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amuncat • 9 years ago


Never again should we allow illegal aliens to take over our country and dictate our agenda!!! NEVER!

U-108 • 9 years ago

Well the ball is in the Republicans court now, Lets start by restoring the constitution, Impeaching or arresting Obama, Arrest Eric Holder, Arrest Hillary, And anyone who conspired with them in there crimes, Tell the U.N. to pack its Agenda 21 bags and get the hell out of our country, End the Federal Reserve Bank. That will do for starters.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

And what would you like Santa Claus to bring you for Xmas little man? ~
(You already maxed out your credit with the tooth fairy and Tinkerbell) ~

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

What he really wants is a BB gun, but under the pressure of the moment he panics and asks for a football.

U-108 • 9 years ago

No football players here, I want an AR or AK for Christmas.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

You're going to shoot your eye out.

U-108 • 9 years ago

If that happens, At least I will be smiling.

Guest • 9 years ago

Great choices .I'm getting a bushmaster real soon ' hey barry wanna come and try to stop me .HAHAHAHA

Zombie Fruit Cake • 9 years ago

I think we are screwed beyond repair. Just because we replaced a few puppets does not change the puppet masters commands. They have put systems in place we cannot get out of. That's why they have Obola or Obola simulants, huge amounts of unpaid debt that can never be paid back, geo engineering, HARRP, chemtrails, too big to fail greed based health care, millions of coffins and camp FEMA for us and heavily armed underground bunkers for them.
I do not fear the future but I am disappointed in mankind to keep making the same primitive mistakes he has through our history on Earth. Man will never transcend they way these so called elites expect to do so for the simple reason they are predatory and they will destroy themselves in the process over greed.
I just hope I am wrong on these subjects on many levels.

Guest • 9 years ago

Nope ' one cog at a time .

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

So, what we really need to do is to replace George Soros, David Rockefeller, the Koch brothers, Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Bryzinsky.

Zomboe Fruit Cake • 9 years ago

That will not work either. The next group will become drunk on power and attention. Mankind does not have the ability or the attention span to run and manage a society over a few generations before they become so complacent and arreogent that they lose interest in protecting societies future.

Guest • 9 years ago

Liking that idea.We have the power now let's use it .

john e • 9 years ago

would love to see that but not likely to happen. never understood y terroist would attack regular peep, u want to hit a big target attack the rich, no one would really miss them. we've seen it with steve jobs, do u really miss him or just a passing shadow. obama, sentenced to life, hillary same, but will it every really happen? NO

U-108 • 9 years ago

It needs to happen, We must keep pressing forward, Onward through the fog as the bumper-sticker sez. I think everyones tired of the Royal Obama-Bush-Clinton terror regime and all of the court jesters in the two houses lying and stealing us blind.

tonygreen • 9 years ago

It's like the NWO Express that is traveling from New Orleans to Chicago:
In St. Louis they change the Democrat driver to a Republican driver and everybody CHEERS!
But the NWO Express is still barreling on towards Chicago...

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

Yeepp,,you can change your underwear,,but it is still covering the same ass,,,

U-108 • 9 years ago

good one.

U-108 • 9 years ago

Your right, Its like half time at the ball game and the teams head for the locker room and swaps uniforms with each other. (Dont be fooled again) (The Who) (Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss).

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

The medical marijuana bill failed here in Florida,,even though it received a yes vote of 58% to the no vote of 42%,,,,,,,the rule is it has to recieve 60% to pass,,,what a crock of shit,,,,,,,,,now people will continue to suffer at the hands of big pharma,,even though the majority of Floridians want medical marijuana to be legal,,,,,,,,,,this is a perfect example of the failure of democracy,,,,

ghoul • 9 years ago

very failed democracy...

Guest • 9 years ago

Why because the tyrants lost .I call that a victory for the people.

Hammock • 9 years ago

No one is going to suffer anymore than they already are as far as that goes, Pot has always been around and always will be. It is easer to get than a hooker.

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

not for older folks who have been taught to be afraid of it,,without it being legal,,their doctors will continue to prescribe the dibilitating Pharmaceuticles,,,,,

David Silverman • 9 years ago

I watched my father in Jupiter, FL battle cancer twice. Marijuana would have really helped his appetite. He dwindled away to practically nothing. I voted for it. Not one of my votes counted for anything yesterday.

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

your vote on the marijuana counted,,,,think about this,,58% of the people who voted in Florida wanted it to pass,,58% of the people understand the issue,,,that is huge,,from here on out politicians will have to address the subject,,and will have to be in favor of it given those poll numbers,,,it would be political suicide to be aginst it now,,,,,,,it was a win Roth,,a big one,,,
,,sorry about your father,,,when you are diagnosed with cancer,,what normally kills you are the treatments and their resulting side effects,,,,so if you die from malnutrician because the chemo makes you unable to eat,,,,they blame it on the cancer,,,,,,cancer is not a disease by the way and there are cures,,there is just no profit in them,,so they are not offered,,by the time people get desperate enough to try them,,the chemo and radiation have destroyed their organs and immune system to the point that there is no hope,,,,,,,,

David Silverman • 9 years ago

My vote for the libertarians was a waste of ink. I hope you're right about the medical marijuana. I actually had people say to me it was just a back door towards legalization. It wasn't for me. I haven't smoked it in over a decade. If it became legal tomorrow, I still wouldn't. If they legalize crystal meth I'll pass on that too. Our last 3 presidents admit they smoked weed. Two of them even inhaled. It's time we end the madness!

John Rooney • 9 years ago

I've never used it nor ever will. But I don't have the right to prohibit anyone else from doing so. It should be legalized. My God, this insanity over pot destroyed one of the country's leading cash crops, in it's early days, hemp, a versatile, cheap, and renewable resource. Not to mention all the needless deaths and incarcerations over it.
As for the Libertarian movement, like all third parties, until the monies going to the D's and R's are redirected, none stand a chance. And there's no incentive for donors to "invest" in parties that, as yet, have no power to carry their interests.

U-108 • 9 years ago

Its the Diebold Flem-Flam Digifraud Vote Machines. OOppss they had to recalibrate the machines in the middle of the election. (yea right)

Guest • 9 years ago

Move to colorado so you can smoke your weed stoner ' we have much more important things to worry about than your getting high .

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

I can't smoke weed,,,don't have lips,,,

spymyeyes • 9 years ago

The demo-repubs are still in power, their masters are still going to issue the same marching orders, the rich will get even richer, BIG-pharma, Big-oil, and Big banks still control the nation.
The ONLY thing that has changed are the names that supposedly run things but are really nothing but figurehead-targets for the sheeple to Baaaaaaa over.
Now you can all go back to staring at your cellphones to see how miley cirus has most recently twerked herself off.

Guest • 9 years ago

Why don't you go screw yourself moron .Your just pissed cuz now you will have to get a job and won't have a welfare check given to you .Face it libs ' you lost big and freedom won .

ZombieReady • 9 years ago

The obama era may be over, but the damage he has done will be with us from now on.

U-108 • 9 years ago

If I was the next president, I would get the file shredder out and on national TV grind up all of these hair brained Laws,Tax laws,Treaties, Executive orders, U.N. mandates and the like in front of the American people at 7:00pm on prime time TV. I would use the shredded paper for a giant liberty bonfire, Also televised.

Guest • 9 years ago

Love it friend ' i'lle bring the gas and marshmallows.

Guest • 9 years ago

God I hate you f*****g idiots who come on here with your doom and gloom shit .This is the first time in 6 years we have a chance to actually do something good for our country and all you stupid f***s can say is NOTHING HAS CHANGED .GO LOOK AT LAST NIGHTS RESULTS AND OBAMAS REACTION TO IT .His worst nightmare just came true 'a america that sees him for what he is .I;m optimistic to say the least about where this new house and senate will lead .Just think 'no infringement on our second amendment rights for at least four years 'in that time we can do wonders .

me and you • 9 years ago

***WE voted YOU people in... NOW GET RID OF HIM!!! And GET OUR COUNTRY BACK!

Guest • 9 years ago

We got a good start on it last night .Good bye gun control ' good bye obumblercare 'good bye dirty harry and skanky nancy .

Tru • 9 years ago

But the bankers’ era is not. Until that era is over, humanity will have no peace. Dem/Repub owned lock, stock and barrel (just like Germany after WWI) by the usurious banking cartel. These new faces are merely the Wall St. NY FED puppets du jour. NY FED …à….City of London (origin in mist of pagan mysteries tracing its roots to Talmudic Babylon) Votes do not determine legislation…..MONEY does……

They put the counterfeit “saviors” out there because humanity is hungry for what they really need, the authentic Savior. Look at Ob or Put or Hit, observe the patterns, and you’ll begin to comprehend Truth.

writer125 • 9 years ago

The NWO is coming. That will never come to an end because no one knows how to defeat them. As much as Alex and everyone would like to defeat them, that will never happen. They are way too wealthy and powerful. And a large majority of the population in this country have no idea what is really going on. So they can still live in the shadows and rule the world forever.

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

information,,,that is how we beat them,,it can be done,,,,that is how they enslaved us,,through faulty information,,so we start spreading the truth,,,,,,,,

Tru • 9 years ago

Spot on “Truthful information" is key. Spot on with the modus operandi of the dark side. Faulty info….Hegelian techniques to amuse and fractionate and buy time…their “secrets” are being revealed at lightning speed now…worldwide awakening…

Guest • 9 years ago

Yup just like we took down the tyrant in chief ' you expose these people for who they are and it won't matter how much money they have ; they are going down .Thanks for voting america we took our freedom back last night .

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

well,,we will see how the new crop does,,I am not holding my breath,,,,,but people are waking up,,,if we can still have the use of the internet for a few more years,,,who knows,,maybe we can win,,,,

Guest • 9 years ago

This is the first step but it was a big one in the right direction .Now we need to get down to closing our borders ' getting voter id passed and making sure our politicians who started the last 6 years of distrust are punished to the letter of the law .

Tru • 9 years ago

God does and He said fire next time. That’s the purely spiritual, final solution, if those criminals don’t wake up and repent. Their immortal souls are in danger, the part that goes on and on for all eternity.They are the worst pawns of all in reality. The “smart guys” who are reduced to desperately splicing genes so they can “live forever” enjoying their ill-gotten gain. Die. They tap into the demonic for the power and wealth available as they sell their souls for a pile of gold. Satan’s realm. They are being played just as they oppress, manipulate and play others. The one thing they ain’t got is peace that passes all understanding. Profit and wars is their endless trap, their prison too. It goads them on and on and on.

Tom Turek • 9 years ago

imaginary deities can't help. They simply don't exist. It's the Creatiom. and that is pure spirit which only gives the Creational laws.

Guest • 9 years ago
Tru • 9 years ago

Good point! Bible tells me so. Certainly not their behavior!