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"Feliz Navidad
Prospero año y Felicidad''
¡Gracias mi queridisima inti! Te deseo a ti y a los tuyos una Navidad y Año Nuevo plenos de Bendiciones!
Igualmente para ti y toda tu familia
Muchas Gracias TAI :)
¡Mil besos!
¡Mil besos!:)
Dear ''Guest'' Thank you for all your support and kindness.
I love you
Thanking yourself and replying to yourself all at the same time as though all three of you were different people? You need serious help.
Please provide proof.
Or I will send your comment to Disqus and they will deal with you for accusing me without merit.
Hey dumb@ss, I'm still posting. Is your media influence less than you supposed?
the coverage of this thing seems amazingly shallow. (no pun intended) and not only by al jazeera. i reckon virtually no one has even heard of the nicaragua canal, yet this is a project that ranks right up there with the three gorges in china, and has the potential to radically alter the power balance in the region and the americas as a whole. nicar agua (water) what would sandino make of this????
The western media only covers good stories from the west and bad stories from the east.
Bread and circuses.
We also notice that here in America about colored people especial blacks. everything bad came from them, everything good came from the whites. it is hard to change who you really are. in it?
What would U.S. Marine Corps General SMEDLEY BUTLER say about it ? Read about his opinions of previous U.S. interventions in Central America and in China !
Seriously Al Jazeera? This is how you are covering this story? Not one word about who is funding this supposed canal that will never be? The reasons for it? Why they would attempt to build a canal at the same time the Panama Canal is starting upgrades to double its capacity? Nothing about the fact that there have been no impact studies done?
NOTHING about any of that?
Didn't you even think to question the feasibility of a canal, connecting two saltwater oceans, through a freshwater lake?
Ok, for the rest of you: This is, as was the proposed "Colombian Railway" of 2011, nothing more than a Chinese soft-power play. It's meant to get Chinese feet on the ground, plain and simple. And if Al Jazeera would cover this story thoroughly, they would note that the people's anger is being voice through cries of "We don't want Chinese here".
Also Panama is really Columbia, the US annexed part of Columbia for the canal. Columbia could claim reparations from the US, once the US has had its teeth pulled.
Actually the US already paid reparations to Colombia of 10,000,000 USD.
China is already the leading commercial partner of all nations in South America and major commercial partner of nations in the Caribbean and Central America, and of the USA !
The Chinese built the Great Wall, which can be seen from up in space. If the U.S. and NATO do not manage to sabotage it - the Chinese and the Nicaraguans will build it!
The Great Wall cannot be seen from space - not any more than a 4 lane highway. It's an old wives tale.
nothing in china can be seen from outer space through the pollution
The only difference between Los Angeles in Calfornia in the 1950"s and Beijing in our days: The Chinese, like the Japanese, wear masks. Check the web site "Air Now" and see the regions in the USA with almost permanent dangerous air pollution, including sever health alerts, Many parts of California,Ohio, and Texas, in our time,have permanent air pollution hazard. One problem in the north of China is the proximity of the Gobi desert and sand storms. Sand particles from the Sahara even pollute sometimes the air in Eastern Florida. Think before commenting !
Are the Chinese bringing their own equipment and workers?
If they are, the canal will be completed early and under budget.
You obviously don't know the first thing about Chinese construction practices, do you?
I've yet to see any Chinese construction completed "early", and it's quite easy to bring it in "under budget", if you start with an inflated budget and end with shoddy materials. Ever read about the "new" overpass that fell here in China a while back? Literally had cement coated Styrofoam used in its construction.
I remember being in China a week after the big earthquake in Szechuan some years back. The schools had all fallen down and a disproportionate number of the fatalities were among young children, the result of substandard construction materials and poor workmanship, and all this in a country that only permits its citizens a single child. Oh, the humanity.
All indications are that of the 20+ million new urban population and billions of square meters of annually constructed buildings that are almost always built within schedule and budget point to a pretty good record. Pointing out outliers as if they are "normal" in China just make your posts biased when everybody knows this is not the norm, not even close.
Population has nothing to do with it... why would it? I'm not denying they are not within budget or schedule - I'm saying their budgets and schedules are inflated, and the quality of construction is shoddy. "Everybody knows its not the norm"? I highly doubt it, even here within China. Lack of basic construction laws, lack of law enforcement, a preponderance of kickbacks and corruption through 关系.
They are still not even putting basic gas traps in drains here - an 18th century invention.
ONE example? Do you want me to start rattling off examples... like a complete apartment building FALLING OVER? I could sit here all day listing things.
Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. The examples you refer to are the exceptions not the rule, claiming otherwise doesn't change facts. China's construction contractors are usually the lowest bidder for international construction projects of all types. They not only build and complete almost always on time and within budget, they are also widely recognized as being the fastest and lowest cost builders. You said China construction budgets and schedules are inflated?
China has no lack of construction laws, what it has is a monumental construction industry that vastly dwarfs every other country and within this vast construction industry they have more than their fair share of unqualified scab workers and their penny pinching enabling managers. Anybody can find a laundry list of examples of substandard construction but to claim this is the norm is disingenuous. Claiming that China construction does not put gas traps in drains as if it is the norm or saying it is not part of their regulations is a stupid claim, seriously. If you want to make claims, at least make valid claims instead of making stuff up.
This is horrible. As usual, colonial powers have no respect for the land, the environment, or the local people. This will not benefit Nicaraguans, it will fill the pockets of the already-rich banks, investors, and contractors. F this S. I'm proud of those Nicaraguans who are fighting back. They deserve support from NGOs ... where are the non-profits in this picture?
Pretending to be an Australian, what a lamer.
Of course: The U.S and NATO oppose the canal. But unlike in the Reagan era - they do not send "Contras" from Miami and instead the "New Contras" - are the "activi$ts" of NGOs. The lead NGO is from the nation of former NATO Secretary A. Fogh Rassmussen - and has been already expelled last year from Bolivia due to similar subversive operations. But 80% of Nicaraguans support the canal, especially those who had to leave because due of lack of employment and now work as farm labor in Costa Rica or as "undocumented migrants" in Chicago. Catholic Cardinal Obando y Bravo has asked all families in Nicaragua to support the canal project because it will bring new employment opportunities.
Good point!
The name of the NGO is "IBIS" of Denmark. "IBIS" has been expelled a year ago from Bolivia due to similar subversive activities, along with USAID. The Swiss NGO E-Changer is also subverting in Nicaragua, and several other "independent" nations in Latin America, especially Brazil. Swiss diplomats and companies supported the military dictatorship in Brazil 1964-1985 . Remember the Swiss banks and the British banks launder all the money stolen by U.S.supported dictators.
Seems like the CIA is back in action in Nicaragua. They started foaming at the mouth, and bleeding from the nose(coke) when the Nicaraguans elected a socialist government back in the 1980's.
The US spent $4 billion to destroy that democracy, will they do it again, can they afford to do it again. Will they go back to selling Cocaine to pay for it, or will the income from the heroin they export from Afghanistan cover the bill?
CHINA should not behave LIKE WEST, full compensation and rehabilitation should be provided , other wise one more BULLY in CLASSROOM scenario .............................
China can only go as far as the Nicaraguan authorities allow.
With their cash the authorities will allow much.
Exactly, China doesn't need to bully anyone... hell ... no western "democracy" (or any other form of government at that) needs to be bullied into screwing its people over. Take the money for 4 or 5 cruise missiles and throw it into bribes, we're all for sale.
I am very sure that they are being compensated. They will not take land without paying for it. How much? Well that is another question. These are closed minded fellows trying to make more money on their land.
They are not close minded, it is about getting as rich as possible because this is the Nicaraguan villagers opportunity to do that, who can blame them? If they can get foreign supporters who want to block every Chinese endeavor to get more money, who can blame them? This canal is something that can bring Nicaragua incredible wealth for generations to come. Who cares if you have to give in to blackmail from poor Nicaraguans who just want to get a bigger piece of the pie?
Their children will not be peasants like their parents but educated enough to run the Canal and enjoy a better Nicaragua!
This Nicaragua canal will be very beneficial to the people of Nicaragua but the USA Government will be extremely furious and angry that there is going to be an alternative to the USA government controlled Panama Canal
and that is why the
will be master minding and supporting and financing protests against the Nicaragua canal as
the AXIS OF EVIL is always working to stop any competition and to stop any alternatives to the Panama canal which is controlled by the AXIS OF EVIL.
It's not quite as extensive: Only the U.S. and NATO nations try to prevent it and for this purpose they now use NGOs - for example the Danish NGO "IBIS" in Nicaragua. "IBIS" was expelled from Boliva last year for similar subversion.
It's how amazing rather than do a little research you snivelers attack Al-Jazeera for reporting this news from Nicaragua without much depth. The HK Nicaragua Canal Development has proposed to invest a $50 billion canal over 200 miles through jungles, across mountains, and traversing swamps the size of New Jersey. The Big Dig in Boston constructed a two-mile tunnel under a city at a cost of $17 billion. My math doesn't see how $50 billion will cover the new trench.
The company chairman Wang Jing only has $220 million in funds at present.
This scheme has true potential to corrupt the powerful and ruin the poor without any gain to the 2nd poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
The real purpose of this project is to seize the farmlands of 30,000 villagers. To what purpose?
Fu Manchu only knows
more sadly is that the Sandinistas have fallen into the trap and killed compadres for the Chinese and BTW general Smedley was no friend of Latin America.
The US should build a canal from Texas to California...bury nukes every mile or so then blow them up. Should have a canal in 1 month.
There you go...!!!! A little bit bizarre but everyone has the right to discuss the matter of the Nicaraguan Canal.
You can be sure that not one of the 30,000 displaced persons will reap any benefits from this project.