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Cloud • 4 years ago

Wishing Canada a very Safe and Happy Canada Day! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cloud • 4 years ago

Belugas are back! Pic by Alex de Vries taken yesterday, June 29, 2020. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Brenda05 • 4 years ago

Beluga seen off coast of San Diego.....never heard of this before ....wonder why its way down this way

Cloud • 4 years ago

Posted below. :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

An Alaska Beluga Population Continues to Fall :(
Read more here: https://www.hakaimagazine.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Guest • 4 years ago
Cloud • 4 years ago

The population this article is about won't reach Churchill. They summer in Cook Inlet in Alaska. I lived in Anchorage and remember seeing them so thick in Turnagan Arm in the summer. By the early 90s there were less than half. :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

A beautiful image of fog floating over the grain terminal. Pic taken yesterday (June 26, 2020) by Patricia Kandiurin. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

eaglenut • 4 years ago

Hello Cloud and Beluga Boat Friends...have you seen this video of a Beluga Whale in San Diego coastal waters https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Pilotfish • 4 years ago


Cloud • 4 years ago

Hi eaglenut! No, I hadn't see that. That's amazing! I found this story about it . :)

eaglenut • 4 years ago

, Thanks for the article Cloud....it must be so lonely so far away from the other Belugas :(

Cloud • 4 years ago

I'm so curious how it got that far south. An all alone. 🤔

eaglenut • 4 years ago

me too,I keep thinking about its journey and why it is travelling south...so confusing ...

Cloud • 4 years ago

The latest update from University of Manitoba and Prairie Architects regarding the Churchill Marine Observatory. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cloud • 4 years ago

Wishing all the Dads in the world a Very.... :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cloud • 4 years ago

Happy Summer Solstice! It won't be long now! :)https://media.giphy.com/med...

eaglenut • 4 years ago

Hi Cloud, :). and fellow Beluga boat watchers , Happy Summer :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

Hi eaglenut!

Hi ☁️!

Cloud • 4 years ago

Hi 🌶️! :)

Hope you are well!

Cloud • 4 years ago

I am. Hoping you are too! 🤞 :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

The Churchill River is open so it won't be long before the Belugas return. Pic taken last night (June 12) by Patricia Kandiurin. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...


stilling • 4 years ago

Just curious...with all the Covid19 stuff going on if they will be still be taking the boats out.

Cloud • 4 years ago

The tourist boats may be impacted but the Beluga Boat should not be.

equestrian1293 • 4 years ago

I hope so

stilling • 4 years ago

Has there been any word/news if and when the Beluga cams will be starting?

Cloud • 4 years ago

The Beluga Boat season typically starts mid July and goes through August and can run into September as long as the weather holds. :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

"We owe it to our children to be better stewards of the environment. The alternative? - a world without whales. It's too terrible to imagine."
Happy World Oceans Day! :) https://youtu.be/qGY47iRt2gI

Cloud • 4 years ago

The latest update on the construction of the Churchil Marine Observatory. :)
Click to enlarge https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

eaglenut • 4 years ago

thanks Cloud :)

lina/oh • 4 years ago


Cloud • 4 years ago

"They exude an innocence, wisdom and patient acceptance I haven’t seen in my other wildlife encounters."
A wonderful story about visiting Churchill and encounters with the Belugas. :)
Read more here: https://www.independent.co....https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

eaglenut • 4 years ago

Thanks Cloud :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

YVW! :)

lina/oh • 4 years ago

THX, you ROCK Cloud!

Cloud • 4 years ago

🤍 My pleasure! :)

mginest • 4 years ago

i cant wait

Cloud • 4 years ago

Happy May Long Weekend, Canada! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cloud • 4 years ago

The latest update on the Churchill Marine Observatory. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cloud • 4 years ago

Happy Mother's Day! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Cloud • 4 years ago

"Beluga Whales Can Get Sick With Coronavirus, Too" Two interesting articles about marine mammals being susceptible to the virus. :(
Read more here.


PrincessNeko04 • 4 years ago

Oh no! I hope these belugas are feeling well!

Wagner123 • 4 years ago

so cute1:)

LILY • 4 years ago

I've never watched this site before n I'm so happy to have found it. The highlights are heartwarming n stunning. Can't wait for July

Cloud • 4 years ago

Hi! Glad you found the Beluga Boat cams! It's a short season, but an oh, so sweet season! :)

Cloud • 4 years ago

Rock the Park visits Churchill and kayaks with the whales. :) https://youtu.be/8Avxe-bh34U

Cloud • 4 years ago

For the Gunzels. A glimpse of the train heading to Churchill from Winnipeg recorded Sunday April 26th. :) https://youtu.be/luYkGdYBnv0