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Pamila Wiersman • 8 years ago

My children needed DoT 649-F(6045) earlier today and located a website that has a lot of fillable forms . If you are looking for DoT 649-F(6045) too , here's http://goo.gl/srI8hL

Christoper Logan • 9 years ago

Here is why Islam will not reform. http://loganswarning.com/20... American needs to strip Islam of it religion status, declare it a hostile ideology and ban it.

kmansfield • 9 years ago

Lol, if any of you have read Martin Luther, you would know he would never refer to Chrisitanity as Judeo-Christian Religion or "Faith,"(as if there is a denomination to faith)
We could call it Judeo-Islamism too, because it's closer to Islam that Christianity, and in fact Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet and will return at the end times to lead a great battle between good and evil. To Jews, Jesus is boiling in excrement and is in hell.

Islam itself was a reform movement, and Mohammed said the reason he received the message from God was to correct the monotheistic religion of Abraham and Moses because it was never intended to have a Rabbi or Priest as an intercessor and the leaders were changing or leading the people astray, or twisting the readings for personal power.

Maimonides The Muslim? Could What We Call Jewish Law Have A Muslim Source?

One of Maimonides' great theological innovations, for example, was his Thirteen Principles of Faith, a list of Judaism's central beliefs. As Judaism is a religion founded on law and not on belief per se, no such creed had been attempted before. But the notion of principles, or pillars, of faith had existed for some time in Islam, and Kraemer contends that several of Maimonides's specific articles of faith -- including the first (God's existence), second (divine unity) and particularly the third (God is not a corporeal being) -- reflect the influence of such Islamic thinkers as al-Farabi, Ibn Sina and Ibn Tumart, founder of the Almohad movement.

[W]hat is often considered original in Maimonides is not very original at all. Throughout the book, Kraemer shows how many of Maimonides' contributions are derivative, not just of Aristotle and Plato, but also of Muslim thinkers.

Non and anti-zionist jews wont have a problem with this.

The Enlightenment or the Age of Reason was an intellectual movement, and opposed superstition, and tradition for it's own sake. This is really incomplete with out mentioning Spinoza, John Locke and Rousseau. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

And tell Imam Schall thank you for expounding on his theories of the correct islam (The Islamic State and the broader jihadist movements throughout the world that agree with it are, I think, correct in their basic understanding of Islam.), even though more than 100 true scholars disagree with their takfirism, and view them as modern day Kharijites.

I'm sure he's not being self serving at all.

If you think that all Muslim caliphates were mean and awful, read about Sin Salidin in Jerusalem, and how he treated the population and the Crusader, Richard the Lion Heart. His example lead many Jews and Christians to convert. Or how the Turkish empire accepted and protected the jews who were chucked out of Spain along muslims.

CrouchHarper • 9 years ago

Muslim terrorists blow people up. Christian terrorists has sex with children.

Micky • 9 years ago

Thats stupid.
Pedophiles are not terrorists, they're monsters, boogeymen with dicks.
Terrorism is defined as an act meant to scare large communities, countries

jerseydevil • 9 years ago

Further: As Trotsky coined the term RACIST to shame the Eastern European Slavs into line with the Communist Revolution, so too have have Islamic Radicals coined the term ISLAMOPHOBIA to flog Christians into silence so that they can "get the nose of the camel under the tent flap"! We see what happened in Rotherham, England in the name of "multiculturalism"...a disgrace that the world should not ignore! http://www.nytimes.com/2014...

kmansfield • 9 years ago

The point you wanted to make with that link doesn't back up your thesis:

"We see what happened in Rotherham, England in the name of "multiculturalism."

" or, in the words of a former local M.P.,"not wanting to rock the multicultural boat.”

This, however, is only a partial explanation, and a partisan one. It fails to account for how a community once lionized as “more British than the British” — pious, unassuming and striving — is now condemned for harboring child abusers in its midst.
What may seem like a story about race and religion, however, is as much one about power, class and gender.

If you think this is specific to people who practice Islam, then you should look at orthodox jews, the exact same thing is happening in New York. Heres a whole website dedicated to it. http://failedmessiah.typepa...

It doesn't matter who coined the term "racism" to describe a phenomenon but he sure didn't create it. These theories and discourses came about from colonialism and slavery, but after Darwin's theory of evolution was popularized it was the Prussians and Germans who glommed on to it to prove a pseudo scientific racist theories. Likewise, some strains of protestantism glommed on to social darwinism, enabled by the theory of the elect.

jerseydevil • 9 years ago

What astounds me is that critics of Christianity continually
flog the Bible w/examples from the OLD Testament and completely miss that
Christianity is based in the NEW Testament! Most of the ideas that change
"governments" of the world w/o major conflict have been based on the example of
Christ... Gandhi in India, MLK, Jr. in the US...most recent examples...show us
what a "peaceful resistance" can gain versus violent assault. Islam has no "New
Testament"...no "Reformation" to lead it into a New Century and it continues to
wallow in the Dark ages!

I will continue to say...America and it's Constitution is NOT compatible w/Islam and Shariah and Muslims should be expelled from this Country...no Mosques should be built!

http://catchkevin.com/islam... <---Why Islam Should NOT Be
Protected Under the US Constitution!

Micky • 9 years ago

Yeah, I understand your anger, but when we start legislating what can be worshiped and by whom we are no better than the theocracy our settlers were so desperate to escape.

Also, actually, there are no religions in America that I know of in which Constitutional protections ensure their worship. The Constitutions 1st amendment only prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion or impeding the free exercise of religion,

It does not specify any "one" or specific religion.
Besides, how would we figure out who is practicing Islam and who is not ?
There are many cultures incompatible with our Constitution and there are many belief systems and faiths incompatible with our Constitution which I believe was strongly influenced by men of God but had the insight to not allow organized religion to govern in any capacity just as the government would not perform or offer Sunday mass, sermons, whatever.
Seeing as how Liberalism is very incompatible with Christianity, and Christian/Judea values are reflected strongly in our Constitution I think we'd be at a much better advantage if we shipped off the tree hugging moonbats instead.
Of the 2 billion Muslims on earth 10% of them subscribe to radical interpretations.
Dont get me wrong, I think we should drop some very small but precise nukes on a few key cities across the Middle East....

but there are far more than 200 million Liberals, Progressives, Communists, Marxists and Socialists on this Earth whom I believe should be made illegal because of their failed ideologies which do nothing but cannibalize decent societies and there own philosophies by hypocrisy.
Also, we will never be able to ban any religion in or out of our borders. Islam will continue to be one of the three largest religions and the 19% that mean us harm can do it from outside our borders as well as inside unless we become N. Korea.
We need to be the tolerant ones if thats what were asking for out of Muslims.
We also need to shove daisy cutters up their rumps till they bleed red white and blue if they attack us.
Right now the global Muslim community is in s "damned if I do and damned if I don't" predicament.
Radicals will come after them if they speak out against them and Americans consider these mainstream Muslims as terrorists if they don't approach them and tell em to knock it off.
Of the three Abrahamic religions Islam has the most potential to be interpreted or translated to lifestyles that condone violence. Most Muslims are not these radical fundamentalist activists but just want to be left the f alone.
Most archaic and neanderthal Muslim practices such as be-headings, stonings, amputations, extreme abuse of women and children, denying girls educations, genital mutations... are illegal here and all other advanced nations.

Let's not forget folks, that the caliphate just ended in the beginning of the last century. So since the time of Muhammed, these "peaceful" muslims have either been at war, or subjugating someone else. This is why I laugh at people that point at Israel's behavior and refuse to see the craziness that happens outside of their(Israel's) borders.

Honor killings, beheadings, lethal punishments for apostasy, suicide bombings, placing children near weapons cache during times of war, female genital mutilation, banning women from operating a vehicle, hijab, niqab(the ninjas), lashes for adultery, stonings......

Need I say more?

Anonymous Disqus User • 9 years ago

Allen West is one of the few politicians who sees Islam for for what it really is, pure evil.

Someone From Somewhere • 9 years ago

CNN closed the old thread, so I'll respond to you on this very sad website (I'm not surprised that you read trash in your spare time):

You say "The LRA is quasi Christian, the leader joseph Kony has multiple wives (80). No mainstream churches share his views.
Muslim Terrorist groups: al Qaeda 15 000 members
al shabab 5000-7000 memebers
al nusra 5000-6000 members
Taliban 60 000 members
Boko haram 9000+ members
Islamic state FBI:30 000 members other sources:100 000 m! embers
Hamas Thousands of supporters There are many more muslim terrorist groups but that list would be too long." ------------------------------------------------------- First of all the LRA is VERY Christian. Stop the denial. Second of all, your numbers are SO off - al-Qaeda does NOT have 15,000 members. It didn't even have 15,000 members at it's peak! At most it has a few thousand members - at the very least it has a few hundred. Boko Haram also does NOT have "9,000 members" - it is estimated that it also numbers in the few hundreds. ISIS has 30,000 members - not the 100,000 you cite. The Taliban's numbers are harder to pin, but the number you cite is the highest estimate - most others estimates say it is 10-30,000. As for the "other" terrorist groups you say exist but don't cite - they're insignificant and would barely add to these numbers. If you add all the above terrorists, you get barely about 60,000 terrorists - out of a population of 1,600,000,000. And most of the terrorists you cite were products of American foreign policy to begin with! There were no Islamist terrorists like ISIS or al-Qaeda before the US started funding the Mujahideen to induce the Soviet invasion.

You said "Western countries have progressed much more than any communist or former communist country." ---------------------- The Soviet Union advanced much more quickly than the Western Capitalists did - it went from a feudal society with 90% of the population illiterate to a society where almost everyone is literate and became one of the most powerful countries in the world in a few decades. Over 50% of Russians (and a majority of those who were adults when the Soviet Union existed) say that they wished they could go back to Communism. A majority say that they had a higher standard of living under Socialism than they do under Capitalism. It was in a Pew Research Poll. Look it up.

The NOT so CHOSEN one. • 9 years ago

What I see by reading the article and the subsequent posts is that the problem is not a particular belief or religion, it is belief in any religion. The bias, and theocratic exceptionalism displayed here by many with regards to your personal beliefs, in my opinion makes you no less ideological than Islamists. Many here are still arguing that 'their way, is the right way'...albeit just minus the fatwas and beheadings. As an atheist, I don't need 'a book', or 'a religion', or 'a scholar' to instill in me that forced conversion to a way of thinking through fear, brutality, and murder are against anything human or moral??? I think that if that 'is' your belief, then yes there does need to be 'a Hell' just for people like you. As an atheist I don't care what you choose to believe in, for I am not obliged to convert, or worship, or promulgate the concept of godlessness to the masses for a reward in the afterlife. I do however, in my life have to put up with people who's deluded mission it is, is too force these beliefs and concepts upon me in this world. In my opinion, Islam is not the problem, it is any archaic, Abrahamic based religion, practice, mysticism, or bronze-age ideology that dismisses science and reason in defense of inhumanity, hate, racism, homophobia, infanticide, intolerance, and or blood-shed and murder. I don't need a book, hadiths, stone tablets, or a promise of an reward in the afterlife to know that this kind of behavior is immoral and inhuman. Humans are so arrogant, narcissistic, and insecure to think that, for the short time we inhabit this planet that there is some "loving", yet extremely jealous magic sky genie that thinks that the 'you' that you think you are is so exceptionally worth his attention and favor?

Michael L Clark • 9 years ago

your absolutely right. I am a magic believing sky genie as a creator kind of guy
. something more intelligent and powerful them me. I know, way out there. You believe your creator was a magic rock more powerful and intelligent than you. pssssh you win. intelligent rock against an intelligent creator. you my friend are as smart as a rock. i'm jealous

The NOT so CHOSEN one. • 9 years ago

First Michael, I made no mention of a belief in any 'magic rock', not sure from where you derived that from anywhere in my post? Second, I never argued my "superior intellect" as you so sarcastically eluded to as a source for my opinion or lack of belief. Third, please learn to proof read your posts before hand, your spelling and incorrect use of grammar rules is disappointing.

Michael L Clark • 9 years ago

1.What did I misspell? 2. If you do not believe in a deity ,then you are only left with evolution. you mentioned a magic genie. Therefore if God is a magic genie, than you believe, (earth) is a magic rock. Don't get your mom to proof read my grammar. that is tacky. OK, now reread your post and tell me how superior you are in grammar. The following came from you.(your spelling and incorrect use of grammar rules is disappointing.) notice how the "is disappointing", should be, "are disappointing". don't correct people, for something you haven't mastered.
Use (is) when you have a singular subject Use (are) when you have a plural subject. Spelling is a subject and grammar is a subject. Now educate my ignorance.

Robert Hagar • 9 years ago

I believe Michael is referring to your origin. The source of your life.

Michael L Clark • 9 years ago

He has no Idea. I Would love to hear it though.

TellstheTruth • 9 years ago

It's beforehand not before hand. "not sure from where you derived that from anywhere in my post" is a sentence fragment. It's alluded to, not eluded to. It's proofread, not proof read. You should have used a semi-colon after beforehand.
If you are going to take someone else to task for their supposedly incorrect spelling and grammar usage, you had best be sure that your post is beyond reproach.

sherry8260 • 9 years ago

Such a long winded response to something you disbelieve in only to throw in a final insult. You don't need a "book" (etc) to know this behavior is "inhuman"...we we don't need an atheist to set there and cast his/her dispersions upon us for disagreeing. Next time, please spare us the diatribe.

The NOT so CHOSEN one. • 9 years ago

Sorry Sherry, as long as you have your right to practice your belief and voice your opinion, then I too have the right to share a diatribe of which you may disagree. At least you can be at peace knowing this atheist will only issue a rebuttal, rather than a fatwa calling for your death by beheading because you have a difference in opinion or belief. Have a nice day! :)

Martha Martin • 9 years ago

What no one has mentioned is that Islam follows the god of this world. Satan! Murder, lies, violence, rape, etc comes from Satan. Satan, aka Islam, demands subjugation, = no freedom of choice. Jehovah God, the one true God is completely opposite. He gives us freedom of choice. He stands for love, forgiveness, life and everything the opposite of what Allah does. This is what makes it a religious war. God vs. Satan. But praise to the one almighty true Jehovah God, he will prevail and all who follow him and we will win this war and rule with him on this earth one day. Allah and Islam will be defeated. All who know Jesus know how this story ends. I don't care who responds in negativity to my post. It doesn't matter. You will only be deceiving yourselves. Every knee shall bow to him one day. Even you who will disagree. Remember my words on that day! You will know the truth of what I speak of then!

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

I agree with you! Allah is Satan and the Quran teachings are 180 degrees opposite Christ's teachings in the Gospels. The Word will prevail!

jaswim • 9 years ago

Islam is not a religion of peace and anyone who believes it is has not read the Koran. There is a simple solution, read it and decide. You might find it interesting that it mentions it's ok to lie to unbelievers, which is what I believe has been done for far too long and Western political correctness has allowed it to take place.

Kchuck • 9 years ago

Islam has been the same hideous, violent, abomination for fourteen centuries. There is no chance for Islam to "reform" or moderate itself and no reason to believe it ever will. None . Repeat .NONE.
Expecting or hoping for a spontaneous reform of Islam into a belief system consistent with Western values is wishful thinking at best and an absurd and suicidal delusion at worst.
So what are we to do?
The first thing is stop talking about what Islam "really" is and admit that Islam, all of it, every bit of it, every single thing Islamic is the enemy of civilization.
Once we accept that as fact we need to work on finding means to roll back Islam until it is no more.
Some things that could be done :
Require Muslims in our countries to allow "freedom of religion" for their followers, that is allow them to leave Islam without retribution. Close Mosques that refuse to observe this basic human right.
Remember it is Muslims who suffer the most from Islam because they follow a religion of evil. There are plenty of religions that are not violent and anti civilization.
Rather than engage in the fools errand of trying to rewrite an entire religion that has no desire to be rewritten to please infidels other religions should reach out to Muslims and try to separate them from Islam.
Or we could engage in all out war.
The present course of appeasement will not end well.

Chi You • 9 years ago

Sir, Islam is a beautiful religion. Like most religions they have extremist. These extremist forget one thing about Islam, and that is mercy. If you think Catholicism is good then you sir need to educate yourself about the dark ages. What ISIS is doing now is what the Catholic Church did to the Muslim world ages ago. It's the extremist that are making the religion look bad. You saying that Islam is a religion against civilization? The Abbasid Empire was a powerful country that could had crush Europe during the dark ages, heck they were in their golden age during Europe's Dark Age. Muslims invented Algebra and they studied the stars to the point where there are more Arabian named stars the Greek ones. Back in the 70s the Middle East was a beautiful place. It would look like another developed country, but when the extremist took over civil wars after another tore countries apart. Think before you overgeneralized entire culture/religion. P.S. I'm not even a muslim.

Gloria • 9 years ago

Muslims did not invent algebra, Indians (Hindues) did thousand years ago. Muslims only plagiarized their knowledge and change the name. You know nothing about the violent history of islam and its continuous attacks to the world (Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle East)

Chi You • 9 years ago

Muslims did invent algebra. Algebra in Arabic mean equation. The previous version of algebra did exist, it was the Muslims that master it.

Mark Boyce • 9 years ago

How can you invent something that already exists Chi You? By the way, if you aren't a Muslim, what are you?

Gloria • 9 years ago

they only changed the name and add one or two things

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

Beautiful religion???? 9-5 Slay the pagans...9-29 fight people of the Book until they are subdued...2-193 fight until the religion is supreme...5-51 make not friends of Christians and Jews. Islam is a curse on mankind...a cancer that has contributed almost nothing to mankind's betterment. Islam is Satan's religion.

Chi You • 9 years ago

During the Europe's Dark ages Muslims preserved European science and knowledge. If it weren't for the Muslims most of that knowledge would had been lost.

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

You are either a Muslim or you have swallowed the Muslim BS. Were you around in those days? Why do they produce nothing but hate and killing today?...no innovation? If not for the oil the West discovered and developed for them, they would still be riding camels and living in tents.

Gloria • 9 years ago

you know nothing about history.The only knowledge that remained was the one they did not destroyed. We own the knowledge of humanity to Romans, Greeks, Hindues not arab muslims http://gatesofvienna.blogsp...

ronkgman • 9 years ago

Did I miss something???I did not once hear or see you condemn the recent barbaric beheadings taking place at the hands of your "peaceful" "religion"..or all the homicide bombings they are involved in, or the killing and maiming of their women who do not submit to their barbaric ways!! And also, this is the 21st century, not the 7th or 14th, I do believe that most other "religions" have evolved to the point where even the "radical" factions of said "religions" do not go around bombing innocents, or beheading them because they may believe differently!!

Chi You • 9 years ago

Of course I don't agree with the beheading, but these "extremist" forget the most important thing about Islam. That thing is Mercy.

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

Merciful beheadings? That's an oxymoron. Muhammad cut the heads off 600 to 900 Jews in Medina after the Battle of the Trench...and set the example for his Muslim thugs to follow like ISIS...and we (US liberals) think flushing a Quran down the toilet at Guantanamo is cruel punishment...oh, and water boarding. What a joke compared to Islamic "mercy".

Craig • 9 years ago

Where is Mercy in Islam? Muhammad couldn't show mercy to the Banu Qurayza and he beheaded 700-900 of them in ONE DAY..He also burned the eyes out ,cut the limbs off and left 80 tribesman out in the desert to die..Where was the mercy?

Craig • 9 years ago

ISIS is Islam...Read your Quran and hadith...Muhammad lived an immoral,violent, murderous life and ISIS are just following his example-
Narrated Ibn ‘Umar:
"Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 24)

Chi You • 9 years ago

ISIS is not Islam. Their belief is Islam. It's not like Catholics are better than Muslims. Many people died because they didn't believe in the one true god in all versions of Catholicism. Conquistador, Inquisitor, Templars, etc. Catholics did this a long time ago, but on a bigger scale. Yet you call Muslims the barbaric ones. Tsk tsk tsk

Craig • 9 years ago

Show me where Jesus Christ told us to kill people? He commanded us to love our enemy and forgive those who persecute us..whereas Muhammad killed many apostates from Islam and commanded Muslims to kill apostates..Big difference..

dont bother • 9 years ago

hi You ,
You wil loose yourbreath over this ignorant bloggers who follo the media without ther own research. Allen West sigh is designed to dicredit Islam wholesale and gan media attention for hmelf . Hav you notces , every few days e ues negatve islamic views to further his agnda , must be loving bloggers coments designd to discredit Islam ... he lovesthis . and will make blatant false cocorted views of realincidents to glorify him... is he building up a case to obtain votes for his ext moe .. Presidncy ??? ..I gues ... the end result ... the loser will be kicked out by the intelligent thinking voting masses .. leaving thse who support im blinly .. gazing inawe with agast muths as to wha happenned ....In ,short Chi Leve thes goons to argue among themselves .. as I sid don't waste yor beath ... let tem do thei own resarch ( if tey do ) teywill see the truth rther than this ill conceived articles .

Independent Voter • 9 years ago

Islam is a cult of abuse and savagery. The progressives refuse to recognize this. Is it because they are really THAT ignorant? At any rate, it is good to see a Catholic brother stand up and speak the truth. Notice how the left attacks those once again, who speak the truth when the truth goes against their perverted world view.

Bill Stevens • 9 years ago

Actually they are insane and suicidal with no instinct of self preservation, look at the world they are leaving for the coming generations.

Southern Xposure • 9 years ago

Violence and terror was the original M.O. created to consolidate power and control. People who deny God's invitation fall prey to such philosophy.

DavidBuzz • 9 years ago

A question for Mr. West -- how exactly did Martin Luther's 95 Theses, posted in 1517, inspire Gutenberg to print his Bible in the 1450s?

Sorry, I'm just a poor, ignorant Catholic, uneducated in the ways of my Protestant masters.

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

I'm Catholic too, but there are many not so nice skeletons in the Catholic history. The papacy was corrupt in Luther's day.

DavidBuzz • 9 years ago

No doubt about that, Truth. I'm just wondering why/how anyone can take West seriously with his past and his ignorance of history. He's just making stuff up when he says Gutenberg was inspired to print his Bible by Luther's actions, 60-some years before Luther posted his Theses.

TruthWFree • 9 years ago

I am a supporter of Allen West as he is right on the mark in most of what he says. Please don't take him to task on this one misstep (I assume you are correct). We Christians do not need to separate over petty things. Although a Catholic Christian, everyone who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died on the cross for our salvation is a brother or sister in Christ to me. Too many denominations pick out small differences in belief and separate from the body of Christ. We all should come together in unity in the main tenant of belief I state above. I do seem to recall that Catholics were not avid Bible readers over concern that one could get a different interpretation than the Church. As we know, there were many heresies in the first 500 years or so after Christ....Arians...Nestorians...etc.

DavidBuzz • 9 years ago

It's not one misstep. It's typical of his style of propaganda -- distort history and facts to fit his narrative ("Impeach Obama!" ... "Wait, who said anything about impeachment?"). And given his disgraceful retirement from the military that should have led to prison time for torturing prisoners, I'm not sure what kind of Christian Allen West is.