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large • 10 years ago

What's really sad, or funny, depending upon how you look at it, The Democrats only have the Koch Brothers to vilify, and if you start down that road on Democrats and who owns them, you could fill a couple of legal pages, single spaced . .

Mojo Thomas • 10 years ago

Dems feel guilty from their filthy rich crony capitalism but that's why they love you comrade.

mj01323 • 10 years ago

They don't feel guilty for "their filthy rich crony capitalism". That's what Democrats do. All the while they are lying to the little guy and making the little guy think Democrats are looking out for them.

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

yea youre right... more people give money to dems... more people vote for them, too... thats why repubs try to restrict voting. less voters = more GOP wins... how very american of them...

large • 10 years ago

Yeah, illegal immigrants, People who have no pulse, and those who vote often . . Voter ID isn't an exclusion, it's just verifying that the voter is who he/she says they are and that they are residents of the state and country they are voting in . .

Asking who someone is and mandating they prove it has nothing to do with being "American" or racist . .

Or . . Would you take a check from a stranger with no I.D.? Answer that one honestly and we'll all see how hypocritical you really are!

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

me taking a check from someone isnt a constitutional right...

your analogy makes very little sense.

large • 10 years ago

Just about everything an American citizen does everyday, from cashing checks, presenting Credit Cards for a purchase, almost all transactions concerning money or legal issue, requires a "Picture I.D.", normally either a resident driver's license or a state Issued I.D. card if you don't have a valid driver's license. In a couple of instances, a valid picture I.D. is required as well as your passport for entry into that country . .

And Voting in the USA is a "Constitutional right" only to those who are CITIZENS of the USA . . I am required to present my I.D. twice during the voting process in my state and yet there are instances, several hundred in my state, of people voting more than once or voting but are not citizens of the country. The several hundred illegal votes? Apparently "Fair" in your eyes, but unfair to the real citizens because I don't get to vote twice or three times and must prove who i am . .

On the check thing . . Obviously you're far too ignorant to understand the analogy . . So I probably just wasted the last paragraph on you. Hopefully someone else will get something out of it!

blindman • 9 years ago

Benjordan03 has probably never seen a check or a debit/credit card. probably never votes either... which may be a good thing.

Fatga • 10 years ago

Right on large!!!

Econ4dummies • 10 years ago

racist!! /sarc
Wonder if they would oppose requiring proof of insurance to vote since that is apparently much easier to get than a picture ID

Fatga • 10 years ago

That's because we have a dictator who forces policy on you without out your permission or input. Look out China or N Korea here we come.

blindman • 9 years ago

crappy insurance that 75% of most doctors don't accept. haha. worst thing to happen to this country since his election.

mj01323 • 10 years ago

Where in the constitution does it say a person, legally registered to vote, cannot be asked to prove they are the person registered. Are you really Melowese from Cincinnati? You certainly think the way she does.

blindman • 9 years ago

apparently you don't do business. when you take a check from someone you want to make sure that person is who they say they are. if not it could be fraudulent. so, actually, it makes plenty of sense..... same reason a bank asks for an ID when you cash a check.... its brilliant. it is 99.9% effective on cutting back fraud. just like it could in voting.

Douglas N. Meredith • 10 years ago

Neither is voting in a Presidential election according to the SCOTUS....

Josie Robison • 10 years ago

That's the theory, but that's not at all the practical effect.

Navymum • 10 years ago

Thirty-five thousand voters in NC were registered and voted in more than one state. Is that fair? Or are you libs so self-righteous you believe you have the right to steal an election?

Jon Schneck • 10 years ago

let's be a little more realistic, when you move you don't unregister, you simply don't vote again in that precinct. after the election the democrat precinct commander looks at all the people who didn't vote and starts running the names through various databases looking for why, did you die, did you go to prison, or did you move. then they have a list of registered voters that they can use, when the bus of homeless pulls up at the polling place they are given a name and address to use at that location, after voting there they load and go to the next polling place with a new name and address, and so on and so on. with voter id requirements week or nonexistent it an easy scam and hard to prove.

pull up all your old addresses and see how many places your name is still being used to vote with. there are some address in Baltimore with a hundred registered voters voting in every election, and the houses haven't been lived in for years some are vacant lots but the people that once lived there are still voting every election

stellap • 10 years ago

They voted in more than one place.

Navymum • 10 years ago

Thank you for that information.

Marlowe1 • 10 years ago

Very well articulated.

ImBackBishes • 10 years ago

It's in their DNA (the Demsheviks). They're a sub species, with emphasis on sub.

JSirko • 10 years ago

Yes R's try to stop the instances of the recently surfaced massive vote fraud in NC benefitting Obama and the Dems. Remember NC was the first swing state to go for Obama in 2012. Dems can only win with fraud.

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

except that the investigation into these claims hasnt even started yet...

Fox News is already running with the story, so I dont really blame you for believing it...

jkmckin • 10 years ago

John, John - being a Democrat, for you, clearly isn't based on reason -- it is your religion. Sad....

Guest • 10 years ago

the democrat party has fraudulently influenced every single election for 50 years. It's what it does and it totally reflects its leaders and supporters. Scumbags all.

Marlowe1 • 10 years ago

Too true.

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

no source? just your "gut feeling"? typical neo con...

Karl Hungus • 10 years ago

Are you one of those 'non-racists' that think blacks are too stupid to figure out how to obtain a photo ID?

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

nope. Im one of those "rationalists" who thinks that if you dont have to show an ID to buy a gun, then you shouldnt have to show one vote.

They are both constitutional rights.

Its funny how people like you care so much about one part of the constitution, but choose to ignore the rest.

cesplin • 10 years ago

Shows what you know.. you do have to show an ID to buy a gun. Maybe you should check out your argument before you make it... oh your heart is in the right place ... you can say anything and we should all swoon.

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

apparently you've never been to a gun show...

cesplin • 10 years ago

I have and you still need ID.

mj01323 • 10 years ago

You are out of your mind or intentionally lying.

old broad • 9 years ago

I certainly had to show ID to buy my gun and a back ground check from the state I live ! What are you a 16 year old high school drop out with no job and nothing else to do?

ImBackBishes • 10 years ago

Pretty much.

Guest • 10 years ago
benjordan03 • 10 years ago

YES! the GOP wants "freedom"... EXCEPT the freedom to vote...

we dont need THAT kind of freedom in this country...

ImBackBishes • 10 years ago

The "War of Northern Aggression" was fought for no reason. Talk about unforeseen consequences.

tomhayward • 10 years ago

Restrict voting...is that anything like how you liberal wing nuts wanted to restrict the count of Republican votes because you lost the Gore election?

Anything like that sweetie?

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

I voted for bush in that election.

Im sorry if that doesnt fit your myopic world view.

mj01323 • 10 years ago

Republicans attempt to limit voter fraud by the Democrat machine. You just don't get it, benjie.

benjordan03 • 10 years ago

Oh right, that "voter fraud" that the GOP has tried over and over again to prove, yet study after study finds NO fraud taking place??

James D • 10 years ago

Do you have a link to those studies or, did you just "hear" that this is a "proven" fact?

How can one prove that voter fraud does, or does not exist, if there is no verification of identity or eligibility to vote?

blindman • 9 years ago

more money means more ways to advertise lies. that's obvious. both parties are rich with lies but if we have learned anything from this current administration dems lie and don't care if they get caught. they actually smirk it off. reminding those of us that didn't vote for him how retarded those are that did vote him.

Fatga • 10 years ago

It is not restricting voting. These people crying about not being able to get id cards, have no problem getting out to get cigarette, beer, liquor, drugs or any thing else they want only they can't make it out to get an id card to fulfill their civic duty... I would be willing to bet if and when they get a ride to the poles they are told to vote.

kap65 • 10 years ago

So, if ID's are not required for things that are Constitutional rights....are you ok with people buying guns without ID?????

csmith • 9 years ago

Of course they're not - because "that's" different. And now you will start getting the Brady-law deniers stating that even a 5 year child old can walk into any gun show and buy a rocket launcher with no i.d. needed.

Guest • 10 years ago
benjordan03 • 10 years ago

except that the dem donors are unions which are made up of MANY MANY people and the GOP donors are all ONE PERSON BILLIONAIRES... so what this article is actually saying is that more people are giving money to dems, but the super rich are giving to republicans and almost keeping up with masses.