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Coca Camhi • 9 years ago

As Umberto Eco would say, il fascismo eterno. This is the nemesis of Hamas. Palestinians are our enemies, but they are enemies with rights that we ourselves claim for ourselves too -and rightly so-. A manifesto for Kahanism is as demodé and absurd as the Oslo paradygm. Haval al hazman reading you, Mr. Sherman.

Arie Arazi • 9 years ago

Mr. Sherman has mada a sound analysis of where Israel's diplomacy is and the danger it faces. As far as the solution that he offers, I think it is entirely impractical and supplies its adversaries with new proof showing the inhumanity of the Jewish people in Israel. The solution must begin with a political offensive to include parts of Mr. Sherman's analysis and also to show how UNRWA has created new generations of bitter people, fed by ideas of hatred who prefer death over life. Israel must win a diplomatic offensive prior to contemplating a next step in the field.

sherlock • 9 years ago

You write "The solution must begin with a political offensive to include parts of Mr. Sherman's analysis and also to show how UNRWA has created new generations of bitter people, fed by ideas of hatred who prefer death over life. Israel must win a diplomatic offensive prior to contemplating a next step in the field."


You write: "...supplies its adversaries with new proof showing the inhumanity of the Jewish people in Israel."

Really - offering to provide one's sworn enemy an opportunity for a better life elsewhere - how inhumane can you get?

Arie Arazi • 9 years ago

Today’s solution cannot be surgical any longer, this could
have been possible in 1967 right after the Six-Day war. Having said that ,
Israel can still achieve almost what it wants by working out a plan that ostensibly
goes along the idea of two-state solution only this time there will be a list
of conditions attached to it of which the most important is that the PA must first
prove that the Palestinians can live side by side in peace with Israel, say for
25 years period. After all 25 years of peace and development must be a short
and enjoyable time beside 66 years of fighting that got the Palestinians
nowhere. This approach seems to me to be a strong card in the hands of Israel
against its adversaries. Your comments are most welcome.

IsaacStorm • 9 years ago

I was waiting for Sherlock to reply to you but since he has not yet, I am going to venture an answer.
You write: "the PA must first prove that it can live side by side in peace with Israel..." But that is precisely the terms that Israel sought to impose in the negotiations. (See Livni's interview with David Horovitz in the Times of Israel)
The PA refused and it is for that reason that Abbas is seeking to bypass negotiations and go through the UNSC.
As for thinking that it is inhumane to offer compensation, Why????? Such things are done all the time. It is not forcing them. They certainly do not have to take it.

Arie Arazi • 9 years ago

In face to face negotiations, I wouldn’t expect the PA to
jump on the offer. Israel can always stand at the UN podium declaring its
acceptance of the two-state solution to be based on a peaceful Palestinian
state. Even if this Israeli initiative would not be supported in the UN, Israel
would have scored a big political point.

As for your second comment, I didn’t mean to express my
opinion re. inhumanity but rather this would be the reaction of Israel’s

Ralph Miller • 9 years ago

They couldn't do it for 1 day... because living in peace means teaching Arab children the truth about Jews and the history of Israel... and starting coexistence education. The PA will never do this. Because the reason it exists is to destroy (not live with) Israel.

Arie Arazi • 9 years ago

That could well be. But Israel will gain the upper hand in the political contest.

Ralph Miller • 9 years ago

Any PA state next to Israel means suicide for Israel. Israel would gain NOTHING.

Arie Arazi • 9 years ago

Under today's conditions you would be right but Israel would welcome a peaceful Palestinian State.

Ralph Miller • 9 years ago

It ain't gonna happen because THEY don't want it to happen.

Arabs don't want half of Israel... they want it ALL.

Arie Arazi • 9 years ago

It is Israel's card and she can play it as she sees it fit.

Choni DAVIDOWITZ • 9 years ago

Israel's only option has been, and is, to follow the word of God.
Banishment (of the Ishmaelites) must precede settlement.
As for convincing the "world", nothing will work. They are convinced that we 'stole' the Land , and no amount of money or diplomacy will help. We must convince ourselves that God created the World, and gave the entire Land of Israel to His people only. This is the only 'propaganda' that will be effective. (See 1st. Rashi )

Ralph Miller • 9 years ago

I disagree. Of course God made the world and only because he then gave Israel to the Jewish people do we have any claim on the land at all (atheists and leftists take note) but we also have solid legal claim to all of the land based on current International Law.

Israel is beyond stupid for not claiming these RIGHTS and the negative consequences from not doing so are glaringly obvious.

A massive PR campaign is fully in order to correct this latent deficiency. Unfortunately it needs to come from within the government in order to be effect... As brilliant as Mr. Sherman is... journalistic op-eds don't carry much weight in the international political arena.

TerrorIsEvil • 9 years ago

It remains a mystery to me
why Israel does not work with and support activists at home and abroad who
really are on Israel's side rather than political hacks who inhabit
high-paying posts in mainstream Jewish organizations that are more interested
in getting along with their Islamist and leftist neighbors than they are in
fighting for the rights and survival of Israel. These groups tend to question
every move Israel makes to defend itself and criticize Israel rather than
Israel’s enemies. They make alliances based on political (usually leftist)
expediency and ingratiating themselves with their communities, often ignoring
the very real differences between right and wrong and sacrificing their own interests in
favor of feeding a “multicultural” environment that cuts down Jews and exclusively
keeps them out.

sherlock • 9 years ago

Thoughtful, accurate, disturbing

JJ • 9 years ago

By implementing the United Nations charter, Israel will no longer subject itself to UN resolutions and international condemnation and will also start to reverse Muslim attacks.

Poupic • 9 years ago

Bravo! Martin Sherman speaks in unison with me on the same subject. I do not get it! What other nation would supply food, water, electricity to an enemy dedicated to it’s destruction? Name one! Now is the time to stop everything going to the PA and Gaza and stop the protection of Abbas from Hamas. What difference does it make which Islamic terror rules Ramallah? In my opinion, none because all Islamic terror is the exact same deadly garbage.

M.D. • 9 years ago

You are no doubt the last of the enlightened Democrats who as usual want
to silence and delegitimize all other opinions than their own. The Jpost should be congratulated for being a lively forum for different and yes provocative ideas. And tell me whats so problematical for you in Dr. Sherman's article, he is after all offering a humanitarian and non coercive solution to what has up-until now been a bloody and intractable conflict. Truth be told your benevolent solution would likely be the total elimination of the Jewish state.

David Schugar • 9 years ago

True, but Netanyahu has brought Israel's mismanagement to a new level.

cirvic • 9 years ago

The lie imposed on the Jewish people is that appeasement will save them. It never worked. The truth is that now, as 10,000 years ago, the world didn't evolve enough to respect anything else than power.
North Korea, Iran, Syria and many more may be rogue and murderous states but there is no action to curb their madness or safeguard the millions of victims. Hamas and Abbas may call for murder, but not only the world is not appalled by that, the EU even delists Hamas as a terrorist organization!
Israel listens too much to it's enemies and gives them a podium to brandish the new version of antisemitism called anti-Israel; the new line is "we have nothing against Jews, we just support the ones that want to kill them".

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

It is powerful aggressors who are "appeased" by weaker parties as was the case with British Prime Minister Chamberlain agreeing to the dismembering of Czechoslovakia at the demand of Hitler.

Stan Miller • 9 years ago

it's goes back to 1948. Israel could have fought another two weeks and taken all the land. The venerated leaders of that time had a European socialist mind set and did not have the killer instinct to go all the way. The result was more dead Israelis over the years, than would have been killed in that fight. The leaders today should not make the same mistake. Go for it now, once and for all.

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

Stan, there were two wars in Palestine in 1947-48. The first was begun in December of 1947 by the Yishuv militias against the Palestinian People. The second was the Arab States invasion against the newly declared State of Israel in May of 1948. The latter's purpose was to stop the ethnic cleansing which had already pushed 250,000 Palestinians out of Palestine at gunpoint or from well founded fear of massacre. The two wars were pretty much operationally separate. The former was governed by Plan Dalet which was the result of ten years of Jewish planning. By the time they ended there were 750,000 Palestinians in refugee camps in adjoining countries and the Arab Armies had been defeated, quite easily, by the IDF, the successor to the militias after Israeli independence. You need to read "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Professor Ilan Pappe.

TerrorIsEvil • 9 years ago

Take your Illan Pappe
books and stuff ‘em where the sun don’t shine. When the Muslim people eradicate
their hate propaganda as outlined in their books, I will have a closer look at
their needs provided they do not demand the destruction of my Jewish people and
the Land of Israel to whom G-d has given us and 3700 years of uninterrupted
habitation has cemented an unquestionable legal and moral claim – backed by endless
war in which Israel has miraculously regained and maintained their hold against
Islamists. If you want to adopt the Islamist narrative then you are an
Islamo-fascist supporter and destroyer of the Jewish nation.

Poupic • 9 years ago

Fantazia! Ya Mahmoud!

Stan Miller • 9 years ago

Go to youtube, Rick Steves travel show Israel/Palestine, he just did a few months ago. It's a travel show by a Pal leaning famous TV writer in the Bay Area. In the show he interviews an Arab in a refugee camp, which incidentally looks like any of a dozen cities in the Arab world, not the picture of people living in tents. The man is holding a key and says to Rick, "they told us to leave and we could come back in two weeks, but now it's 67 years and I'm still waiting". You know who told his parents this?" The Arab leaders told the people to get out of the way, that everyone in the area (the Jews) would be killed and then they could return home.. And using words incorrectly makes them lose their power when really needed. This is a war between two countries and not "ethnic cleansing". An Arab sits on the Supreme court of israel and the chief of surgery at Hadassah hospital is an Arab. This is not ethnic cleansing.

yoelk • 9 years ago

Hunter, you have to realize that Pappe lied and lost all academic credibility. That is why he high tailed it off to Scotland to continue his campaign against Israel, as they realized that he was making up his Ethnic Cleaning scam. Like the rest of the noinsense you are repeating. By the way Hunter Watson, is the alias to Achmad who?

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

There is not a word here as to what the author will expect of the United States and Europe if the policy he advocates were to be adopted by Israel and it results in general conflagration with literally thousands of missiles raining down on Israeli cities? What will he expect of the United States and Europe should it lead Israel to the brink of a nuclear war, whether begun by an Israeli first strike or not. What would he expect from us if in a crisis one or the other of the adversaries, Israel and the entire Muslim World began making threats of nuclear attacks on Western cities in a more or less blackmail mode? What would he think in any of these circumstances of his former unwillingness to even consider settling the matter justly for a tiny piece of desert presently the home of the victims of Israeli ethnic cleansing.

TerrorIsEvil • 9 years ago

In case you have not
noticed, the Islamic world is in a religious war against the entire world. I do
not expect you to see it because your blinders are on in the same way that much of the world
chooses to not see evil. They see the victimizers as the victims and so do you.
Let me fill you in, it is a war where hundreds of thousands are being killed in
the past 3 years, millions displaced, countless rapes, beheadings, crucifixions,
dismemberments, ruination of archaeological, historical and cultural treasures.
As this Third World War takes place in rapid succession in countries that the
left does not care about (otherwise they would say something) you have the
f%$ing nerve to mention Israel as if the conflict between the savage and
civilization were not taking place in the world. The war against the savages in Iraq-Syria, Nigeria, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, etc., is the same war that is being fought against the savages in
Hezbollah and Hamas-Fatah. So you can go on all you want with your Pappe crap
but it reveals in you an intolerance for civilized man and a predilection for savagery.

cirvic • 9 years ago

Besides a truckload of lies, you hit one single truth: the miserable so called "free" world if shi@@ing it's pants thinking "what will the Arabs do if we don't give in and deliver Israel to them". I don't know what they will in that case, but I can assure you that Europe would be next after Israel, while Africa and Asia are already in sectarian religious turmoil.

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

You'll have to identify those "lies". If you do I shall certainly reply.

The Lone Ranger • 9 years ago

All violent PAli-Abs as well as those who aid, abet, and incite Pali-Ab violence should be removed from all land west of the Jordan River and the few peaceful Pali-Abs who are left should be made Israeli citizens!

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

More ethnic cleansing. You propose that Israeli politicians and army officers be turned into criminals.

Juan Juan • 9 years ago

The Lone Deranged think that its 1948 and fantasize about another Nakbah!?

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

It's really a continued Nakbah in the catastrophe sense. And it was renewed with intensity in 1967 when another quarter of a million were thrust out of the country by force.

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

That's a criminal point of view.

Harold Howe • 9 years ago

Excellent points.

I am appalled at the irresponsibility of the JPost in publishing something like this piece.

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

I wonder if whoever proposes and disposes at the Post has ever put this in context?

Harold Howe • 9 years ago

There are different factions, but the presence of Caroline Glick, Israel's version of Ann Coulter, explains part of it.

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago
Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

It's done over and over with varying degrees of lunacy. I really doubt that the professional staff is responsible for it. It more likely reflects ownership. But at least that's a narrow faction of presumptively intelligent people who may possibly be made to understand. What we are looking at here is not conservatism in action. Its net effect is radical and it puts the whole country at risk to say nothing of my homeland, the United States.

Harold Howe • 9 years ago

This captures my point:

Caroline Glick is so over the top and so typical of apologists for Israel that it deserves wide attention. Glick, the deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post, is a popular
right wing public figure in Israel and abroad.

"Ambassador Jesper Vahr explains why Europe holds Israel to a different standard than Syria, Palestine or other countries in the Middle East– Israel claims to be a western democracy, it relies on support from the west– Glick squirms in her seat barely able to contain herself. When it’s her turn, she lifts herself off her seat as she launches the first

Delivering first blow Glick lifts herself out of her seat

She strokes the arm of her chair, barely controlling her angst:

"I think that this patronizing attitude towards us that we should be happy that you have a separate standard for-for Israel is-is, uh, is really- I’m sorry- is a statement of contempt for our intelligence.

The chair arm gets a slight reprieve at the sound of applause from the audience (her fans love her) but the rubbing soon intensifies into a deep massage.

“Um-I-ah-I-I-I-I consider it to be an obsession, I consider Europe’s keen interest in the Middle East, specifically Israel, to be an obsession and it’s an obsession that Jews have seen from Europeans from the time of Jesus, and ah, and we know what it is.

So it’s European anti-Semitism driving the criticism of the occupation! Now Glick’s face takes on a grave expression, lest one risk appearing not to take European history seriously:

Grave expression

Then flipping her hand back and forth, she dismisses any illusion of a “common, common culture” between Europe and Israel, before launching into her own take on international law. Israel respects international law whereas Europe “makes it up”. How? Well, rebuilding Gaza after last summer’s slaughter is against international law and tantamount to supporting terrorism..."

This diatribe, during a conference for diplomats no less, has been lauded in the press by fans of Israel. Numerous sites have shown the video with nothing but praise for Glick as she snarls, berates, whines and otherwise “rips him [Vahr] apart.” This is typical Glick, There’s nothing unique about her delivery that day. This is a face of Israel that clearly many people are proud of. And a voice put forward at important conferences.

Harold Howe • 9 years ago

Actually, one of the main political editors is Caroline Glick, a rather ugly, unpleasant women from the USA who has moved to Israel, who combines the worst qualities of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

The Lone Ranger • 9 years ago

You can be appalled if you want to but this problem will not be solved until one side completely defeats the other side!

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

With the United States equally responsible for the Israeli crimes? The Palestinian People continue to be lacking an army. You are obviously an American. Is that what you want?

David Schugar • 9 years ago

That is your solution? No wonder you wear a mask!

Juan Juan • 9 years ago

"...until one side completely defeats the other side!" The military and nuke superpower against the rag tag Palestinians!? Germany also thought that the Jewish problem couldn't be solved until one side defeated the other, causing 6 million Jews to perish!? But then again, the regime in Germany was dealing with accurately interpreting events.

Harold Howe • 9 years ago

Your comment reflects why the J Post is so irresponsible in publishing this tripe.

Hunter Watson • 9 years ago

The Post should be evaluating this entire thread, carefully.