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inoilfieldhell • 10 years ago

The Powel memo forget one thing, public sinsibility. For those well off enough to believe the Right's propaganda, they will continue to do so, but the public masses are moving so close to the social/economic edge, many are already falling off or have fallen. This places our country into a condition for revolt. It could happen soon, but it will surely happen when our present children become adults, because we are creating two classes of students in our education system. If they are not taught anything else, emnity to the upper classes is going to be ground in, creating a whole generation of revolutionaries.

Wim • 10 years ago

The article didn't mention George H. W. Bush. How was he fraudulently elected

Bev • 9 years ago

From Election Statistician Richard Charnin


This election marked the beginning of the Bush reign of terror. The Iran-Contra scandal and a sliding economy had taken its toll. Dukakis was the early favorite. But as this was a Bush running; the Mighty Wurlitzer was in place. CNN ambushed Dukakis in the first question of the first debate by letting Willie Horton loose. But Dukakis may have won anyway. If the 10.6 million (net of stuffed) uncounted votes had been counted, it would have been much closer than the bogus official 7 million Bush margin. Dukakis had a 51-47% edge in the 24 (mostly battleground) states exit polled and a 50-49% lead in the unadjusted National Exit Poll..


1988-2008 Unadjusted Presidential Exit Polls: A 51.9-41.7% Average Democratic Margin

Richard Charnin
Nov. 13, 2011
Updated: May 9, 2012

The 1988-2008 Unadjusted State and National Exit Poll Spreadsheet Database contains a wide selection of tables and graphs for presidential election analysis.

The data source is the Roper website.

Unadjusted exit poll data reflect actual samples. Vote shares have closely matched the corresponding True Vote Model, which calculates feasible estimates of returning and new voters. But exit poll demographics displayed in the mainstream media are always forced to match the recorded vote by “adjusting” the category crosstab weightings and/or vote shares. Adjusted “final” exit polls do not reflect actual voter response, but merely parrot the recorded (fraudulent) vote. The fraud factor is assumed to be zero in the final published polls.

This graph summarizes the discrepancies between the 1988-2008 State Exit Polls vs. the corresponding Recorded Votes

To force State and National Exit Polls to match the recorded vote, ALL demographic category weights and/or vote shares must be adjusted.

Joe Hymes • 10 years ago

We have to stop regarding the New Deal as a Golden Age to which we can only look back wistfully.

Roosevelt was above all anti-communist and anti-socialist. The "socialist" elements of the New Deal were bait in a trap. His legacy includes the permanent militarization of America, the consolidation of American imperialist hegemony abroad, and the omnipresent authoritarianism of the FBI and the other federal police agencies. The "backsliding" of recent Demicrap presidents, including John Kennedy and culminating with Obama, grows directly out of Roosevelt's legacy. The reason why so many people scoff at the very idea of a left-right division is that Roosevelt strove to create a society in which there could be no Left as it was historically understood--and succeeded in doing so.

The fact that all Republicans lie incessantly about the democrats is irrelevant to the truth of this matter. It merely argues for their necessary extermination as a party and a belief system.

There must again be an effective Left in the United States. This means recovering the socialist legacy that died with the New Deal, not trying feebly to recover some whiff of that in-fact-not-so-glorious era. There can be no greater waste of time than fomenting nostalgia for Roosevelt. Alternatively, the United States must fail politically and be replaced by something else.

ChristBurns2YearOlds • 10 years ago

Are you for Social Security, or against?

titration • 10 years ago

Good post by Joe Hymes! I'll go out on a limb. He is indeed for social security. Wishing things were worse or would get worse so people would rebel would be both corrupt and mechanical thinking. (The system can deteriorate entirely on its own timetable, thank you.) Roosevelt introduced various reforms, including social security, to head off and permanently hem in the existing and any future left. As Joe phrases it, he did so to garner political space to keep intact all the fundamentally exploitive and brutal features of the system - particularly abroad (do we care about "them"?) but also at home. I'm for social security, but it together with any other reforms you can name are not a satisfactory exchange for all the crap that has since come down on people here and around the world.

otherjerseyguy • 10 years ago

Reagan's Alzheimer's made him a the perfect empty suit President for the Republican Party to implement Lewis Powell's game plan for a domestic economic coup.

Kapricorn4 • 10 years ago

The young man who shot Ronald Reagan was a close family friend of the Bushes. Do you think that was an attempted coup by the then vice president ?
Please also note that George H.W. Bush could not remember where he was on the day that JFK was assassinated, just about the only person in the US to make such a claim. Who fixed the Diebold voting machines for his son's "election"?

albertkapustar • 10 years ago

Thank you for pointing out what a bunch of degenerates the Republican party are and how they will stop at nothing including treason to win an election.I will strongly disagree with you on one point,you say wages from the time of Washington until Reagan increased with productivity.Business like today controlled the government from the 1850's to 1929 and wages were stagnant.read some of the great books of the past like Ida tartabuls "Shame of the Cities" talking about the great city slum tenements filled with foreign workers companies imported to keep labor wages in the toilet and the great union busting activities which included killing union organizers.Your statement shows a lack of knowledge of early labor conditions.The rest of your article is historically right on the mark.
And before I get jumped on again by some super nuts yes,the Democratic party due to Republicans putting money first in politics has become almost as corrupt as the Republican party.We have returned to the 1850's.

Bev • 10 years ago

From: Richard Charnin (Truth Is All)
http://richardcharnin.com/ Richard Charnin (Truth Is All)
Election Fraud (1968-2012) Quantitative Analysis and True Vote Models

I have written two books on election fraud which prove that the recorded vote is always different from the True Vote. Unlike the misinformation spread in the media, voting machine “glitches” are not due to machine failures. It’s the fault of the humans who program them.

In the 1968-2012 Presidential elections, the Republicans won the average
recorded vote by 48.7-45.8%. The 1968-2012 Recursive National True Vote Model indicates the Democrats won the True Vote by 49.6-45.0% - a 7.5% margin discrepancy.

In the 1988-2008 elections, the Democrats won the unadjusted state exit poll aggregate by 52-42% - but won the recorded vote by just 48-46%, an 8% margin discrepancy. The state exit poll margin of error was exceeded in 126 of 274 state presidential elections from 1988-2008. The probability of the occurrence is ZERO.
Only 14 (5%) would be expected to exceed the MoE at the 95% confidence level. Of the 126 which exceeded the MoE, 123 red-shifted to the Republican. The probability P of that anomaly is ABSOLUTE ZERO (5E-106). That is scientific notation for

P= .000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000005.

The proof is in the 1988-2008 Unadjusted State Exit Polls Statistical Reference. Not one political scientist, pollster, statistician, mathematician or media pundit has ever rebutted the data or the calculation itself. They have chosen not to discuss the topic. And who can blame them? Job security is everything.

Election forecasters, academics, political scientists and main stream media pundits never discuss or analyze the statistical evidence that proves election fraud is systemic - beyond a reasonable doubt. This site contains a compilation of presidential, congressional and senate election analyses based on pre-election polls, unadjusted exit polls and associated True Vote Models.

Those who never discuss or analyze Election Fraud should focus on the factual statistical data and run the models. If anyone wants to refute the analytical evidence, they are encouraged to do so in a response. Election forecasters, academics and political scientists are welcome to peer review the content.

The bedrock of the evidence derives from this undisputed fact: Final national and state exit polls are always forced to match the recorded vote – even if doing
so requires an impossible turnout of prior election voters and implausible vote shares. All demographic categories are adjusted to conform to the recorded vote. To use these forced final exit polls as the basis for election research is unscientific and irresponsible. The research is based on the bogus premise that the recorded vote is sacrosanct and represents how people actually voted. Nothing can be further from the truth.

It is often stated that exit polls were very accurate in elections prior to 2004 but have deviated sharply from the recorded vote since. That is a misconception. The UNADJUSTED exit polls have ALWAYS been accurate and closely matched the True Vote in 1988-2008. A comparison of ADJUSTED, PUBLISHED exit polls in elections prior to 2004 and PRELIMINARY exit polls since then is like comparing
apples to oranges. The adjusted, published exit polls have always exactly matched the fraudulent RECORDED vote because they have been forced to do so. That's why they APPEAR to have been accurate. The RECORDED vote has deviated from the TRUE VOTE in EVERY election since 1968 –always favoring the Republicans.

The Census Bureau indicates that since 1968 approximately 80 million more votes were cast than recorded. And these were just the uncounted votes. What about the votes switched on unverifiable voting machines and central tabulators? But vote miscounts are only part of the story. The True Vote analysis does not include the millions of potential voters who were illegally disenfranchised and never got to vote.

In 1988, Bush defeated Dukakis by 7 million recorded votes. But approximately 11 million ballots (75% Democratic) were uncounted. Dukakis won the unadjusted exit polls in 24 battleground states by 51-47% and the unadjusted National Exit Poll by 50-49%. The Collier brothers classic book Votescam provided evidence that the voting machines were rigged for Bush.

In 1992, Clinton defeated Bush by 5.8 million recorded votes (43.0-37.5%).
Approximately 9 million were uncounted. The National Exit Poll was forced to match the recorded vote with an impossible 119% turnout of living 1988 Bush voters in 1992. The unadjusted state exit polls had Clinton winning a 16 million vote landslide (47.6-31.7%). The True Vote Model indicates that Clinton won by 51-30% with 19% voting for third party candidate Ross Perot.

In 1996, Clinton defeated Dole by 8.6 million recorded votes (49.3-40.7%); 9 million were uncounted. The unadjusted state exit polls (70,000 respondents) had Clinton winning a 16 million vote landslide (52.6-37.1%). The True Vote Model indicates that Clinton had 53.6%.

In 2000, Al Gore won the 540,000 recorded votes (48.4-47.9%). But the unadjusted state exit polls (58,000 respondents) indicated he won by 50.8-44.4%, a 6 million vote margin. There were nearly 6 million uncounted votes.

The True Vote Model had him winning by 51.5-44.7%. But the Supreme Court awarded the election to Bush (271-267 EV). In Florida, 185,000 ballots were
uncounted. The following states flipped from Gore in the exit poll to Bush in the recorded vote: AL AR AZ CO FL GA MO NC TN TX VA. Gore would have won the election if he captured just one of the states. Democracy died in this election.

In the 2010 Midterms, the statistical evidence indicates that many elections for House, Senate and Governor were stolen. The Wisconsin True Vote Model contains worksheets for Senate, Governor, Supreme Court and Recall elections. A serious analyst can run them and see why it is likely that they were stolen.

In 2012, Obama won the recorded vote by 51.0-47.2% (5.0 million vote margin) and once again overcame the built-in 5% fraud factor. The 2012 Presidential True Vote and Election Fraud Simulation Model exactly forecast Obama’s 332 electoral vote based on the state pre-election polls. The built-in True Vote Model projected that Obama would win by 56-42% with 391 electoral votes. But just 31 states were exit polled, therefore a comparison between the True Vote Model and the state and national unadjusted exit polls (i.e. the red-shift) is not possible. Obama won the 11.7 million Late votes recorded after Election Day by 58-38%. In 2008, he won the 10.2 million late votes by 59-37%, a confirmation that he was within 2% of his 2008 share.

Vote counting company tied to Romney (and Bush)
by Gerry Bello

Looking beyond the well-documented Google choking laundry list of apparent
fraud, failure and seeming corruption that is associated with Hart Intercivic, an ongoing Free Press investigation turned its attention to the key question of who owns the voting machine companies. The majority of the directors of Hart come from the private equity firm H.I.G. Capital. H.I.G. has been heavily invested in Hart Intercivic since July 2011, just in time for the current presidential election cycle. But who is H.I.G Capital?

Out of 49 partners and directors, 48 are men, and 47 are white. Eleven of these men, including H.I.G. Founder Tony Tamer, were formerly employed at Bain and Company, and two of those men, John P. Bolduc and Douglas Berman are Romney bundlers along with former Bain and H.I.G. manager Brian Shortsleeve.

Additionally, four of these men were formerly employed at Booz Allen Hamilton. Bush family friendly Carlyle group is an owner of Booz Allen which also made voting machines for the United States military. Booz Allen was also the key
subcontractor for the controversial PioneerGroundbreaker program, an NSA
data mining operation that gathered information on American citizens until it was shut down and replaced with even more invasive successor programs like MATRIX and Total Information Awareness.


In a major step towards global centralization of election processes, the world’s dominant Internet voting company has purchased the USA’s dominant election results reporting company. snip

The good news is that this firm promptly reports precinct-level detail in downloadable spreadsheet format. As reported by BlackBoxVoting.org in 2008, the bad news is that this centralizes one middleman access point for over 525 jurisdictions in AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. And growing.

Bev • 10 years ago

Get rid of those right-wing owned evidence disappearing e-voting, scanning, machines:
By Brad Friedman

Recommended #OWS Demand: Let ALL Citizens 18 and Older Vote, On Paper Ballots, Count Them in Public

I offer the following simple “demand” for consideration by OWS, as
this one likely underscores almost every other. Or, at least, without
it, all other demands may ultimately be rendered moot. Every U.S.
citizen 18 years of age or older who wishes to vote, gets to vote.
Period. Those votes, on hand-marked paper ballots, will be counted
publicly, by hand, on Election Night, at the precinct, in front of all observers and video cameras.

Or, voters could try a public vote, like roll call in Congress, to prevent the control of the right wing e-voting, scanning, tabulating machines:

See: Lynn Landes

The Case For Open Voting
Democracy demands transparency, not trust -Sign up and be counted

is no transparency to our current voting system. Congress has
legalized election fraud by allowing, if not mandating, non-transparent
voting systems that prohibit direct access to a paper ballot and
meaningful public oversight:


believe that there should be only one standard of voting for both our
political representatives and voters. I believe that all voting should
be open and public - no machines, no absentee or early voting, and no
secret ballots. Secret ballots are really an anonymous ballots that
corrupt election officials can count any way they want. Why one standard
of voting for politicians and another for the public?

Under current circumstances, the only thing candidates and voters can do to find out how citizens really voted is to conduct their own CITIZEN AUDITS.

Lynn Landes

This is how, for all practical purposes, America’s voting process
became completely nontransparent and highly vulnerable to vote fraud by a
relatively small group of people.

Voting is the linchpin of
democracy. And democracy demands transparency, not trust. Yet, there is
no real transparency to the way Americans vote today. While our
politicians are required to vote publicly and openly, we citizens are
held to a different standard - a lower standard. We vote remotely,
privately and anonymously by machine, absentee, early, and secret
ballot. It's an invitation to massive and undetectable vote fraud.
Things weren't always this way.

BEFORE the Civil War, voting was a
completely transparent process. It was only AFTER the Civil War, as
the right to vote expanded to African Americans, that the voting process
itself began to recede from public view and meaningful oversight. It
started with absentee voting in the 1870’s, secret ballots in the
1880’s, and voting machines in the 1890’s. Today in America, 50% of all
voting is by absentee or early, 95% of all votes are machine-processed,
and 100% of all ballots are secret and anonymous. For the sake of
convenience and 'alleged' voter protection, Congress has destroyed the
transparency, verifiability, and integrity of America’s voting process.

Making matters worse, our public voting system has been privatized and
to a handful of domestic, foreign, and multi-national corporations,
most of whom have close ties to the right wing of the Republican Party.
Just two companies, ES&S and Diebold, started by two brothers, Bob
and Todd Urosevich, electronically process (using touchscreen machines
or optical scanners), 80% of all votes. Their employees are in a
perfect position to rig elections nation-wide. And evidence is mounting
that elections in America have been computer
programmed to prefer conservative candidates of both political parties.

America, less than 1% of votes are hand-counted-paper-ballots at the
polls on Election Day. Neither government-controlled audits nor official
recounts (both can occur days or even weeks after the election) provide
sufficient transparency to detect widespread election fraud by voting
machines companies and/or election officials. Moreover, the U.S.
Justice Department (DOJ), under the 38-year reign of Craig C. Donsanto,
refuses to seriously investigate or prosecute electronic vote fraud.

we detect vote fraud through exit polls? The major news networks
refuse to report on vote fraud and may be implicated in it. Exit
polling is conducted by one organization, currently called the National
Election Pool (NEP), that is hired by the major news networks and the
Associated Press. Since they first started "projecting" election night
winners in 1964, at the same time computerized ballot scanners came into
use, the major news networks have never provided any 'hard' evidence
that they actually conducted any exit polls, at all. In other words,
the major news corporations broadcast their own pre-election surveys
based on anonymous sources, collect vote totals on Election Day in a
manner they refuse to disclose, and back-up those results with their own
exit polls based on more anonymous sources. The late authors of the
book, VoteScam: The Stealing of America, James M. Collier and Kenneth E.
Collier, concluded that some of the major news networks, including the
polling organization that they hire for election night reporting, have
been complicit in vote fraud.

Under the U.S. Constitution and
case law, qualified citizens have two constitutional rights: 1) to vote,
and 2) to have their votes counted properly. For that right to be
enforced by federal and state authorities, the voting process must be observable.

we cannot get rid of the right wing machines:

pdf of Gene Sharp's online
book: From Dictatorship to Democracy for over 200 nonviolent actions to
construct positive change.

Another idea about how to correct the current rigged system:

via: http://markcrispinmiller.co...

Obama didn’t prosecute Bush/Cheney out of fear he’d end up like Paul Wellstone

In comments: Interesting in its attempt to brush away all the bad law
since the illegitimate 2000 election. Sandra Day O’Conner should testify
as her only redemption. If this is not a serious effort, she should lead a serious effort.



Constitutional Grounds for the Impeachment and Fraud Upon the Supreme Court, et al…

note: Only when America’s legally elected president, Al Gore, is
returned to office and subjected to required impeachment proceedings,
can constitutional authority in the United States be re-established.
Toward that end, all actions of the Bush (43) presidency are to be
declared “null and void,” all treaties abrogated, all executive actions
declared unlawful and all actions including but not limited to the
establishment of the United States as a criminal empire undone. The
subsequent election of Barak Obama as president thus has no legal
standing. Gordon Duff and Lee Wanta)

Before the Supreme Court of the United States





COMMENT of U.S. Supreme Court Reporter Jeffrey Toobin :

know Justice O’Connor as I am privileged to do is to know that the word
‘regret’ never passes her lips,” Toobin said. ” Did she regret her vote
in Bush v. Gore? Did she regret the Bush presidency? You bet she did,
and you bet she does.” 20apr13

”Maybe the court should have
said, ‘we’re not going to take it, goodbye,”‘ O’Connor told the Chicago
Tribune editorial board, in reference to the controversial Bush v. Gore
decision resolving a dispute over the 2000 election in George W. Bush’s
favor. “It turned out the election authorities in Florida hadn’t done a
real job there and kind of messed it up. And probably the Supreme Court added to the problem at the end of the day.”

like this idea because we could correct the illegal 2000 election,
return all the public interest laws (Bill of Rights, Privacy rights,
Human Rights against Torture, habius corpus, even the 500 year old Magna
Carta) that Bush now even fearful Obama have overturned, finally try to
turn around dangerous climate change, and get dangerous fukushima
entombed as Al Gore's science based realism would ensure. That would be
so good for the common good. I love it.

Bev • 10 years ago

from Lynn Lanes: "And evidence is mounting that elections in America have been computer programmed to prefer conservative candidates of both political parties."

That is because right-wing owned voting machines select during Primaries also. During the 2008 Primaries, Dennis Kucinich was way ahead of Obama and Clinton in the polls. If we had hand-counted paper ballots, Kucinich would have already solved this deliberate economic crisis, and solved it for the benefit of all people, not the criminal class of bankers. See: http://www.monetary.org/ and http://www.monetary.org/wp-... . And, Kucinich would have applied the law equally.

Maybe Al Gore and Dennis Kucinich ought to get together and openly talk about all this, and consider running together, but I prefer the above suggestion to SUE Al Gore to get him put back into his WON Presidency, because of how easily and often in Primaries and the General these elections are stolen. Why take a chance? How do we get this started?

Or, maybe Al Gore, Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader. Things are so messed up in so many ways, it would take all their common good talents to turn around.

This could be very good versus a 2016 Presidential contest
between very conservative right-wing Hillary Clinton vs outright
Fascist Jeb Bush both protecting those right-wing voting machines and stolen elections.

Bev • 10 years ago

If serious attempt, interesting idea to recover democracy above fold:



Constitutional Grounds for the Impeachment and Fraud Upon the Supreme Court, et al…

(Editor’s note: Only when America’s legally elected president, Al Gore, is returned to office and subjected to required impeachment proceedings, can constitutional authority in the United States be re-established. Toward that end, all actions of the Bush (43) presidency are to be declared “null and void,” all treaties abrogated, all executive actions declared unlawful and all actions including but not limited to the establishment of the United States as a criminal empire undone. The subsequent election of Barak Obama as president thus has no legal standing. Gordon Duff and Lee Wanta)

Before the Supreme Court of the United States





COMMENT of U.S. Supreme Court Reporter Jeffrey Toobin :

”To know Justice O’Connor as I am privileged to do is to know that the word ‘regret’ never passes her lips,” Toobin said. ” Did she regret her vote in Bush v. Gore? Did she regret the Bush presidency? You bet she did, and you bet she does.” 20apr13 ”Maybe the court should have said, ‘we’re not going to take it, goodbye,”‘ O’Connor told the Chicago Tribune editorial board, in reference to the controversial Bush v. Gore decision resolving a dispute over the 2000 election in George W. Bush’s favor. “It turned out the election authorities in Florida hadn’t done a real job there and kind of messed it up. And probably the Supreme Court added to the problem at the end of the day.”

Proudscalawag • 10 years ago

Thom, someone ought to write the book on 40+ years of Repiglican TREASON and that Ike (well, MAYBE Bush senior) was the last legitimately-elected GOP president. Why not you? If not you, then who?

Robert Riversong • 10 years ago
Robert Riversong • 10 years ago
Nicko Thime • 10 years ago

Lie cheat steal
Conservative values.

mlredmond • 10 years ago

This is an older issue than in our lifetime. It all started
hundreds of years ago by a group who want to run the whole show and dominate
the population for their wellbeing. Very slowly, they have implemented whatever
measures in a long-range plan to promote their cause very subtly through
deceitful wording, paradoxical impact, and any opportunity to be untruthful to
the people for their own selfish gains.
The people you see in the public eye are just their puppets and have no

Tom Conoley • 10 years ago

Does this group have a name?

smallbear • 10 years ago

Commonly known as international banksters.

SpecialAgentA • 10 years ago

The long process of indoctrination and promotion at investment banks, law firms and accountancy firms - from pee-on up to managing director or partner - is essentially a sociopath verification process. You're made to work impossibly long hours, doing meaningless and then terrible things, all with a toadying gleam in your eye, so the higher ups can verify that you're essentially a fellow sociopath and willing to do anything for more money. Powell's memo is available on the Internet. Search, find and read it. He was a tobacco lawyer, committed to the prospect of lying about cancer for money, lots of money. In short, he was morally insane. In the memo, he says the rich have to defend their "way of life" (good lord) and he didn't just set out to organize a war by a rich, sociopathic elite on everyone else, he wanted to remake America itself, away from its egalitarianism and common decency. Powell didn't just want to remake economic programs, media, SCOTUS and the judiciary, politics, universities, financial institutions, but also churches and the meaning of Christianity itself (which he recognized was a threat to elite power and corruption). That the rich (and our elite institutions like SCOTUS) went along with this Road to Serfdom for everyone else is telling and terrifying. (What happened to the concept of nobility? Or did that never exist?) And we seem to be too stupid these days to understand what has happened and is happening all around us.

Mary • 10 years ago

It's hard to take this seriously because it is divided along party lines. I don't think we've had a legitimately elected President from either party for decades. Our choices are put on the ballot like a pre-selected menu item: chicken or fish?

Robert Riversong • 10 years ago

The difference is that JFK used conventional political machines to push the election in his direction, but only Republicans have consistently committed treason, disenfranchised millions and corrupted the vote counting process to get themselves elected.

Mary • 10 years ago

It's a rigged game and both parties play. Neither is above or beneath committing treason, disenfranchising millions or corrupting the process the voting process. Article 26 of Nixon's Impeachment papers is a great example. It dealt with a $250,000.00 bribe from AMPI. The original indictment was drawn up for Humphrey, who took the same amount from the same organization, but he was dying so no action was taken. They're all a bunch of corrupt cads. (IMO)

Kevin Schmidt • 10 years ago

"There Has Not Been a Legitimately Elected Republican President Since Dwight Eisenhower"

Who cares? That's a moot point because when Reagan committed treason to steal the pResidency from Carter, the Democrats and Republicans merged into the Democratic-Republican Corporate DUHopoly Party, Inc. All the left-right squabbling you hear is nothing but political studio wrestling to make it appear as if there is a real difference between the two evils.

By the way, I'm trying to remember the last time we had an elected pResident, Congress, Supreme Court, Attorney General or US Military who legitimately represented the people, instead of their global corporate elite sociopathic masters.

ChristBurns2YearOlds • 10 years ago

In just 2.5 years, it will be December 2016, and you can begin telling us all to vote for the Green Party in the 2020 presidential election!

Kevin Schmidt • 10 years ago

Looks like you are a cheerleader for the DUHopoly. How does it feel to be an unwitting pawn for our perpetually evil government?

I never said anything about the Green Party, so don't try to put words into my mouth. It just makes you look more foolish.

chetdude • 10 years ago


Larry • 10 years ago

I completely reject that Obama has been trying to reject the New Deal. Wrong answer; that would be the Rethuglicans and Tea Baggers since a long time ago until now.
Last time I checked, Obama hasn't advocated for the repeal of SSI, or the minimum wage, or even Medicare from the Great Society. Teapubs? it's their wet dream to get rid of all three, and they are trying!

Robert Riversong • 10 years ago

It was Obama who bailed out Wall Street and hired Goldman Sachs to run his economic policy.

smallbear • 10 years ago


Robert Riversong • 10 years ago

If you have to ask you wouldn't understand the answer.

aprescoup • 10 years ago

President Barack Obama is proposing more than $400 billion in cuts toMedicare over the next decade in his fiscal 2015 budget

Where is Joe Wilson when, once again, truth needs to be spoken to power? /;s

Guest • 10 years ago

Obama discussed cuts in "entitlements" meeting with conservative "journalists" at George Will's Georgetown home prior to the 2009 inauguration.

smallbear • 10 years ago

Why are you only telling half the story? Oh, I get it. You're a Republican.

Midnight • 10 years ago

Obama has put all of those things you mention on the table.


Kevin Schmidt • 10 years ago

Except the things he immediately handed right over before the negotiations even began.

Midnight • 10 years ago


titration • 10 years ago

CEO's are "interesting" and deeply unpleasant people, but the "sociopath" theory is unproven. At minimum the behaviors parallel sociopathic patterns and lack of concern. The thing is, though, that ALL the higher classes as such (i.e. not necessarily every individual) show astonishing ignorance and unconcern as to the tough realities created by their misrule for the classes below them. As for the Lewis Powell phenomenon, I have no idea how influential the pig's memo was. You certainly could argue that the reaction that set in starting with the New Deal and re-exploded in the sixties was going to proceed toward the recent history we have experienced, Powell or no Powell. Nixon, as Noam Chomsky rightly observes, was the last liberal president. Reaganism did hasten our long 30 year nightmare of fundamentalist culture jihads and brutal upward redistribution of wealth. But guess what? The ruling class ran the show in the sixties and before, and never was it a day at the beach! Sometime Thom Hartmann sounds a slightly more radical tone, as if the inescapable heaviness and REALness of it all (the fierce, palpable consequences of the right's surge) were getting to him. But he always goes back to his unshakeable faith that the Democrats, no matter how or how often they demonstrate their loyalty to the one percent, represent our ultimate deliverance. Thom, the best we can hope for from them is that if and when people do pull it together and mount aware, focused, and powerful popular pressure on each "half" of the "business party", it will be the Democrats who will sprint to the head of the popular parade, espousing their loyalty, all the better to get back their grip on the machinery of history and sell us out all over again.

Larry • 10 years ago

Of course Thom Hartmann goes back to his "unshakeable faith" in the Democrats. He realized that there are no Greens with a seat in the House or Senate. Only two senators are Independents, and guess what? Kind and Sanders both "caucus" with the Democrats. If there is a political party that will increase the minimum wage, it's the Democrats. If there's a political party that will, firstly, vote for single payer in the states, and possibly later in DC, it's the Democrats. It's the Rethuglicans who will vote, at the state level, to take away your right to vote, take away your right to have birth control, let alone an abortion, and take your "freedom" away to live with a peace of mind knowing you might qualify for Medicaid or get your SSI checks in the mail. Until a Democrat is actually against SSI, Medicare, and the minimum wage, which is what the Rethugs and Baggers want, then you might have a point that Democrats are sell outs. No one Democrat is in that camp, and will never be in that camp of those on the right and far right who want to either privatize what is public, or get rid of it totally and tell you and me and everyone else in the 99% that you are totally on your own, and if you are broke and homeless and without health insurance at age 80, go die in the gutter fool!
Sure, there's plenty of DINOs, like Feinstein and Baucus (no longer in the Senate), who vote for trade agreements or for less regulations on banks. But they aren't going to give in to the Teapublican wet dreams of privatizing SSI or Medicare, or otherwise dismantling social programs.

Kevin Schmidt • 10 years ago

Strange, since Reagan was selected, I distinctly remember the reduction of SSI benefits and the dismantling of social programs under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

Larry • 10 years ago

Senator King of Maine is who I was referring.

Chris Herz • 10 years ago

From the start Mr Obama understood his job as the protection of the financial mafiosi. I deeply resent people trying to paint the man as some sort of opponent of economic royalism. He and his party decisively reject the New Deal and the vision of FDR.

Mountain • 10 years ago

Considering the 'financial mafiosi' gave something like $30 million directly to Obama's 2008 campaign, its hardly a surprise that he understood from the beginning that his job was to serve and protect the very same people who had just made him President. That would have to be presumed to have been part of the agreed upon deal before he ever got the campaign cash.

The mystery is why on earth people voted for him thinking he'd do anything else. The money behind him and where it was coming from was mostly known long before the election.

inoilfieldhell • 10 years ago

That is what it is, a protection/extortion racket, where the Republicans are the extorting inforcers and the Democrats are the protection collectors, all working for the Godfather, Wall Street. Mainstreet is being robbed blind by this crime syndicate, just as surely as if the Mafia came to town.

Kevin Schmidt • 10 years ago

The Mafia did come to town. Then they went legit, which is why our government and Wall Street behave like gangsters.

Larry • 10 years ago

So, you would rather that McCain and Palin won? Give me a break. McCain would never have gotten through an ACA, so it would still be deny, drop, and cap. There would be no Frank-Dodd, which brought back 1/5 of Glass Steagall. Better something than nothing.

chetdude • 10 years ago

They were NOT the only other choice...

Guest • 10 years ago

Dodd-Frank still isn't in force and Obama's TPP/TTIP negotiations, in 100% secrecy, without Congressional input, will make Dodd-Frank obsolete before implementation.

Kevin Schmidt • 10 years ago

On the other hand, there might not be a unitary executive power that allows the pResident to designate any US citizen a domestic terrorist, seize all of his assets and throw him in prison without a day in court, and assassinate him without a fair trial. But don't worry, Obama is not that evil because he only did it twice... that we know of.

By the way, Clinton was the pResident, along with a Republican Congress, who did away with Glass Steagall and brought in NAFTA.

Nothing happens in DC without bipartisan support from both sides of the DUHopoly aisle.

The sword of evil false choices cuts equally both ways.