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union of the sun • 9 years ago

most of you should aware by now, cavs have the similar issue....

" James addressed Irving to discuss the way he'd been dominating the
ball in the early going of the season. Irving is averaging just 3.8
assists thus far. He scored 34 points in the 102-100 loss Wednesday to
the Jazz but had no assists in 45 minutes of playing time.

Irving hasn't had an assist in more than six quarters, and he's taken "36" shots in that span. The Cavs tied a franchise-record low with six assists, four of them from James, against the Jazz."

"There's a lot of bad habits, a lot of bad habits been built up the past
couple years," James said to the media moments after the exchange.
"When you play that style of basketball, it takes a lot to get it up out
of you."

"Irving hasn't had an assist (0 assist) in more than six quarters, and he's taken 36 shots in that span. The Cavs tied a franchise-record low with six assists, four of them from James, against the Jazz."

lebron james on irving.... stop playing like KOBE !!!

HEROBALL = BAD HABITS !! man, i love lebron even more now !!!

Adesuwa Brittany Iyasere • 9 years ago

I'm surprised kobes not facilitating like he was two seasons ago, bc he can attack the rim a lot easier than lin. But maybe if he starts forcing his teammates to hit shots the trust and team chemistry will grow. Their defense has gotten significantly better, but with such a lack of offensive talent it has to be great. Though it's not mostly kobes fault for the losses he shares a good amount of responsibility for them

Zach • 9 years ago

You could make a case right now for Kobe being the worst player in the NBA, with all the missed shots, turnovers and lousy D. They'd cut him if they could, but the ignorant Laker fans would lose it...

rofl • 9 years ago

That's right, Mr 14/37 0-5 is awful player, but his fanboys are still uneducated and can't face it.

sportinglife • 9 years ago

Wow.. Kobe currently leads the league in scoring.

Zach • 9 years ago

Probably missed shots and TOs too...give practically any other player in the NBA Kobe's shot volume and they would score more points.

tehabz • 9 years ago

I like what the greatest coach said in defense of kobe most players don't get a chance to shoot 10 a game because they don't work hard enough to get good look..I am speechless. .Thank you Phil you convinced me

jeff • 9 years ago

What a joke. No one should ever take 37 shots. Basketball is a team game. How would you like to bust your ass and never get the ball. Try it I bet you wouldn't like it. Now you smucks who said Lin played horrible last night are useless. He played about 27 minutes and scored 18 points on less than 10 shots. Kobe lost this game for us. Forget all the shots taken. If he hits his foul shots then we win. How did Lin due on the foul line 9/10. That's clutch. I respect Kobe for what he has done but 37 shots that's crazy. Let's stop this arguing and hope the team gets better.

CLIPPERSRUNLA • 9 years ago

YES, Bryant, YES!!!! Please take MORE shot attempts, lol. 37 is not enough, you should really be shooting at least 50 times per game!!!!!

Lakerman • 9 years ago


LakersLifer • 9 years ago

Jus flag:


CLIPPERSRUNLA • 9 years ago

Lakers were SO CLOSE to getting a win on Halloween night. I guess the basketball gods were not kind. Lol #CLIPPERSRUNLA

Lakerman • 9 years ago


CLIPPERSRUNLA • 9 years ago

frustrated lakerfan, lol #CRLA

Lakerman • 9 years ago


Lakerman • 9 years ago


dogcutie • 9 years ago

You probably worked too hard, Kobe.

joe23 • 9 years ago

REALLY??? OPPORTUNITIES??? what kind of opportunities is this? TO SHOW OFF... Wake up KOBE!!! Team win basketball not individual...
B Scott need to tell to kobe to stop jacking up and forcing shot...

Nobody • 9 years ago

Why's everyone blaming Kobe again?
I mean...shit, he still got 39 points on the board, and if you give him the ball, what exactly are you going to expect him to do?

Put it this way, if he spent a whole game passing and we still lost, you'd all be turning around saying he should be shooting more. It's still a team effort, and if they want someone else to take shots then they should pass it to them.

Neil • 9 years ago

Kobe doenst understand team basketball at all....bad on defense....bad teammate....

LakersLifer • 9 years ago

Go back to dallass.

rofl • 9 years ago

14/37 1 assist, 0 defense = strongly negative player.

Guest • 9 years ago

I'm hoping that he passes the ball when he draws the double team instead of volume shooting low percentage shots @ 37%.

sportinglife • 9 years ago

Now he's the 2nd leading scorer in the league, behind Thompson and ahead of Harden and Griffin. That's what he wants. This is all about showing he's still one of the top players.. right now the team and our record are secondary.

union of the sun • 9 years ago

i starting to believe the ESPN player rating really got into kobe's head, his trying too hard to prove everyone wrong...

the problem is, now i see why ESPN rate him the 40th best player....

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

First off..let's get this straight: the damn ball has been passed a MILLION times to other players in other games, and the Lakers are STILL loosing! When Lobe was shooting LESS than 20 shots per game, they were STILL getting blown out, now folks are mad and want him traded because he tried to save the game (which this is the closest loss we had)? STOP! How about the damn DEFENSE makes stops for a damn change! Fake Laker fans sit here and blame Kobe for ONE loss, when the whole damn TEAM is playing D'Antoni ball: soft, scared, and unable to stop a cold, let alone anyone on the court! Maybe if they can stop EVERY TEAM that plays is from scoring 110+ points on us, Kobe won't have to fight to OUTSCORE anybody by himself!

Guest • 9 years ago

Aries, do you even understand what the MDA system entails and how it's influencing current basketball teams like the Clips, Rockets, Suns etc?
Get some knowledge before ranting.

Btw, if anything, MDA out performed with the Lakers depleted roster.

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

CORRECTION: MDA's OFFENSE has influenced SOME teams' OFFENSES…funny the teams you listed haven't even seen the Finals except the Rockets, and that was with Hakeem Olajuwan! Sit down! We are talking about a COMPLETE system on BOTH sides of the ball! Not just some "run and gun" crap, yet stand around while teams outscore us! And if last year's team was depleted, what the HELL is this yr's team? A 5-time championship-winning team? We don't even have a decent SF core, dude! All the talent we had last yr, and we sucked! No D'antoni sucked in New York (Mike Woodson did a better job with the same players), and sucked with L.A. (Mike Brown did a better job with L.A. with the worst bench in the league)! Have a nice day!

Leong • 9 years ago

MDA's team better than this seasons team.

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

Thank you..finally someone with eye balls

rofl • 9 years ago

Kobe ruined this team and it's obvious. We are where we are because of him, his contract, his ego. No one wants to play here any more. Kobe taked 15 shots with Clippers and we almost won it, so educate yourself before you start talking sh**. Kobe should be released he is detriment to this team - fact!

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

Yup…you are absolutely right…he didn't help us win ANY championships the entire 19 YEARS he's been playing! Yeah, he personally TOLD all of these players (who still speak highly of him while on other teams) to just leave the Lakers! YUP, Kobe vetoed the Chris Paul Trade, and also injured Nash! YUP, Kobe told Bynum to leave, and fired Mike Brown, who had us in the top 5 teams in the West with the worst bench in the league, that year! Kobe let Bazemon, Jordan Farmar, Jodie Meeks, and Earl Clark go! YUUUP…Kobe is the BLAME FOR IT ALL! Kill that noise and present PROOF that no one wants to "play with Kobe"! Also, do the math: if Kobe takes less shots, and the Lakers lose to the clippers by 7, but takes 37 shots and lose to the Suns by 6, then WHY NOT SAY WE ALMOST BEAT THE DAMN SUNS?!?! Did you NOT see me say that the loss against the Suns was the CLOSEST LOSS!? How about you learn basic math before trying to bash one of the greatest players of all time! Obviously you weren't alive when he was dominating the league!

rofl • 9 years ago

He helped us, he was great but now he is done and should play 10-15 minutes or better just leave this team. Kobe was the problem in Shaq times already, he destroyed dream team with Howard, Gasol, Nash a lead us to 8th seed. Kobe is taking 80mln$ in 3 years while he is worth 10 at most. Your example is wrong, we were blow out when Kobe shooted more than 20 and Clippers are much better than Suns! We would beat the suns if Kobe didn't loss 23 possesions for his ignorance and played any defense! Kobe was was one of the greatest in the league in prime, but always had his fu**** ego!

david • 9 years ago

44 minutes played by KB; who is going to blame the coach Scott like they blame D'Antoni because KB got injured playing too much minutes? It is too bad because B. Scott is a nice guy but he is a lame duck coach.

Don't kid yourselves; it is Kobe's camp that leaked out those rumors about possible trade scenarios so that they can gauge the interest of league contenders who might be interested in his service. Unfortunately; KB's albatross contract will make it difficult for any contenders to trade their assets for his salary and any team that would even remotely interested would be the bottom half of the league.

dogcutie • 9 years ago

Byron Scott should force Lin to take at least 15 shots per game while limiting Kobe to 25 shots per game.

How many times did you see JLin waving his hands at the corner when Kobe was doubled?

Kobe hero ball can't bring you victories, he has to trust his teammates.

Josh • 9 years ago

I never saw it. I've heard that it happened once. This is not NBA2K, though; Byron can't force anyone to shoot/pass the ball.

Zach • 9 years ago

This team is losing because of Bryant. Takes more shots than the rest of the starters combined but scores 11 less points than them. Do the math. His gunning combined with the lack of accuracy gives this team no chance to win.

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

So tell me…what happened in the other games when Kobe was passing the ball and letting the other players play?? What happened when he let JLin run the offense in the other games? What happened when he was taking a handful of shots? Soooo…ALL the games we lost because of Kobe Bryant!? LOL…seriously? MIND you…Kobe is shooting the most efficient of every guard on the team EXCEPT Wayne Ellington (only giving us 7.5 PPG; and Lin is not even shooting 40%), but it's all Kobe's fault?! Lol…we must stop this madness

Zach • 9 years ago

Kobe is clearly playing to run up his stats, not win. Hey, if that makes you happy, enjoy, but a washed-up gunner taking 37 shots will never get you a W. But the media bypasses the awful shooting and just tells us Bryant went off for 39, like he actually had a good game, LOL. Bryant will probably miss a few games this year, and I'm guessing the team has a better winning percentage without him.

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

So, i'm assuming this is the first time you've ever watched Kobe play, because, clearly, he's taken a team on his shoulder to win when the rest of the team decided to bench themselves, mentally, on offense ( 81 points vs. Raptors; almost the entire series against D'Antoni's Suns in which they should have been swept, some games in the Finals vs. Celtics). AGAIN…tell me, why are you blaming Kobe, and NO OTHER person on the team (especially guards) when only ONE other guard is more efficient than Kobe on the team, and that's 7.5 PPG Wayne Ellington?? How is the win % gonna be better, when they can't SHOOT, nor STOP anybody? I think there are more players in the franchise than Kobe..but yeah…Jeremy Lin is extremely efficient at his shots, shooting a whooping 37%, and the other guards are worse than that, BUT..Kobe is the problem

David • 9 years ago

You kobe critics make up our mind. He has to shoot because everyone has no heart except hill davis and ellington Kobe takes 20 shots and they lose by 20plus.. He takes 30 plus shots and they keep it close. Are yall watching the game. You got carlos loozer who plays softer than Gaso. Yhe same so-called laker fans calling Gasol soft and he needs to be traded wish we had him now huh?? Then wes the bozo is lost as a goose out there. He's supposed to be our 3 and D guy getting beat off the dribble every possession.

Aries Marquis • 9 years ago

Bro, it's freaking rocket science to these so-called Laker fans. They LOVE to point the finger at SOMETHING..FIRST, they were calm saying it's "early", then it was basically the GM's fault, because we need more help, then it was Byron Scott's fault, because the defense doesn't look like he kept preaching, and now…in ONE game, it's all Kobe's fault! Lol..at LEAST you do see that there are more players on the team beside KB…the Lakers's DEFENSE is a major problem right now…they tweak that, then Kobe won't have to worry about trying to outscore the other team. 110+ PPG against he Lakers is the problem

david • 9 years ago

this is Lakerslifer the COMMIE, he is hiding because he does not want the rain of criticisms to fall on him for defending KB.

Redemptin4LA • 9 years ago

I believe he was trying to send a msg with his "when you play with a lot of with a lot of energy there should be alot of opportunity". Guys have to want it bad, want it bad enough that they bring it every game, every play. Although it's frustrating to see Kobe jacking such a large number off shots at an inefficient rate, i kind of understand...i think when P gets back he'll have that energy that matches Kobe's.

OptimistPrime99 • 9 years ago

Kobe just needed to get this game out of his system, I mean, his Kobe System. LOL

OptimistPrime99 • 9 years ago

During his post-game interview, Kobe said the word "relentless" A LOT. Which was a subtle way of implying that he didn't feel as though his teammates battled hard enough. Obviously, Kobe's immune to the criticism of him being a ball hog. But he's gonna have to dial it back a little bit. And basically force feed the ball to his less energetic teammates. Kobe's gotta understand that because the team is such a poor defensive team, he's not gonna be able to single-handedly win the game on offensive.

Guest • 9 years ago

37 shots is not the problem. 30 ridiculously bad shots are.

LakersLifer • 9 years ago

The absence of your PG is the problem.

Guest • 9 years ago

Ain't my PG or yours. Kobe ain't your boy or mine. Don't think they care what we think that much. Damn these debates are stupid. Sorry for being stupid

LakersLifer • 9 years ago

Don't make yourself a target by posting one-sided comments if you don't want to be criticized.