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I work for NCR and from what I've seen about Bitcoiners, the last thing in this world that they would be able to recognize would be a real ATM machine. My first impression is I'm thinking at best this will get the company a few small service contracts for a few bitcoin vending machines that pretend to be ATM machines.
NCR ATMs already support postage stamps and gift cards in addition to real money. It would be almost effortless to add the additional functionality of bitcoin. This move would take over the space and put all the shady bitcoin equipment manufacturers on their heels.
My question remains: Who is the cash in transit service that buys bitcoins from the ATM owner?
Also, how does the ATM owner stop people from from standing outside the walk up and publicly accessible drive up ATMs? What is there to stop people from cutting to the front of the line to sell their bitcoins at a slightly lower markup than the ATM owner is charging? Typically, ATM customers do not like to be approached by people selling things. Because of this, bitcoin cannot go everywhere an ATM can go. It must be placed in a small business environment where the owner has the right to stop that activity from going on in his place of business.
Once NCR ATMs support Bitcoin, it would be almost nothing to convert it to any altcoin that competes against Bitcoin and this effect would make it less dominant. For example, a real ATM placed at a golf tournament could have the bitcoin taken off it and MurrayCoin, instead.
Also, you should know that thermal paper wallets don't hold the image forever.
Funny I thought you were the famous bitcoin Troll Neal Palmquist and now you are actually saying some sensible stuff about bitcoin instead of just writing it off and calling everybody fools for believing in this technology because the largest cash register company in the world is now going to begin integration , who you just happen to work for.
IBM already have massive plans for bitcoin , the reason being the hash rate , bitcoin's hash rate gives it's blockchain the highest level of security of any crypto coin , so to answer your question they will not be using any of these Alt coins (yet) because none of them offer anywhere near the level of security that the bitcoin blockchain can offer.
"It would be almost effortless to add the additional functionality of bitcoin."
-Great point! Now, let's contrast that with the time and expense associated with changes to credit card processing standards.
Does anybody know if this is a global network of POS/ATM devices or is it US-centric as usual?
Great news either way, adds legitimacy, knowledge and accessibility to Bitcoin.
Whoever has the desire to have this technology developed for use in their country can have this work done for them, I'm sure. NCR is global. So it is no problem outside the United States.
Looks like US only, but it makes sense. They're testing it on a small scale.
This is so cool it's not even funny!
Integrating in POS machines? This is an unexpected openness. Sounds good for bitcoin.
Wow, this actually is huge.
Argass! ARGASS!!! when need Argass to comment...Way too much positivity here, could take away from some balanced skepticism.
whoopee !! (there you go!!) I don't know how that "Argass" is but I am sure he is almost as awesome as I am.
this is huge news... how is the price of bitcoin not jumping on this?? If this had been announced 9 months ago.. price would have jumped 200 $. or like 20%
guess we got a delayed jump... yesterday the price jumped about 21% :)
how does this work? they don't mention integration with a bitcoin payment processor (e.g. bitpay). has NCR built the bitcion payment processing into the POS device themselves? if so, how does the merchant setup and use this device? Maybe they somehow just configure and connect it to a bitcoin wallet of their own (e.g. Armory, Bitgo, etc.) and they're ready to go...?
This is an announcement, not a user guide ;)
info is on the NCR site: After registering with a bitcoin processor, all merchants have to do is activate bitcoin as a payment option in the POS back office within NCR Silver.
The merchant likely already has a service contract with NCR.
Anything to circumvent the US dollar is great!
By "circumvent" you must mean "trick people out of"
I'm still not buying it. not one "bit"
you think this whole bitcoin thing is a bit of a botcon?
this is a huge news
Guys if you do not know who the hell is NCR then you know nothing about the payments networks .
NCR is the Most popular payment networks for POS and ATMs maybe if you cross your street you will find NCR ATM or a big supermarket with NCR POS .
and yes they are testing the deep bitcoin with i feet now