Have changed my mind on No Protest, folks. I've joined up with the Overpasses for America group and we will be meeting under the flagpoles at 5PM at the Curtis Culwell Center, 4999 Naaman Forest Rd, Garland, TX. If you bring a sign, please focus it on the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the enemy of America, and the force behind this blatant jihad attack in Garland? Thanks!

Infoseek • 9 years ago

then one in Houston the next day: http://www.wherevent.com/de...

Infoseek • 9 years ago

From the event page: Stand with the Prophet-
"Prophet Muhammad inspires love and devotion in the hearts of Muslims, peace be upon him; While the US is where this hate machine is based...
What will Our "Strategic Communication Centre" do for the Muslim Community and Our Neighbors?
Rapid Response & Crisis Communication: When real events warrant, like the Danish Cartoon controversy, Sharia ban, Quran burning, Boko Haram kidnappings. ISIS brutality, etc., we articulate fresh talking points and content quickly, and in a timely manner, working with professionals to disseminate it through community spokespersons and our allies."

Rham • 9 years ago

Muhammed may inspire you differently than he inspires the pigs that are treacherously and cowardly killing defenseless people. So which Muhammed is it?

Infoseek • 9 years ago
Constitution101 • 9 years ago

Dear David Whitley:

You claim to be a student of politics and American history. But I'm wondering if you have studied the Constitution. Because you cited Article 5 (which is the amendment process for Congress) with the following:

"U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights:

Article 5 - No person shall . . . be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."

What you meant, I assume, is Amendment 5 that is contained in the Bill of Rights.


A student of the Constitution and American history and published writer

★✩★ David ★✩★ • 9 years ago

Thank you for catching this error. You assumed correctly. I write most of my articles on the fly, quickly between many commitments, so I am bound to miss a few things. I reference the Bill of Rights and then went awry after the "A" in Amendment. Sorry you were so hurt by it. To error is human. “As iron sharpens iron, men sharpen men.” (Prov. 27:17)

Rham • 9 years ago

Except in circumstances where the murdering bastards are cowardly and treacherously killing defenseless people. There is no protection for these sons of pigs under any constitution.

DOBinTX • 9 years ago

The thing that is most striking about comment chains like this is all of you don't think anyone is wise to the jihadists but you. That is obviously not true. I'd suggest joining ACT! for America to know just how many there are who think like you. As to the Garland thing, yes, there are plans to counter this jihad attack, but not with a protest. It's January folks, in a dark parking lot at night. Easily ignored. Big flop looking to happen with that. Since I've commented here, I should be able to come back with info with what (if anything, nothing's set in stone yet) "we" get going. There are many who know my handle and know I usually follow thru. If you live in NETX, I hope you'll be part of it.

Infoseek • 9 years ago

what are you talking about?

Keith Lacey • 9 years ago

PEOPLE ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!! How many more ISIS attacks on Christians or attacks like Paris need to happen?!

Savannah • 9 years ago

Governments Divide and Conquer.
The Ruling Elite (think wealthy worldwide bankers, military industrial complex) love to set everyone else against each other. They will lie, cheat, steal, and murder just to make sure "we the people" keep busy hating each other so they can continue bilking us out of millions of dollars.

Our Founding Fathers worried about this.

When will we ever learn.

Search Youtube re Paris False Flag.

Check out whatreallyhappened.com

Christopher Chance • 9 years ago

These people best not come to Texas we don't need them and we are not islamophobic the word that the obamass admin created to make us "feel bad" about hating those who would destroy us! The only thing they should remember is that while they are here they are within shooting distance of many who conceal and open carry, who will not tolerate their $#!T! I suggest a lot of protests (no violent of course) letting them know and understand they are not welcome in the Lone Start state, we are their biggest threat in this country, if we fall, the rest of the country will as well. We CANNOT allow it!

Chris • 9 years ago

REALLY? I mean REALLY? ISLAM Phobia is a VERY REAL thing with lots to back it up! We do NOT want to become BARBARIANS as they have been for ions of time!! FORGET IT

Rham • 9 years ago

ISLAM Phobia is something caused by Islamic people, it exists because of the existence of coward and treacherous murdering sons of pigs.

Homer Bentley • 9 years ago

Chris, Christianity is a religion of love, not hate, and that's what the Koran teaches all through it. God says in second Corinthians 6 " Come out from among them, and be ye separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." Jesus is the only way to heaven, and he is not the same Jesus as Islam's.

Bob McMahan • 9 years ago

So when Abdul a bul bul is getting ready to slice off your head, you are going to turn the other cheek?

Keith Lacey • 9 years ago

Not too bright there are we Chris ?!

Chris • 9 years ago

REALLY KEITH why’s that?

Jack • 9 years ago

Yes, REALLY you ass hole! If some one breaks into my house (office)to harm me or my family, I WILL BE A BARBARIAN EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK, you idiot! You fool! Islam has been plaguing societies since the 7th century. Their mission is to subjugate the earth ...... in the name of a phony MNOON gOD! How stupid!

Robert • 9 years ago

If it is true I am embarrassed for you Garland ISD.

Chris • 9 years ago

Seriously if I lived int he GARLAND TEXAS school district I would be on that phone asking what the hell!!!

Mark Gilman • 9 years ago

There is no such event listed at the Culwell Center.

ForAmerianValues • 9 years ago

I do live in this area and have checked the validity of this. YES Chris Moore with the Curtis Culwell Center (which is part of the GARLAND ISD, http://www.garlandisd.net/c... ) has booked this event under the name Sound Vision Foundation, INC. http://ebms.garlandisd.net/...
I have called and questions as to why our ISD would allow this event that has 2 speakers that have been tied to terrorist organizations and encouraged followers to KILL non-Muslim be allowed within our school district facilities. My answer was they completed the contract and will be allow to have their function. What?! So we are willfully allowing our school district to compromise our children and neighbors safety because they completed a contract.

charlie kerfield • 9 years ago

Threaten to keep your children home from school until that event is canceled. The district will listen to that! The potential loss of ADA would be devastating!

Michael Odom • 9 years ago

Sound Vision Foundation (Google the name) IS on the calendar of scheduled events for the Culwell Center (look up their schedule)

Guest • 9 years ago
Savannah • 9 years ago

Why the middle east? Don't you know most Muslims are not from the middle east? Maybe Indonesia.
Oh, wait, some of the speakers are African American. Or caucasian Americans whose families emigrated from Europe.