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Nightz • 9 years ago

Support the Kurds.

Guest • 9 years ago

Great men, defending their land from mongrel dogs!

Salvatoy • 9 years ago

kurdistan is a nation that should been created several decaeds ago... 45-49. The world failed to give them a safe home, maybe now, they can have it? The do their part and more, to defend the iraqi failure government now. If anything positive can come out of this madness....

Guest • 9 years ago

Agree, and the behaviour of Curds show they ar mature people, with honor, and that they know and respect other minorities which were not minorities some years ago. However a slice from several countries should be negotiated for them, however hard it would be, and oil would pay for others ªterritorial lossesª.

iRebbe • 9 years ago

It's Kurds mate not Curds

jose • 9 years ago

Go Kurds!

Wingineer • 9 years ago

These people don't dress up like people fighting for religion. They dress up like soldiers.

Very telling that they value humans rights to at least some extent.

A H • 9 years ago

All parties in Iraq should maintain unity and avoid confrontation. Kurdish should look towards Iraq and not NATO. Kurdish oil to Israel is not helping its stand much. All parties should strictly respect the civilians and treat all civilians as they would have liked their own family to be treated. Those who violate this are UNISLAMIC.

Master • 9 years ago

İ agree with you . but when the problem was about Kurdish why nobody helped kurds as one of their own Family member. like in chemical bombing against kurds or Saddam persecution or about Kurdish human right. if nobody support each other in hard times how you can you talk about unity ?

Richard L. Provencher • 9 years ago

I also agree with you. So many have condemned the US for their involvement in Iraq. However, United States saved the Kurdish-Iraqi nation from extermination by Saddam's forces. Prior to the West attacking the 500-600,000 Sadam forces, he reportedly killed about 200,000 Kurdish, and gassed 5,000 more. Then as Saddam was losing the battle organized by the US, he sent his helicopter gunships to mow down the Kurdish villages and escaping civilians.

Finally the US sent its massive air power to clear the skies of Saddam pilots and provide security protection for the Kurds, thus allowing many thousands to survive. They have since developed into an organized and successful nation. and deserve the expanded territory they now are in. When the Iraqi army of northern Iraq collapsed under the IS onslaught, it was the Kurds who held the line, losing yet winning battles against IS through determination.

Guest • 9 years ago

your story is all upside down.
Being a Bush guy, we know you canºt do better.

A H • 9 years ago

..................................... I think Saddam killed Sunnis, Shias, Kurds, without much distinction. He believed in UNITED Iraq and anybody against UNITED Iraq was traitor. His staff had Christians and army had Sunni Shia both. BTW Chemicak for Kurds and Iran was GIFTED by GREAT PEACE LOVING COUNTRY via Di ck Chiney..........................

Richard L. Provencher • 9 years ago

All countries in war buy weapons from arms dealers from Russia, North Korea, US, Iran, Israel, and many others. It is what they do with the weapons that counts.

Master • 9 years ago

Saddam is nice guy. he wasn't making discrimination between them and kill all of them.

Unity make you stronger but not unity in the hand of dictator.
and Unity doesn't mean destroy diversity, differences , nation. And force other to accept your ideas, your language, your religion, your nation.

if there is justice then it you can make unity.

who can make proper justice ???

FeelTheFriction • 9 years ago

It's interesting to see the last picture contrasted with all the others.

AKs and then all of a sudden the last picture is of Kurdish fighters armed with M16s. I wonder if they recovered those off ISIS or if this is the start of the United States and Iraq arming the Kurdish?

Bob B. • 9 years ago

Kurdish people, must be united and fight enemy, to liberate the land of Kurdistan.

srapplebaugh • 9 years ago

Kurdistan! A nation in and of itself! Make it so!

Albaniann • 9 years ago

Its very sad that Muslims are fighting Muslims and waiting for Westerners to help them, when those Westerners are the enemy of Muslims...

Merlijn Taams • 9 years ago

That kind of talk is how you get hatred, racism and islamophobia.
"All Westerners" are enemies of the Muslims my backside, most of these "Westerners have 10% - 25% Muslims in their countries which do not get beheaded, can build Mosques and practise their religion without paying taxes to do so.
When they disagree they can protest, but if you're looking for Sharia Law you can forget it this is true.
That's why they ask for help from "Westerners" their Muslim "Brothers" are either too busy talking about what they should do or would stab them in the back.

srapplebaugh • 9 years ago

Sorry, I am a westerner (USA), and I have respect for all traditions and cultures. I realize that Albanians have suffered a bad lot, at times, too. Perhaps Albanians can place blame for historical woes on the "west" -- I understand. Still, hopefully you agree that when we generalize, we become inaccurate. By the way, I have friends in the US who live faithful lives on a daily basis: Muslim, Christian (many varieties), Buddhist, Jewish, humanitarian (non-affiliated) and 'none-of-the-above!"

Shaki Najrul • 9 years ago

Kurdistan may be another Iraq & Afghanistan. IS created by America for fighting between Muslims.

srapplebaugh • 9 years ago

What are you thinking, mate???

abu okasha • 9 years ago

all muslims should pledge their alligence to the islamic state so that the head of kufr america could be defeated.............................

Jibreen • 9 years ago

Have you lost your mind? You expect Muslims to give allegiance to these savage barbarians? I hope the US Gov sends a drone for you.

abu okasha • 9 years ago


marogya2100 . • 9 years ago


hans • 9 years ago

down with Mohammed and down with any form of Islam

Ex Moslem • 9 years ago

Good on you

abu okasha • 9 years ago

DOWN TO YOU YOUR RELIGION & ALL THE KUFR..............................................

marogya2100 . • 9 years ago

Mohammad tricked you and told you he spoke to Gabriel. Guess what he lied to you idiots and he is in hell himself. How can someone that is in hell save you.

abu okasha • 9 years ago

you dont know any thing you are deaf you are blind you are dump & you will never return to the right path ....... wow to you & to your thinking be brave & argiue with proof .... come on if you have courage???????????????????????????

Merlijn Taams • 9 years ago

What if he's an atheist you idiot, that's half your threat gone already!
If he also doesn't know what a Khufr is you're threat is as empty as your head!

abu okasha • 9 years ago

please use gereous words................. if you are his friend i invite you to debate...........................

Merlijn Taams • 9 years ago

There is no debate to be had, your words show a hatred and disregard for anything other than your views. You incite to hatred and violence in the name of god(s) while in a debate you would have to listen as well as shout.

abu okasha • 9 years ago

you & your masters are killing muslims , steeling their wealth & capturing their lands ............... but the lions of Allah are there to cut the hands which try to do so......... you can bomard the muslims but you can not face them in the battle field

Merlijn Taams • 9 years ago

You just proved my point.

abu okasha • 9 years ago


Richie Lomas • 9 years ago

How anyone with presence of mind to find an Al Jazeera thread can support IS is beyond me. They proudly document their own execution of Christians, Yezedis, dissidents, etc. Exactly how are they any better than the old regime? What possible freedoms do they bring?

abu okasha • 9 years ago

ASK THIS QUESTION FROM BUSH & OBAMA??????????????????????????

Marie • 9 years ago

Stop making excuses and answer the question.

marogya2100 . • 9 years ago

You are mentally challenged, watch how ISIS fighters are going to be slaughtered by
Iraqi forces. You should see a psychiatric as soon as possible seriously you do not want die like that

abu okasha • 9 years ago


marogya2100 . • 9 years ago


davidatc • 9 years ago

I wonder how an educated person can support a regime that believes in slaughtering anyone who doesn't agree with their particular interpretation of faith. We all recognize that God's mind is beyond the comprehension of a human mind and yet people are willing to slaughter those who do not see God in the exact same way as the leaders of their particular group?

Understanding that we are all fundamentally ignorant as to God's true nature, I support the rights of anyone to express their devotion to God in the way they see fit until the expression of their devotion includes forcing their fundamental ignorance upon others. The Ten Commandments states very clearly the error of worshiping an image of God in place of God. It is unfortunate that so many people don't understand that the image of God in your mind is every bit as blasphemous as a statue.

abu okasha • 9 years ago

i also wonder how an educated person will believe on the false stetements & lies of american politicians ..... where are the weapons of mass destructions in iraq??????

davidatc • 9 years ago

Abu, I didn't believe that propaganda and opposed Bush's actions. I did not volunteer to fight in that conflict nor vote for politicians who supported it. While I did not believe that Saddam Hussein ruled a just regime I did not believe that a war was justified. Nor do I support the intentional killing of civilians solely on the basis of the belief that they see the world with different eyes than do I.

By your statements, you would seem to support killing anybody who does not see the world the same way as do you. Do you really believe that you are God that you should take such responsibilities over how everybody else should view reality?

Merlijn Taams • 9 years ago

Just shut up with your hate speech, pretend Jihadi sitting behind a laptop in your underwear.

Master • 9 years ago

Same for you .İ agree with you too. but when the problem was about Kurdish why nobody helped kurds as one of their own Family member. like in chemical bombing against kurds or Saddam persecution or about Kurdish human right. if nobody support each other in hard times how you can you talk about unity ?

Marie • 9 years ago

There are many Muslims in the UK who have already pledged their allegiance to the new caliphate. Unfortunately they do it with their mouths only. I would like to see those Muslims who want to live under Sharia law in the new caliphate to actually go and live out their dreams. What is stopping them from going there, with their wives and children, to help build their dream world? They should tear up their passports when they get there and commit themselves completely to the rule of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Zak Adhikari • 9 years ago

It is nothing but chickens have come home to roost. UK is the center of terrorism. The English media is playing cool with all the happenings there and lambasting Israel. It is fresh in memory the gruesome murder in broad daylight of British soldier - Lee Rigby. His family and children lost a wonderful son, father and husband. Many more such incidents are there in the store. You don't have to wait any more longer. Europe and America will come to terms with the reality of terror on their solid no sooner than later.