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popeye • 9 years ago

Ive never been so glad to be this close to the end of the line! I pity those youngsters who will never know the freedom i knew as achild and younger person. its all gone now and gettignworse by the day. Im really beginning to hope there is no such thing as reincarnation I dont want to come back to what this nation will be like in the future!

DonReynolds • 9 years ago

People die but not ideas. A million people could die a day, but the cause of freedom would be the same for those who remain. As long as any remain alive, so too will the eternal flame of freedom. To prevail in this land, we must hold it against those who would take it from us. The cost will be paid by all sides but it is a fight that we cannot lose and live.

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

I'll pray you all tell the truth ~ As soon as I've got that faith in you ~
(Perhaps 'YOU' could pray for me that I'll have that faith in you?) ~

thetnrebel • 9 years ago

I think the south should do it again

Patriot 1982 • 9 years ago

This is what is needed. Self-determination. White genocide must be STOPPED.

DonReynolds • 9 years ago

Defiance is the first step toward Freedom.
Defy them and you begin to be free.

Billo • 9 years ago

Disbanding our federal government , which is nothing but a pack of traitor criminals would be a good idea. Round up and try all the criminal traitors in the controlled mass media.

njguy53 • 9 years ago

Why should we leave our country because a bunch of commies took over. Isn't it better to get rid of the commies? If you break away then they'll be able to do whatever the hell they please to point of inviting foreign armies to base here. Walking away isn't the answer, non-compliance is.

ricck lineheart • 9 years ago

The real victory would be to secede from Israel .

thetnrebel • 9 years ago

mr ricck, you had better go to the rest room.. Sir you are full of it.

ricck lineheart • 9 years ago

I see your choice of flags to fly .

joe2 • 9 years ago

I am southern and Christian and Israel worship is pervassive here. I'm not for Israel as it stands now because it's not really the Israelites of the Bible. It's the Rothschild "Jews". I recommend you read up about their influence peddling like AIPAC and learn who these people really are are what their goals are. Otherwise I am in agreement with practically everything you think. I used to be for them too. Now I know who they really are. It doesn't mean you hate Jews to hate the people that hijacked it. You should look into their real book and it ain't the Torah! Do a little research and be open minded. You are not anti-Semitic for doinflg this because they aren't Semitic to begin with.

Thought_Crimes • 9 years ago

If at first you don't secede try try try again. ThoughtCrimes.biz

obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

...or as they say in Glasgae - 'If at first ya don't succeed use your boot and then yer heed.......".

Pissed Off Citizen • 9 years ago

Obama's Labor Dept has ruined business for anyone using hourly workers. Lots of people are opting out and closing shop

Edwin : O'Keefe • 9 years ago

That's one way to get out from under the thumb of a tyrant, again the other is to just stop paying taxes, which are not lawful anyway. Cut off the money supply, and you effectively cut off the head of the snake........Time to actively reduce the size of governments, both state , and ESPECIALLY federal..........FOOD FOR THOUGHT

Obama • 9 years ago

It's already been happening for 6 years with millions of jobs lost.

dante ferno • 9 years ago

but they invent new ways of taxing people - the system is so ridiculous that tax is everywhere even on tax

State_of_the_Union • 9 years ago

It's always said that the South will someday rise again.Future attrition warfare, I can see it knocking at the door.

RevoltNOW • 9 years ago

I will NOT disavow MY Citizenship!!! I WILL however Disavow MY Government!!!!!!

Coy Coleman • 9 years ago

Insane McCain at it again. Is there a war he does not like? Is there a group he won't cozy up to to ferment hostility? We made ISIS/ISIL and now we have a new enemy to fight. Al Quida is so out of fashion, people need to hear a new name for the same bad actors we created. Without Prejudice UCC 1-207/UCC 1-308. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (Including the right to free speech and privacy). No Contract Entered Into or IMPLIED with the UNITED STATES CORP GOVERNMENT by using the internet or internet provider.

Coy Coleman • 9 years ago

Posted this in the wrong story. Multiple sites opened at once.

john sheman • 9 years ago

Maybe people are frustrated when they find out the US Gov directly subsidizes China's internet and Rail systems. Oh no, maybe it is the 1 in 3 Federal workers that
have little to nothing to do every day by the GAO's results of the workers internet activities.

Barry Obama • 9 years ago

Angry with Washington, 3 in 4 Americans masturbate harder, take more pharmaceuticals, play more video games.

Guest • 9 years ago
dante ferno • 9 years ago

Americans invented masturbation?

Crispy Bacon • 9 years ago

lol, burn

ExHighlander • 9 years ago

Yep the vote would be the opposite of Scottiville,, can't see the leeches single moms, urban blacks and the lack of public service worker union members wanting anything different. They love the status quo, take from the white middle class and hand it over to them.

BU$H INC. • 9 years ago
BR549 • 9 years ago

Why secede from the Union; just secede from Washington, which was nothing more than a North American office for the Rothschilds, anyway.

SatansVote • 9 years ago

Scottish vote......put a cross through it.

DonReynolds • 9 years ago

Of course, the Scottish Independence vote is a good lesson, rigged or not.

Had American independence been put to a popular referendum, it would have failed even more miserably. During the Revolution, public support never exceeded 25%. Just as many or more Americans remained actively loyal to the British Crown. The worst atrocities and most vicious fighting during the Revolution were between those who were loyal and those who were rebels. (Yes, even worse than the Hessian mercenaries.) It would be more accurate to describe the American Revolution as the first Civil War. Those in the middle, often the majority, just wanted to stay completely out of it.

No doubt, that is the case in Scotland too, and would be the case in the USA, if it were ever put on the ballot. Remember that....my good Southern patriots.....secession will not be fought at the ballot box. The majority in the middle will always vote against change.

Jerry Weaver • 9 years ago

Man it is only ten square miles of corruption, just pave that part over and set up a big Walmart. Reuters is a ratchild owned media network . What the heck are they doing to us man?

DonReynolds • 9 years ago

The District of Columbia is six miles by six miles.....36 square miles.

CoachK • 9 years ago

Kinda reminds me of the part in History where the Roman Empire split in two...

Guest • 9 years ago

Working hours spent to earn wages that are subject to taxation and which then are paid to the Federal Government and spent on foreign aid - which in theory is done to promote homogenous regional power - are the most wasted of all working hours.

The government does like to affix humanitarian causes to the distribution of wealth created by Americans, but the real plan is to assure that no regional power arises around the world which might then align with Russia and/or China, thus threatening the Atlantic Union's hegemony.

When consideration is given to just exactly what that hegemony has bought Americans in terms of National security, equitable foreign trade and energy independence, the inescapable conclusion is that wrt to the monies given away to foreign governments and militaries, this waste of US productivity is completely unjustifiable.

The reality is that sans a unified cohesive military which is directed smartly, authoritatively and under constraints of economy, the justification of ANY Federal government of ANY kind (at present taxing structures) is wholly conditional upon those contributing into it financially having no idea what it gets spent on. Hence, that is indeed the reality of how the system is constructed. Transparency is the biggest threat to the Federal government and to the Federal Reserve system.

Guest • 9 years ago
CoachK • 9 years ago

yep. Time to go back to the Articles of Confederation

DonReynolds • 9 years ago

I shudder to think of what the Leftist Liberals would write for the third Constitution of this country. We are incompatible peoples. Either we separate quietly or domestic violence will begin.....and God only knows how it will ever end. These things never end up with the same purposes as they were started.

Adam • 9 years ago

And what happens wen a state does succeed it's no longer US territory and all the "laws" that only apply to those outside the states go into full effect. Treat life like a complex three dimensional chess board and look a move ahead.

DonReynolds • 9 years ago

Once free of the Federal Union, there are no laws or treaties that apply any longer.....other than the ones a free people undertake anew. Being free of the Feds means they no longer have any jurisdiction over us. None.

Guest • 9 years ago
CoachK • 9 years ago

true. In the Civil War, the actual shooting started when federal troops refused to leave southern states.