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blasater • 9 years ago

These progressive lying psychopaths need to go to jail.

tommy mc donnell • 9 years ago

"that's the way the political game is played" yes by people like you. if this doesn't show the voters how little regard the political parties have for the "will of the people" nothing will. if the American people don't remove the current generation of politicians from power you can kiss freedom goodbye forever.

Guest • 9 years ago

defining characteristic of the progressives....LYING. Not a decent, honorable, TRUSTWORTHY grown up in the whole bunch!

Press Watchusa • 9 years ago

THANK YOU JAMES for exposing these lying creeps!

Realist • 9 years ago

Libcult, thy name is deception.

ScottinVA • 9 years ago

The brain-dead low-info voters and moonbat libs are beyond hope of saving, but perhaps some on the fence in Kentucky will realize they're being played for idiots. That is nothing new in the progressive playbook... it's in their Alinskyite playbook to lie as often as necessary to achieve their ends.. because in their twisted, perverted minds, the ends always justify the means.

DanielSFL • 9 years ago

I can't wait to see these lying socialists brought down low and sent packing. We can all hold a middle finger up in the air to Obama's last two years and anything he wants to do.

A democrat lying to get elected? My God how shocking. I'd be more surprised if someone caught one being honest.

Thadeus Finkle • 9 years ago

The only thing Mitch fights for is raises for himself and his Senate cronies. He's done in KY. It only takes a lot of smart young voters coming to the polls and showing their power (and brains), on top of the many fiscally conservative and socially progressive independents, and those rare conservative rednecks that finally realize they have a hook in their mouths, and they already swallows the bait fed to them by lying, disingenuous "big money" conservatives who steal their lunch money and financial feature to go on junkets and feed "regulations for cash" to their corporate sponsors.

Thadeus Finkle • 9 years ago

So you go out and interview some low level operatives under some BS premise, nod your head a lot after feeding them some line, and quote them as some authority on Grimes' platform and integrity? Only redneck voters that feast on Fox News will buy that garbage, loser. You're no Breitbart. But the people paying you and using your mouth will dispose of you just as easily when they're done with you.

MicahStone • 9 years ago

RINOcRAT mcconnel vs d-cRAT grimes: What do you call an "election" where BOTH candidates are so disgustingly BAD that it's an INSULT to your intelligence and values to vote for either?

Oh, yeah: "OBOZO-McRINO 2008" !

McConnell Strikes Back: Grimes is Just Like Obama
---The RINOcRAT POT calling the d-cRAT KETTLE black!

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

Obviously every one of these staffers disagrees with Grimes's public position on coal, as I do, but O'Keefe has no evidence they know what she thinks.

Although the staffers who say the coal industry is already dead in Kentucky and the question is moot are right. Coal is Kentucky's welfare queen, the state government has spent hundreds of millions to keep it going http://www.maced.org/coal/e..., but it can't make any money any more. The state has already lost two thirds of the coal jobs it had 30 years ago https://www.kftc.org/campai... there's nowhere for it to go but farther down. If you conservatives really believed in the free market you'd let it go.

O'Keefe says he couldn't find any Grimes staff who thought their candidate was being honest but I ask myself why we should take O'Keefe's word for it when his own pervasive dishonesty is universally recognized, including by conservatives such as Fred Barnes of the Weekly Standard and Glenn Beck's The Blaze http://www.theblaze.com/sto... and Maine governor Paul LePage http://www.wcsh6.com/news/a..., and George Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson http://www.wcsh6.com/news/a.... To say nothing of the California Attorney General's office http://www.wcsh6.com/news/a... etc., etc. The presumption at this point in O'Keefe's career should be that whatever he does is fraudulent.

Also, she definitely knows a lot more about guns than McConnell does.

Joe • 9 years ago

If what you say about the coal industry is the truth why doesn't your candidate Grimes say the truth? Is she lying? Is that your endorsement for her? She is blatantly lying but that's okay? Funny how that works for the Democrat "If you like your plan you can keep your plan" Party.

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

I don't know, but because it's such a trivial issue I don't care. More important is her support for black lung benefits (under Obamacare!) and tighter safety regulations in the remaining coal mines, which got her an endorsement from the UMW http://www.usnews.com/news/.... They know she's not going to succeed in bringing the jobs back but they know she cares about coal miners and McConnell doesn't.

Joe • 9 years ago

There's a lib for you. Make a disparaging false statement against a Republican by saying a throw away line like "McConnell doesn't (care)." McConnell cares deeply for the miners in Kentucky - and elsewhere. That's why he doesn't lie to them. McConnell is fighting for jobs. That's someone who cares. Grimes is trying to figure out how to get more government handouts so ever more people are beholden to the government, especially the Democrats.

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

Point taken. I should have said "[UMW members] believe McConnell doesn't care" rather than "they know..." Though I don't know why they'd be wrong. What evidence do you have that he cares? I only know about the $746,899 he's taken from the owners in campaign contributions, most of any member of Congress http://thehill.com/blogs/pu...

Imfrekindone • 9 years ago

Sadly I trust Mitch McConnel as much as I trust Grimes, which is ZERO. Voting is a complete waste. Both parties are completely rife with corruption and deceit. Having these debates about which mainstream party candidate is less deceitful is like trying to decide who you want to have for a sleepover; Jeffrey Dahlmer or Charlie Manson. Neither is a good option.

SWohio • 9 years ago

The Democrats have put more people on the welfare roles than ever in the history of this country.

It is pathetic that you people are proud of that.

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

No clue what you are talking about. Link? It's well known that the communities with the highest rates of food stamp usage are white people in Red states though http://aattp.org/ts-officia...

John Prospero • 9 years ago

LOL...whatever leftist.
O'Keefe got some Dems close to Grimes to say she was lying, and you and I know htats good enough for prime time...and she probably is. This silly "we'll never know whats trully in her heart" garbage is exactly that.....You guys would have this on 24 7 coverage if you got this kind of dirt.....and so will we.....

SWohio • 9 years ago

When the president of the US states publicly in his 2008 campaign that he would regulate the coal industry out of business and promises that under this plan 'electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket', it is NO LONGER a free market.

November is going to be fun! People don't care to be lied to about something as important as their power rates, and you haven't given one single fact proving that O'Keefe has lied.

If however you consider publishing the actual WORDS, in contect, of the liberal liars to be lying, well then . . . . .

Too bad your guys can't unspeak their words, isn't it?

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

Incidentally while most people's electricity rates went up this year in California they went down--because California adopted a Cap and Trade system like the one Obama supports (but can't get through our stupid Congress).

"The 2.5% year-to-date decline in Pacific residential electricity prices is distorted by a temporary dip in revenues for California utilities during the month of April. This drop was a result of a credit averaging about $35 to the electric bills of most customers of the state's investor-owned utilities. TheCalifornia Climate Credit is a refund of money that the state receives from the sale of allowances for greenhouse gas emissions through their cap-and-trade system. Excluding the month of April when the refund was issued, prices paid by residential customers in the Pacific region rose 0.9% above the same period last year. In California alone, prices (excluding April) were 1% higher." http://www.eia.gov/todayine... compared to a US average of 3.2%.

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

The thing about Obama is O'Keefe style distortion-by-cropping (but not by O'Keefe) of what the president actually said, which was fully exposed two years ago in the Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.c...

I offered just a few links above on O'Keefe's dishonesty that convince me. You can judge for yourself.

In the present case he has cropped out all the questions put to Grimes's staffers so we don't know what it is they're responding to, but I think, knowing O'Keefe's methods, I can guess; he or his minion was pretending to be a fat-cat out-of-state Democrat donor "I'd love to give you tons of money for the campaign but I want to destroy the coal industry and Grimes says she won't" and SOME foolish out-of-order staffers took the bait in the hopes of getting the money and told the impostor what they thought he wanted to hear. They shouldn't have done it, but it definitely isn't evidence of what Grimes thinks.

If O'Keefe wants to show us the unedited video maybe he can prove me wrong. But his M.O. is to do that only after the edited video has circulated and the story has gotten around, and it always turns out that he's faking it, as with Acorn http://www.prwatch.org/news.... "Truth gets half-way round the world..." etc.

In the meantime, of course, while the edited version is circulating, all the shut-in elderly paranoids who make up most of the hard right wing have been writing him checks.

And that's my beef with O'Keefe, westhighlands, that I think he's a grifter and whether he has an effect on the Kentucky senate campaign or not he has hurt a lot of innocent people in the past.

westhighlands • 9 years ago

Give it a rest......I seriously doubt O'Keefe is the reason voters see this woman for the political wannabe she has clearly dreamed of becoming since watching her father's first political fund raising parties from early childhood. It's a lifestyle choice for her! NOT any noble gesture to "respresent the people"

greg shirk • 9 years ago

BS she wutch don't know anything about a that long saying you don't hold a weapon like that, ridiculous. I'm a combat vet and you hold on to that weapon in many different ways such as going through rough terrain,water,different shooting positions,right handed,left, how about the order of arms, how about using your weapon to breach an obstacle. This wutch is a POSER, A LIAR, AS YOU ARE!

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

So which one's this http://thirdeyestrategies.c... ? Breaching an obstacle?

Also what's a wutch? "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."

greg shirk • 9 years ago

Hey girl, you figure it out. I'm not your teacher, your dad or friend. I know getting out of the eighth grade was hard for you and you've never matured enough to find your own answers, but life's like that pajama boy.

Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

You're the slow reader who took three weeks to get this far down the thread, sport.

greg shirk • 9 years ago

I got a notification and I read when I get time. I don't stay in pajamas in my moms house trolling the internet like you do. Dumbass...

Guest • 9 years ago
Yastreblyansky • 9 years ago

I think Kentucky people are smart. Unfortunately the antics of people like O'Keefe have turned them so cynical almost three fifths of them aren't willing to vote at all in an off-year election. http://elections.gmu.edu/Tu... Some signs things could be different this year, though http://www.whas11.com/news/..., and you might get a big surprise.

wtd • 9 years ago

Inverseion of reality...any resulting cynicism is/was instigated by the progressive's lie.

Adrian • 9 years ago

Grimes just pulled ahead of McConnell in the polls. The media is referring to it as the "O'Keefe bump."

AlecJ • 9 years ago

McConnell lies to get elected, too. Its a battle of corrupt liars. Good luck Kentucky. You had a chance to replace McConnell with someone worthy, but that was somehow too difficult. Now you get new fraud or old fraud.

Saying that proven slime ball McConnell is somehow more straight with the voters than Grimes is looking through partisan glasses.

The fact that McConnell has done more damage to the country than Grimes ever will, should bother you.