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Enough is enough • 9 years ago

The U.S congress has become the most prolific serial killers this world has ever known. THEY are assaulting and butchering nations world wide with their armies, their cia, their drones, and possibly their genetically weaponized diseases.
Anyone who wants real peace should consider turning their backs on this U.S congress and their evil government. Stop pretending that america is great and that everyone else is evil when the signs clearly show that america is the evil aggressor in every conflict they are involved in. Wash your hands of these @$$holes.

The verdict is in and congress is guilty. (Ain't that right mccain, you evil war mongering psychopath)?

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Can Western civilization be explained: Is it Zionist or Christian?
Why western 'Christians'? slaughter near-east Christians and sponsor terrorism

(first minute is not English)

snoopdog • 9 years ago

ISIS is merely a smoke screen and the bankers (brothers of the snake) will demand nuclear war. Wouldn't it be better to wipe the bankers.....

snoopdog • 9 years ago

So what is the first target that should be nuked; Is it DC or Wall Street.

So How long can America use ISIS as bait to be bombing the Middle East and any other area that threatens the central bankers. When ISIS shows up somewhere; it is going to be bombed, but not before ISIS moves out. USA, and Israel use ISIS as a false front.

Now they say they need to remove Assad to 'defeat ISIS' -- a statement that is totally anti-logical. The Hawks are pushing for major war crimes. The War Hawks are totally contradicting the Will of the American Public -- nor do they care what the American public have expressed, totally treasonous. They will use election frauds to preserve their criminal mafia governance and America will have NO real democracy left. Only the will of the Zionists bankers is expressed by the American war-mule. Easy war crimes TM. Obama is at war with America, as a alien agent. America can not bear the mountain of war-crimes Obama (and his players) have committed and intent to commit. America is finished by political decadence, an expression of the mobs of special interests. So many people inside America, want America to fail, and work with criminal political network to commit mass treason.

jerseydave • 9 years ago

Take your meds quickly.

Kuato • 9 years ago

Lapis Exillis. The Foundation Stone is in place. The third Temple is about to be erected. The Luciferian and Masonic laundry list is being executed and finalized. The lost civilization of Shambhala has been rediscovered and the Illuminate initiate, Barry Sotero is paving the way for the Buddha Maitreya.

tbmuch • 9 years ago

I do not think out of Washington is the only place the world is being destroyed. I was listening to the local news about an hour ago (2330), and the locals in this small place was talking about "Taking Back The Night," from the criminal element, mostly gang related activities. Until those young people are dealt with in a real honest to goodness way, society will be forever plagued with lawlessness. It seems as though tin badge toters as well as the general public are under some type of spell to do mischief.

snoopdog • 9 years ago

It is the British-Zionist agents who seem to have super status, above the law.

They have hijacked the American war-machine for their own purposes.

John • 9 years ago

I would like to thank prisonplanet for allowing paul crazy craig roberts the opportunity to once again expose himself for the nut job that he is. Remember this guy was tied to power, it's telling.

Django Freeman • 9 years ago

Oh, so Japan was trying to surrender? Was this before or after they hit Pearl Harbor? Fat Man and Little Boy were payback. Don't get it twisted. We could get some payback for 9-11 too, except we would have to drop an atomic bomb on the White House, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

Correct Views • 9 years ago

Japan did announce that they were going to do it before they did it and our leaders ignored it. Still, I see your point....they did still do it.

silly • 9 years ago

DC certainly has a big hand in dehumanizing and regressing the planet's people(especially Americans), but the entire rest of the world, with possible exceptions of Canada and Australia/New Zealand, are even more guilty.

Why are the world's people and US politicians so void of integrity that they expect Americans to provide them with their needs and desires? And why do Americans always accept the mantles of self sacrifice and self blame for all the criminals of the world?

roguenuf • 9 years ago

That's just about the whole of it in a long sighted big picture kinda po'd rant. . .I always enjoy your work, I wish more would study it, as many of us do but many seem to be unable to handle it, and so try to marginalize the messenger. . . Thank you Paul Craig Roberts, always!!!

HISTORICVS • 9 years ago

The 1941 German invasion of Russia was a response to Stalin's positioning of a massive Soviet army of conquest on Europe’s borders, a pre-emptive strike like those the United States today insists it has the absolute, unfettered right to carry out wherever and whenever it chooses - except this threat to the nation's survival was very real.

A former GRU military intelligence officer writing under the name of Victor Suvarov has described Stalin's WWII intent to conquer Europe, which is well documented in the newly available Russian state records of the World War II era. Stalin implemented the two-year total mobilization plan prepared by Chief of the General Staff Boris Shaposhnikov at the August 19, 1939 Politburo meeting - just four days before signing the Soviet-German non-aggression pact. In the following 22 months, Stalin raised a total of 295 divisions organized in 16 armies, plus an additional six million men to be mobilized in the summer of 1941.

It was not hubris but the dire threat of this army massing near Germany’s border that caused Hitler to violate his long-standing vow never to fight a two-front war again. Desperate necessity ordered the advance into Russia of an ill-prepared Wehrmacht barely a third the size of the invasion force assembled by Stalin. But caught in indefensible attack formations, millions of Red Army soldiers were captured or killed in just a few months.

At the Soviet-dominated show trials at Nuremberg, surviving German leaders were not allowed to present their evidence of the Soviet invasion plans but were instead found guilty of “aggression” against the Soviet Union; they paid with their lives for defending their homeland -and all Europe - from Stalin's tyranny.

As Shakespeare sagely observed in Julius Caesar, the good that men do is oft interred with their bones.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Previous to that, secretly Zionist Mason Stalin decimated the upper echelon of his entire army so it would be weak ~ As to why he would do this, you might ask yourself why Masonic cousins King George (?) Kaiser Willhelm and Czar Nicholas couldn't get along in the events leading up to WW1, and had to let so many millions of people die ~ Please historian, we've had the 'BIG' lie for coming on 100 years now, so no crock of shet about the death of Archduke Ferdinand starting it, because that one was faked with a lookalike security double as was the deaths of Csar Nicholas and his family, who's apparent death was planned well in advance to calm the anger of the Russian people after he (Nicholas) helped his royal cousins clean out Russia's huge stock of gold bullion and send it to America to create the US Fed ~ As for Stalin being in on the whole deal, there was a sound reason the gold looted from Europe by Nazis was safe at 'ODESSA' under Stalin and Khrushev until 1973 when the British Banks and the US Fed got the lion's share of all of that gold securely guarded for the elite during the Cold War ~ Maybe you're just uninformed about real world history, yet well read? :-(
Try to remember the US Fed financed German National Socialism :-(

The US government does exactly what Israel / Zionists tell them to do.

The impossible 'holocaust' narrative allows the racist Israeli parasites to get away with slaughtering Palestinians and stealing billions from the US taxpayers every year, and then demand that US soldiers die for their greedy self interests.

We can live without them, they cannot live without us.

The laughable 'holocau$t' propaganda is an easily debunked, impossible as alleged Jewish supremacist scam.
discussion here:

The 'holocaust' storyline is one of the most easily debunked narratives
ever contrived. That is why those who question it are arrested and
persecuted. That is why violent, racist, & privileged Jewish supremacists parasites demand censorship.
Truth needs no protection from scrutiny.

Fight racist Jewish supremacism.

John • 9 years ago

I think your a victim of the dumming down of america.....now put the crayons down it's time for your nap.

Dan Northrup • 9 years ago

Poor Russia and China. America is so mean. Everybody knows that all the Ukraine wanted to join Russia until we hired Nazis to get in the way. The people of Hong Kong didn't know anything about democracy while under British rule. The big bad CIA had to go there and teach them about it so they would riot. Clearly all the authoritarian states should point their Doomsday machines at us so we will play nice.

Seriously, Prison Planet sucks for putting this Commie anti-america dribble up here. Yea Washington sucks, but how can they be so incompetent at home yet so effective abroad? Answer, they're not. This is just Putin blaming the US if it rains and he gets wet.

I'm done with this site. If I want to know what some freedom hating commie d-bag thinks i will just go to RT. At least their anchors are hotter than looking at Alex Jones.

Nothing but a bunch of BRIC shills.

Tired & Weary • 9 years ago

I'm beginning to wonder if the aging gargoyles of evil--Kissinger, Brezinski, Rockefeller--who are on death's doorstep, are ramping up war with Russia so they can see the world destroyed before they die?

With their consciences and souls seared, and complete separation from God imminent, and Hades as their next destination--wouldn't it make sense that these satanic maniacs would like to pull the entire world into destruction and death?

KuglaKhan • 9 years ago


Jolly Roger#2 • 9 years ago

And Washington is being ran by the European Zionist,
They have to destroy the world, their God tells them this is the right thing to do!

LOL • 9 years ago

These assholes in the U.S congress and the white house don't kept their word to anyone, even the American people, so why would they keep their word to Russia and China?

Rick • 9 years ago

The U.S . cut off the sale of oil and scrap metal to the Japanese in 1941 . More than four years after Japan had invaded Manchuria and China and murdered millions of Chinese civilians. The Japs could have surrendered anytime after the fall of the Marianas , which left all of their cities open to total destruction from the air from B-29 conventional bombing . They never seriously considered surrendering until the second atomic bombing at Nagasaki . Which saved 100,000 American lives and at least 15 million Japanese.

dante ferno • 9 years ago

LOL at your imaginary figures of lives saved - plucked from your deluded ass I guess - would have some credibility if you quoted a source...but you were too stupid to even try

silly • 9 years ago

What are your sources to refute it, Sport?

Rick • 9 years ago

In the Battle for Okinawa in April to June ,1945 , a quarter of a million died . That included 150,000 Okinawan civilians ( 1/3 of the population ) almost 100,000 Japanese soldiers , and 14,000 American soldiers , sailors and Marines. Extrapolate that over the civilian population of Japan in 1945 of 103 million and the 5 million soldiers still under arms in Japan and in the rest of Asia , who would certainly have fought to the death , and you would have an even more accurate total than mine of -- 35 million . But , I prefer the most conservative estimate of 15 million . As for American lives that would have been lost , possibly my father and uncle , who were in the Pacific theatre at the time, all you need to know is that the government ordered the production of over 1 million " Purple Heart " medals a few months before they dropped the Bombs . Anyway , Japanese soldiers murdered over 300,000 civilians in Nanking and 100,000 in Manila , just for fun. Those are figures that your bleeding heart can't dispute. You probably own a Mitsubishi .

Guest • 9 years ago
I_have_a_knife_and_a_gun • 9 years ago

Roberts is a delusional fool.

randyrocker • 9 years ago

More and more Americans have to wake up to the EVIL in the Oval Office and march or voice their anger and vote the Democrats out in November demanding the impeachment of this DEVIL in the White House. It isn't a joke and it's not very funny anymore. The man is as demented as they come, and the media must be attacked with fury for still being in his back pocket. Those owners of the media must come under heated scrutiny. The people of the United States of America can't afford to take anymore, not any longer.

Don Clugston • 9 years ago

why not start with the impeachment of Congress. If your member of Congress was on trial for treason,could he or she come up with enough evidence not to be found guilty? (I don't think so)

Billo • 9 years ago

We have a truly evil government. End the Fed and get all zionists banned from our government.

Jerry Kreiner • 9 years ago

Massive Wars, Depopulation, Plenty of Cheap Real Estate - this is the basic formula the Globalists are acting on. The majority of the US Government is on board with it...

randyrocker • 9 years ago

The sycophants and usurpers believe they're in line to make a fortune and get huge rewards in the decimation of the populous, but they're dreaming, because when all HELL breaks out, they'll be the first to seek cover from the front lines, only to find, their cover won't be there.

Jimbo • 9 years ago

Yes, very simple as Russia and China reject the US dollar to kill it, US Government policy is simple bring chaos destruction to the world, like angry illogical little child.

randyrocker • 9 years ago

Making things worse by the minute.

Responder. • 9 years ago

Roberts got lost on the final paragraph as Rappaport asserts that Ebola is a psy-op.

Global warming does not exist.

Looks like some on our side can also fall for cons like the AGW hoax.

2/75th RGR Bn. • 9 years ago

Washington isn't destroying the world, OBAMA IS. His hate for whites, freedom, and America are obvious.

obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

O'Bomber is just a minute piece in the jigsaw of Life......he is a nobody having somebody give him a voice ie. (the people behind the curtain)........think Howdy Doody.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

You can't fool meeee Obi ~ 'Howdy Doody' was just a dummy ~

Jerry Kreiner • 9 years ago

Obama does not act alone - he is a PR head really....he had a sit down before even running, was educated on the Globalist roadmap, and its unfolding before our very eyes...what is happening now has been planned on and known for decades. The US reached its peak prosperity long ago, its over, now the next chapter is dealing with the masses as they slowly grasp reality.....this is the ugly part, you will live to see even more goodies come to pass. Its a New World Order.

Rey • 9 years ago

Wow. Don't we have a narrow perspective. Obama is a mere puppet as was his predecessor Bush. When the puppet is gone, the puppet master still remains. Obama and his puppet masters disregard mankind, not just whites. When Obama is gone, there will be a new puppet whether it be Hillary or Mitt Romney. And they will continue where Obama left off.

Don Clugston • 9 years ago

....you got that right and it may be Mrs Clinton as the GOP loves her

John • 9 years ago

As long as were pointing out puppets lets not forget ronald reagan and paul craig roberts.

myself • 9 years ago

If the puppet was hanged , the next puppet would think two times ...probably be scared to be hanged too. If the puppet does not have punishment for his crimes the next puppet will do even worse than his predecessor

2/75 is correct • 9 years ago

Nobody has or will ever again get away with what this piece of CRAP in the white house gets away with. Being BLACK means you walk on water and do NO wrong

Don Clugston • 9 years ago

what a franchise....how would you like to have support like that?

Rey • 9 years ago

They all get away with murder man. That's why each President pardons the previous one. Cheney and Bush were just as corrupt if not more so than Obama. Cheney: You start an illegal war, you are the CEO or VP of Halliburton, you make the decision to go no bid contracts and pocket tens of millions of dollars. Bush: Your dad Bush SR. is a Senior advisor to the Carlyl Group which made hundreds of millions supplying arms to the coalition forces fighting in the war against Iraq. Talk about major conflicts of interest and total corruption. My point is all U.S. Presidents are more corrupt than we can even imagine. It's not just Obama.

Responder. • 9 years ago

Washington was destroying the world long before Obama & will continue after.

jeffydiver • 9 years ago

Maybe throwing things out of balance, but destroying the world, forget it, it tain't gonna happen. This is the Lord's world, and don't forget it.

Don Clugston • 9 years ago

have you talked to the Lord about that?........(thats not what he told me)