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Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago

I didn't even watch this video, I already know what it's all about. Americans have pretty much "tolerated" ourselves out of a country, period. Minorities and radical religions rule the land, our president gives speeches at Black Panther rallies, certain demographics of people are protected by Political Correctness and can do no wrong, I'm sick of it. I made plans to relocate my family to Finland in the summer of next year and the liberals and dems can have this shithole that they wanted to destroy so badly.

John McMickle • 9 years ago

Political correctness and liberals are the worst thing that have happened to this country.

Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago

Agreed. Liberals want Communism and Islam and everything else that's anti-American to be right here on our soil so they can enjoy it in the comfort of their own homes, instead of moving somewhere those things are acceptable, and the tyranny of Political Correctness protects them. Political Correctness is in itself concentrated intolerance with no repercussions; you have to take everything on the chin yet you're supposed to just shut your trap and go along with it. In some places they use the threat of prison and violence to keep the populations in line but here, we censored our own selves to appease the minority of jackasses who don't care about society or contribute anything to it. It all started when the idea that "we're all the same" became popular, and nothing is farther from the truth. We're NOT all the same and certain cultures do not mix well. Yet the failed social experiment called "diversity" has forced people who would normally be fine living apart from one another to be thrown into the same places and it doesn't and will never work. Liberals say things like "Well we're all immigrants so amnesty is the right thing to do!". Wrong. Our relatives came here the right way, LEGALLY, and they integrated into society and worked hard and made huge contributions. Now, they waltz in here illegally, have everything handed to them, and segregate themselves from the rest of society and live their own way and we're supposed to change OUR ways to suit that nonsense?

JohnSmith • 9 years ago


Guest • 9 years ago
Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago

Good luck with that brother. But America is already too far gone and we have no control over anything anymore. Have you tried to speak to a State Rep lately? I have, and was basically ignored. We don't matter anymore to politicians and elections are just a sham these days. If the whole country rose up and protested on the White House lawn it wouldn't change anything, they'd just declare Martial Law and send out the jackboots. People don't understand, ISIS was created by our own government to take attention off of Al Qaeda, whom Obama funded illegally to remove Assad. Our own country is funding the terrorists we were supposed to be sworn to eliminating. Bottom line, it's not ISIS or Israel or the Jews that are the problem it's the global bankers and elitists that are pulling the strings now, families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, they're bent on global domination and the only thing keeping their claws out of America was the people. We had morals and family values and National Pride. Now, we're a Godless nation that has zero values and zero morals, and the liberal God is Government. We have in America more people on Welfare and more people in prison than any other country and we're in a new war every week, even though the majority of Americans are tired of war. But war is big business for the ones pulling the strings and Obama, ISIS, Israel, and the rest are just puppets now dancing the dance, while real Americans suffer and are taxed out of existence.
Don't get me wrong, I love my country and I love the Americans here that still believe in what America stands for but that's the problem..America doesn't stand for anything anymore, we exist to provide free housing and a free ride to illegals and crybaby minorities all on the working man's dime and I'm fed up with it. It's not going to change and I'm not raising my kids up in a society where the schools will teach them White Guilt and to be ashamed that they're Americans, only to tax them to death when they're old enough to work. They deserve better.

deja-view • 9 years ago

The next crumbling Roman Empire. Only we were supposed to have God and Christ on our side...until we told Him to leave. History's dust pile again.

blackyb • 9 years ago

The good thing is. Many did not take that Constitution seiously, but many have. This is one nation Under God. He has not forgotten. They will not overthrow this country. The Lord is coming to fight in Edom. He is about sick of all of this too, I am sure of that.

Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago


Richard Mangano • 9 years ago

Yes, but we do have a lot of weapons and it is OUR COUNTRY. And just as the minutemen fought for thier freedom, we will fight for ours.

Jackke Friend • 9 years ago

salute - well said - i concur

blackyb • 9 years ago

(Latte) or other wise?

Seabass120 • 9 years ago

I'm standing with JimBob.

Mac T • 9 years ago

I am with you brother. "We" will stand together against them all along with the 70 million other armed citizens of the USA.

blackyb • 9 years ago

It should be so.

Jackke Friend • 9 years ago

wow - kudos 2 u, sir - scandanavia sounds like th bomb - wish i could move there - denmark is th happiest place on earth - wish u a new, happy, peaceful & calm future out of united states of islam. i'm stuck here & not 1 speck happy abt it. enjoy

Richard Mangano • 9 years ago

Problem with dnemark is its too close to the rest of europe, many , many muslims in europe, the UK has its own court just for the muslims...

blackyb • 9 years ago

Denmark or Norway has fallen to the Muslims.

Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago

Thank you Jackke, I wish the best for you and yours as well.

billy dogman • 9 years ago

Not worried one bit. Jesus is coming soon. These things are to happen in the end times read your bible. Jesus will return to set up his kingdom on earth and will reign for ever and ever with his people Christians all others will be cast into hell fire to be there for ever and ever. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life No one goes to the father except by Me. One day Every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord all believers and Non Believers. I would not be worried about anything right now except getting right with God asking Jesus christ to come in to your heart and for him to forgive you of your sins and that you believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he rose on the third day just as he said he would. The door is still open as long as you are alive. please come to Jesus he has been waiting a long time for you. This is happening because its the end times Hello.

John McMickle • 9 years ago

Someone needs to make every liberal set down and watch this film. If they do not learn anything then let them suffer. Thank God for the Second Amendment.

NWgator • 9 years ago

You can run but you can't hide. The U.S. is the only place on earth that has people mad enough to stand up to tyranny and who are also well armed. If America falls it will be because people who could, decided to wait to long to fight. I'm not sure when the time to fight is, but I am sure that it will be within the lifetime of most who are reading this.
From viewing post on this internet, I read mostly post from people who are angry and might be willing to stand with their neighbor.
I believe we could survive if the country split into conservative and liberal countries. I also believe it would take lots of blood to get it done. The fly in the ointment is muslims. They are the unseen enemy. There are two kinds of muslims from what I can see. The murders and the supporters of murders. Regardless, the war is now on our home land. We either use all those guns and ammo we have invested so much of our money into or we will be buried with them clean and cold in our coffins.

Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago

I see what you're saying but the people who are mad enough to stand up to tyranny are becoming the minority fast. For too many years we let whiners and complainers and atheists and communists and minorities fundamentally change America and now the next generation of kids will see what's going on today not as tyranny but as "progress". The Old Guard is dying out and the new breed of liberal idiots are all the rage now, it's almost as if people pride themselves on how tolerant and appeasing they can be while at the same time giving away their own culture and beliefs. No thanks. We're outnumbered and they keep importing more and more non-Americans every day, and you can't just shoot them all so eventually our economy will be as shitty as the countries these invaders came from because we can't keep supporting millions and millions of people without something giving. And honestly we shouldn't even be where we are today in this country, REAL Americans didn't ask for this or want this, but the majority of Americans did and they still do. They'll support Obama, Liberalism, Communism, Humanism, Islam, and everything vile that America used to stand against and they'll be protected by Political Correctness the whole way. Meanwhile things like prayer, our Flag, Christians, decency, morals and family values are constantly under attack. It's to the point where traditional marriage and wanting to raise a family of the same color as you are is seen as intolerant and racist. None of that is going to change and it'll only get worse.

blackyb • 9 years ago

The way Obama is waging a war against this country is assymetrical. They are doing bits and pieces of waring acts that do not seem at all like a real war as we know it, but scattered, however just as deadly. The wounds are horrific and many of different kinds in different places. It is, indeed happening in such a manner that all we have left is for revenge that cannot even be dealt with but in the blind. The responsibility of the wounds are many and scattered, those responsible are behind the scenes with hands that appear clean as they smile through lying lips and flash innocent grins and winks to the public.

NWgator • 9 years ago

Well, ok blackyb! Of our three choices, 1- fight, 2-slavery, or 3-die, you like slavery and have given up without even trying. I don't know if you learned or remember that the founders were less than 15% of the colonists.
When your grandchildren ask you what freedom was like, I hope you include in your description that you decided to complain while you watched their freedom evaporate and didn't raise a hand to stop it!
I can't relate to the idea of living in socialists existence after living in the United States for 60 years before seeing the last 6 years of raging socialism.
I see people who feel the same as I do. We would rather die fighting socialism than live on our knees bowing to socialists scum.
Enjoy slavery, and remember you were in the flock that waddled along letting it happen.

Deplorable Zero • 9 years ago

I don't let myself get baited by internet trolls but I will say this...neither you, me, or anyone else has done anything. If we would've then we wouldn't be where we're at today. So don't sit on a high horse and talk down to me as if you're out there fighting the good fight while I did nothing. I voted against Obama twice and against every Dem in every election I ever voted in...but the country is overrun by morons now and you talk of fighting? Just exactly who are you going to fight? The Govt.? Good luck with that, because nobody is stupid enough to take up arms against the administration. You're living in some sort of fantasy land where you believe an armed rebellion against the US would actually happen and that if it did happen it would work. What, are you 12? The only way to stop Socialism now in America is to change the population because they WANT it pal. I understand how you feel though, impotent and small, with a tiny little voice that nobody will listen too, it's understandable. But there will be no glorious "fight" to reclaim American values and traditions because they're long gone and nobody cared as they were leaving, and it's too late to care now. You're basically like an inmate serving life at a maximum security prison who wastes his days away by with dreams of escape, and fraternizes with other deluded individuals who see freedom on the horizon and talk of sipping fruity drinks on a beach someday soon. It's not going to happen, so don't try and make yourself out to be a hero and someone who cares when you didn't care all the while they were raping our Constitution and taking away our rights.

NWgator • 9 years ago

There are many ways to fight the socialists who are sucking America dry. I will ignore your insults and ask you if you are aware of Article V of Section one of the constitution? Right now, 43 states are working on an amendment to establish term limits on all elected and appointed federal officials. I offer this because giving up is one sure way to be a complete slave to socialism.
A convention of states is explained in "The Liberty Amendments" you might want to spend a few bucks and order it from Amazon. Otherwise, you can sit on your couch and wait for the government to take what ever you have including you couch or you can write more assuming comments in blogs.
I did my own letter writing campaign along with many others to ask our state reps and senators to pass legislation and my home state is one of thee states that has passed legislation signing on to the Convention of States. I hope this fight can make a bloody fight unnecessary.
Now you have an alternative to writing snarky remarks on blogs. Good luck!

NWgator • 9 years ago

Well, Ed Lover! Of our three choices, 1- fight, 2-slavery, or 3-die, you like slavery and have given up without even trying. I don't know if you learned or remember that the founders were less than 15% of the colonists.

When your grandchildren ask you what freedom was like, I hope you include in your description that you decided to complain while you watched their freedom evaporate and didn't raise a hand to stop it!

I can't relate to the idea of living in socialists existence after living in the United States for 60 years before seeing the last 6 years of raging socialism.

I see people who feel the same as I do. We would rather die fighting socialism than live on our knees bowing to socialists scum.

Enjoy slavery, and remember you were in the flock that waddled along letting it happen.

jesse • 8 years ago

Muslims/Islam is in its "Rape of Nanking" phase after this the killing of 1-6 billion by the 5.4 billion non muslims begins. There is no emperor of the Muslims/Islam to sign a peace treaty with so there will be no Muslims/Islam

Carol Doucet • 9 years ago

@ Ed - If we don't put up a fight and take back what is ours, then you will end up with much worse wherever you think you are escaping to.....America is the last best hope.....stand up for what is yours, don't let the Libs destroy it. Remember all the good people who gave and sacrificed for her, don't give up, stand up and fight for what's RIGHT! This Republic means more than you know.

searchtruth.com • 9 years ago

I cannot, being a Muslim, ignore this horrible, erroneous, bigoted piece of garbage. It is currently the time of Hajj and displaying support, during such a major Islamic holiday, for such a disgusting video only proves personal ignorance and inability to learn. Let me only clarify a few of the major lies presented in this ridiculous nonsense.

Towards the end of the video there are several quotes taken out of context from the Qu'ran and utterly misrepresented.

Firstly would be Surah 2:106:

"None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?"

The verses referred to in this Surah are not verses from the Qur'an, but rather the previous revelation of the Torah and the Gospel, which have been altered, forgotten and edited so heavily that their truth has been lost. Therefore Allah revealed the Qu'ran as "something better or similar" Please keep in mind that there are many words in Arabic that do not have the equivalent in English and that is much lost in translation.

Next is Surah 16:101 which is also misrepresented in the end of this video, I include Ayah 102 for better clarification:

"101: And when We send down one verse to elaborate upon the other-and Allah knows best what to send down, they say, "You forge this Qur'an yourself." 102: The fact is that most of them do not know the reality. Tell them, "The Holy Spirit has brought it down piecemeal intact from my Lord so that He may make firm the faith of those who have believed, and to show the Right Way, and to give good news to those who surrender themselves to Allah."

It is not that one verse will substitute another, but one verse will provide more clarification on a previous verse without contradicting it.

Surah 17:86, now with the correct description:

86:"O Muhammad, We may, if We so will, take back from you all of what We have revealed to you: then you will find none to help you in getting it back from Us. 87: All that you have received is by the favor of your Lord. Indeed His favor to you is very great. Declare this, "Even if human beings and jinns should cooperate with one another to bring forth a book like the Qur'an, they will never be able to bring anything like it, even though all of them help one another."

This Surah is stating that if Allah were to take the Qu'ran away from mankind, The Prophet Muhammad (saws) would not be able to reproduce it, because he is not the writer, he is not Allah, and he does not have the ability. The Qu'ran only exists because Allah has made it so, no man on earth could reproduce it if Allah took it away, even if all the creatures of earth worked together to do so.

Finally the Qu'ran is NOT presented in a chronological order, therefore this idea that a later verse of the Qu'ran will some how overrule and earlier verse is just flat out wrong. For example Surah 96, Al Alaq, is one of the first Surahs to be revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (saws), but it is number 96! why not number 1? Regarding the order of the surahs, the most accepted view is that it was also applied following an instruction given by Almighty Allah. It has been recorded that the Prophet (saws) reviewed the Qur'an with the arch-angel Gabriel 24 times all within his life. Please stop spreading lies and hatred towards Muslims. We are peaceful, and we who believe and practice earnestly protect the rights and religions of others.

Surah 4:90
"Except those who seek refuge with a people between whom and you there is a covenant, or (those who) come unto you because their hearts forbid them to make war on you or make war on their own folk. Had Allah willed He could have given them power over you so that assuredly they would have fought you. So, if they hold aloof from you and wage not war against you and offer you peace, Allah alloweth you no way against them."

And translated into dumb down redneck English: if they don't fight you, you can't fight them.

Please take the time to read, learn, and understand. This site, www.searchtruth.com has a wealth of information, and places to ask questions. Just please, take the time to learn and understand.