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spoiler alert • 9 years ago

This mayor is gonna be gang banged by lucifer, belzibub, satan and hitler if my calculations are correct.

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Or Mars Jupiter Saturn Zeus Hera and Hermaphrodite either ;)
Then the Jew Trinity will get their freak-on and the party will start as the 'Great (Illuminated) Long-John in the Sky' becomes the one and all of the all-in-one ~ Hmm ~ I'll see if I can cut a deal with Hades to avoid 'THAT' illuminated-underpants swap-club-party in the sky ;-)

Escaped Government Slave • 9 years ago

French used to shoot nazi collaborators......now they give them awards

Randy • 9 years ago

even French governments have been taken over by NWO operative puppets.
They are all over the planet now. only those countries that do not want to get on board the NWO train are targeted and civil unrest is created by CIA or arms of the CIA Elqueda or now ISIS the same hand with different names thats all
and the medias are there to hammer there Fear energies in your brains good humans. are you all going to fall for this deception like we did with 9/11 ? I hope not. The only way we will know this is when those skull and bones members start being arrested by the Oath keepers instead of following orders.
Peace to all who seek it.

Godfrey • 9 years ago

Don't be fooled, it's really an award for serving the nefarious interests of the wealthy global elites.

TrueAmerican • 9 years ago

What a piece of SHIT he is.

Godfrey • 9 years ago

The wealthy global elites love to give each other awards. It's all about ego for rotting walking corpses like Bloomberg. Arm ISIS and disarm the slaves, right Bloomberg? We're on to you. We know. And more wake up every single day.

Godfrey • 9 years ago

Narcissistic psychopaths rise to the top. Trash like Bloomberg is a perfect example.

American Mutt • 9 years ago

So France a conquered country Gave America the Statue Of Liberty after they lost their Independence to Europe.
Now this same country that lost their Independence to Europe gives an award to a Anti Constitutional American that is trying to Disarm America just like the Brits once tried.
Good thing I have a ladder because the sh!T is to deep for my chest waders anymore!

Brian • 9 years ago

Jolly Rodger you might be right but why you leaving out what about all the America people 300+ million??? what have we done about this criminal behaviour? NOTHING Jolly Rodger Nothing

American Mutt • 9 years ago

The people have been brought to the bidding of their leaders, when and if this criminal Government is ended the people will no longer feel the need to turn their backs on their own!

Yeah bloomturd. • 9 years ago

And then bloomturd and frenchie fry fabius wiped their asses with the second amendment.

Shawn • 9 years ago

but what is worst is No one has done a thing about it?
We are even more guilty than they are for we believe in the Constitution in words but no action? meaculpa-----meaculpa---meaculpa!!!!!!!

Isn't that nice. • 9 years ago

The former bloomturd mayor took to social media to thank Fabius, who also tweeted his excitement in giving Bloomberg “the insignia of Commander.”

and then they had a hands on circle jerk while they whispered sweet nothings in each others ears.

arte vespule • 9 years ago

"French" nuff said....

Guest • 9 years ago
Rodger • 9 years ago

you get the true picture Chad. glad to see some people are awake still

Like who gives a shit • 9 years ago

Well like anyone really gives a bloomturd shit.

W. Rabbit 300 • 9 years ago

Then-president of France, Sarkozy, called For WHITE GENOCIDE!


Guest • 9 years ago
mtzpdlkldpztm722 • 9 years ago

... or a 32 oz Mountain Dew.

HANGTHEOWL • 9 years ago

It's ah major award,,,,

R Stone • 9 years ago

the audacity of giving him honors for liberty when he is the exact opposite. Everything for liberty he is against and everything for global tyranny he is for

asickworld • 9 years ago

hey look at those generals with a suit heavy with medals?? no different. These psychopath love war and are paid to create them. but pretend they want to protect us??? ya shure.

MyKillBloomKunt • 9 years ago

Life of dirty dancin Jew wars.....Ebola's.

KVI • 9 years ago

Stalin has just received an award from Lenin.

Now what does this mean?

The same as Mussolini receiving an award from Hitler?

But let's not insult Hitler.

These bastards make even Hitler look like a saint.

The Bloomberg Masons have just received an award from the French Masons.

One group of traitors honoring another group of traitors.

It's just like Obama, the war criminal, getting the peace Nobel prize.

Their hypocrisy has gone ballistic.

Holding up the ideals of liberty would mean having exposed 9-11 as an inside job.

Has Bloomberg done that?


Bloomberg, go to HELL!

I hereby give you my personal award of eternal damnation.

May your souls rot in hell forever and ever.

Criminalhypocrits • 9 years ago

IT is called, the NWO remember Bush senior in 1990?


please a retrospec is always good for human memory

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Most people are unable to differentiate between the ideas of Liberty vs Freedom.

Liberty at who's expense? Those willing to give up more rights for "security" -- when threaten be the global dark-cabal. "Liberty" for the financial sector to commit frauds?

Bloomberg deserves his reward from his Zionist Clan -- Freedoms for Crooks and his participation in the 9/11 fraud event. Should not the global mafia reward its participants? What does America have left to lose, but some fake numbers on the wall.

Ergo • 9 years ago

This has to be a joke. What does France know about the ideals of liberty? The reign of terror called the French Revolution?

It must of been Benjamin de Rothschild who said about Bloomberg as being a man after his father's liking.

Marxism • 9 years ago

Right. And Obama was awarded the Nobel peace prize.

What a joke it all is.

mankind • 9 years ago

I hereby nominate Bloomberg for "A$$hole of the Year"...

DuckTurds • 9 years ago

Crappy Nappy Poo....Scoobie.

dante ferno • 9 years ago

Bloomberg joins several other high-profile recipients including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alan Greenspan and Bono.

LOL - can we take anything seriously with those clowns listed

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Poor Bono ~ Separated at birth from his half-brother Bobo the Clown ;)

Guest • 9 years ago
mzwarrior1 . • 9 years ago

Clowns are sick and perverted -

snoopdog • 9 years ago

The children of America are being poisoned, by most of their favorite breakfast cereals.

The glyphosate harms the good Gut flora, and that can cause pathogen overgrowth.
There is some ability to break-down glyphosate, but it increases ammonia in the system thus increasing risk neuronal-damage in the brain.

You politicians approve of the poisoning of you and your children -- your politicians are die-hard traitors and want to murder you and yours slowly.
I know, 'most parents probably don't care', according to official government agencies, if their food is transgenic or not.

You are eating Boiler Chemicals -- straight from hell.

snoopdog • 9 years ago

And while Monsanto poisons you with GMO the military-chemtrails lower the PH of the soil much too low for proper nutrient uptake. Fungi and mold thrive at low Ph however. Glyphosate also washes the minerals out of the soil.
Monsanto, the military and the politicians are tied at the hips in their war of eugenics genocide against the people. They are all traitorous Bastards.
That is what the NWO really looks like -- "the gloom of death"....especially along the west coast. They spray chemtrails out in the ocean to reduce rain on the coast and alter the ph. The establishment is insanely criminal, trying to kill the Earth's biosystems and you along with it.

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Now that they have acidified your body and reduced its minerals, now they want to inject you with poison vaccines, They want to shoot the children up with needles like they were using a machine gun, with vaccines that are not even needed or beneficial. Some of these vaccines have been shown to contain cancer viruses, and other deadly contaminants, that overtime manifest into weakening of the human condition, and disrupt the natural abilities of the immune system.
They want to inject children with vaccines for cervical cancer that have shown to cause more harm than good.
America is run by criminal empire purely for crooked profit incentives, and will sacrifice the population for corporate profits of monopolies.

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Welcome to the Zionist Death-cult against the Goyim.
Do you dare question 9/11 ?

Ronny • 9 years ago

Yes I do

Ronny • 9 years ago

Depopulation is their plan

Gloria • 9 years ago

heu snoopdog, and what about the air we all breath in every day under those chemtrails? probably even worst and what about the drinking water? do you know what you are drinking? water, Beer, alcohol juices like redbull stimulants?? or Cialis how many waste money and ignore the consequences? so many ways we are being slowly murdered all because Big Pharma while we slowly die make a fortune on the deseases they help create???? but the health system is there to heal us right? well as long as the sheep believe this, we are in great danger

Guest • 9 years ago

And Our war monger president, who's trying to start World War three, who is arming an training the terrorist he wants to kill, who murdered Kadaffi, who has started a Ukrainian civil war, is pushing for war with China, and brags he's good about killing Americans with drones, won the Nobel Peace Prize.

That's how the NWO works, isn't it?

Larry • 9 years ago

yes but at least you understand what is going on, most do not.

mzwarrior1 . • 9 years ago

Does anyone have a barf bag ? - I could sure use one after ingesting this article.

bigwheel4482 • 9 years ago

The soda copy? Good grief... What does he know about freedom?

Guest • 9 years ago
Thomas_Paines_ghost • 9 years ago

Uh, that's what I said...derka derka!